urgent help should i cut the lower branchs


Well-Known Member
Pound every 3 weeks ?
A thread explaining a perpetual grow started this lunatic on a rant about how much it was bullshit because he didnt read it correctly and understand. Not positive if same dude but clearly someone who hates fdd lol


Well-Known Member
A thread explaining a perpetual grow started this lunatic on a rant about how much it was bullshit because he didnt read it correctly and understand. Not positive if same dude but clearly someone who hates fdd lol
no doubt I will be spammed soon, reminds me of IRC


Well-Known Member
erm fook me

i need to say a big fat sorry for my little rant bout my plant nearly diein its bonced back stronger than ever
i gave it some vit b thingy for the stress
will have pix up 2mo hopefully
was just really really stressed
my plant is 4ftx4ft
its in a aqua farm under a 400watt hps have no fresh air in or out cant afford it so i use i co2 fire extinguser once a day
im useing canna aqua flores part a and b
canna boost and rhizatonic iv got canna pk 13/14

this is my first grow and im just a bit attacted to my plant seems like i have a bound with my baby

pix will be up 2mo most def just gotta get a data cable for my phone to try and get the pix up since going to windows 7 my card reader aint workin

im sorry for spitting my dummy over advice which as worked out fine just didnt give it chance
once again sorrrrrrrrrrrry


Well-Known Member
a fire ext.? For 1 plant you don't need to worry about co2, you DO need to vent air in atleast, otherwise your looking at other problems like MOLD.
Also what temps you got? You may have a heat issue going on.

What is your light cycle?


Well-Known Member
erm fook me

i need to say a big fat sorry for my little rant bout my plant nearly diein its bonced back stronger than ever
i gave it some vit b thingy for the stress
will have pix up 2mo hopefully
was just really really stressed
my plant is 4ftx4ft
its in a aqua farm under a 400watt hps have no fresh air in or out cant afford it so i use i co2 fire extinguser once a day
im useing canna aqua flores part a and b
canna boost and rhizatonic iv got canna pk 13/14

this is my first grow and im just a bit attacted to my plant seems like i have a bound with my baby

pix will be up 2mo most def just gotta get a data cable for my phone to try and get the pix up since going to windows 7 my card reader aint workin

im sorry for spitting my dummy over advice which as worked out fine just didnt give it chance
once again sorrrrrrrrrrrry
Sounds like its back on track show some pics when those cola's start swelling up

good luck


Well-Known Member
its about 80 f ish 26 c light and bout 72f 74f 22c in the dark i have a osolating fan goin 24/7 except when i blast the co2
cycle is 12/12 but the plants still growing only hav like 1 to 2 inchs left to move the light up till its completely on the ceiling will it stop growing or wot

its like 13 14 days into flower


Well-Known Member
i also put a small heater in there cause the temp was dropping really low a night its on a timer comes on 5mins every hour only on the night cycle though


Well-Known Member
its about 80 f ish 26 c light and bout 72f 74f 22c in the dark i have a osolating fan goin 24/7 except when i blast the co2
cycle is 12/12 but the plants still growing only hav like 1 to 2 inchs left to move the light up till its completely on the ceiling will it stop growing or wot

its like 13 14 days into flower
Ok yeah fan is good, you prob dont need to fool with the fire ext seriously, especially for 1 plant and all, I have several in a small closet and have very little vent (this is where I start of seedlings that get 24/0 for the first 4 weeks).
Weed loves 75-78 for the sweet spot, 80's wont stress it much unless its the upper 80s most of the time. mine cruises at 84-86 at worst times and then ill kick the ac on if its really needed.

Anyways back to your deal
umm yeah you got more growth to go
given decent veg conditions plants will explode during flower 1-3 times their size, so a 4' plant can easily hit 7-9' mark if it's genes let it get that high.
Plan on 6-7 at bare min unless you got a auto strain/low riyder. (you did say it was 4' tall right?)
At any rate it's gonna grow alot more than 2 inches bud
you man need to bend that bitch over, it would get better light anyway


Well-Known Member
o the light is roughly 20inch away from the top of the plant
What kinda reflector you using?

i also put a small heater in there cause the temp was dropping really low a night its on a timer comes on 5mins every hour only on the night cycle though
How low? I mean basicaly what your looking for is no lower than a 15 degree drop, if it's the 60s they wont mind either (mind do lately, and some strains like it that way)
but if it got to 60 and lower i would def warm it up to 65

If it's not getting that cold, your pretty much wasting your cash there.


Well-Known Member
its a cronic plant well thats wot i was told any how read there ment to be short and bushy mine more like a fookin chritmas tree ye it was 4ft last time i checked but moved the light up bout 10inch since then gonna take the heater out 2mo see wot the lowest temp gets to and hit ya back on that one sure it was like 19 20c which is 63f ish but its gettin colder round my way

the reflecter erm its white and its like a double arch thingy bit like a fat ass


Well-Known Member
been reading that co2 can double ya bud size tough and i cant afford a co2 set up so a fire extinguser was the next best thing


If your wanting to cut off the lower branches do it 2 weeks before the plant enters 12/12. this is due to healing time and stress.
You should be bending your plants so that you end up with a flat canopy of buds by the 3rd week of 12/12. This is achieved by bending, use wire if needed be to spread those brances. This will give you the best route to ultimate yeild. which should be 6-8 oz with a 400w HPS.


Well-Known Member
i dont think il get 6oz think bout 4oz will be the limit m8 im gonna have to try and bend it its getting way to big


Well-Known Member
i dont think il get 6oz think bout 4oz will be the limit m8 im gonna have to try and bend it its getting way to big
You might nail 5-6ish who knows, I was gettin over a QP outta some bag seeds under CFLs before I got my HPSs so it's very possible if it's a good strain.

yeah just watch your temps, I forget everyone doesnt have my climate, it gets cold here but so far not enuf for a heater and I just imagine with your home unit or whatever that it would b ok, but yeah if your room is gettin to 63 I would bump it up to 68 each heater cycle.


Well-Known Member
I was just fucking with you greenguy :)

# of posts doesn't quantify experience by any means, but going by 1 posters recommendation without much other research is just plain stupid.

I don't expect anyone to take advice from me, I am by no means the most experienced grower, I don't mean to come off as such either. If you never take one piece of advice from me it won't have an effect on me. There is more good advice here than bad in a many cases, be careful who you listen to. Research the ideas you get from people here. Nothing is fool proof.

I'm not the one dolling out advice...or asking for it without pictures.

I'll let my grows speak for themselves...if u want to talk you know where to find me.