Here we go again!


New Member
I agree, wait it out till the micro shows up and then do a res change with the micro at 1/2 rate to start and then the rest of the dose a day or two later. Without the micro you are bound to have some deficiencies and the are just showing up now because your plant has grown to the stage it has and it has increased needs.


Active Member
I agree, wait it out till the micro shows up and then do a res change with the micro at 1/2 rate to start and then the rest of the dose a day or two later. Without the micro you are bound to have some deficiencies and the are just showing up now because your plant has grown to the stage it has and it has increased needs.
Thanks man! I'm seeing a little more of that slimy buildup on the roots though, what is the cause of that?? I'm trying to nip it in the bud, no pun intended!


Well-Known Member
Drab, I figured I should step on into your journal to help you out.

You're using GH Flora series, this I know. Which is what I use also.

Now that you've given your root zone a good clean double-rez change, now to mix your nutes...

Remember GH's easy Gro-Micro-Bloom formulas... 1-1-1 for seedlings, 3-2-1 for veg, 2-2-2 for transition to flower, and 1-2-3 for flowering.

It doesn't matter size measure you are using so long as you use the same measure. For example... if you use a teaspoon to measure, use it for all three. For veg you would start with 2tsp/gallon of micro, then add 1 tsp/gallon of Gro, then add 3 tsp/gallon of bloom. You can replace the teaspoon with whatever size measure you wish, just keep the ratios the same.

And don't go past the manufacturer's suggestions unless you have a ppm meter, and then only do it incrementally.


Active Member
Hey DD, i'm not sure I understand. Do you use 3-2-1 for veg in the order of Grow, micro, bloom? or 3-2-2 in the order of bloom, micro, grow? I use Gh nutes and have tried a few different formulas, including lucas, and didn't like any of them too much. For the moment, i'm doing something like 1-2-2 in veg with cal mag and superthrive.


Well-Known Member
Hey DD, i'm not sure I understand. Do you use 3-2-1 for veg in the order of Grow, micro, bloom? or 3-2-2 in the order of bloom, micro, grow? I use Gh nutes and have tried a few different formulas, including lucas, and didn't like any of them too much. For the moment, i'm doing something like 1-2-2 in veg with cal mag and superthrive.
The formula is always Gro-Micro-Bloom.

So yes, for veg it would be 3-2-1, or 3 parts Gro, 2 parts Micro, and 1 part Bloom. 3-2-1... see?

Flowering is 1-2-3, or 1 part Gro, 2 parts Micro, and 3 parts Bloom.

Just remember to always add your Micro to the water first to prevent nutrient lock.


Active Member
thanx, DD. I always thought that the grow and micro would have too much N combined to use at those ratios. I'm gonna try it out at a 3mil per gal mix and see if your method works better than mine has..


Active Member
Just remember to always add your Micro to the water first to prevent nutrient lock.

What's the significance of this?? I don't think I added my micro first. Woke up to high res temps and MORE snot today. This is killing me. I know there was two tablespoons of H2O2 per gallon in there and I only changed it out two days ago


Well-Known Member
What's the significance of this?? I don't think I added my micro first. Woke up to high res temps and MORE snot today. This is killing me. I know there was two tablespoons of H2O2 per gallon in there and I only changed it out two days ago
It says to add the Micro first on the bottle. So I'd go ahead and listen to the people that make it.

Drab... I hate to say it, but if you can't keep your water temps down, you're going to get root rot even if you add 4 gallons of h202 to your rez daily.


Active Member
It says to add the Micro first on the bottle. So I'd go ahead and listen to the people that make it.

Drab... I hate to say it, but if you can't keep your water temps down, you're going to get root rot even if you add 4 gallons of h202 to your rez daily.
I know. :cry:


Active Member
What about insulation?? or that stuff they use to make the foam sleeves to keep your beer cold... or sticking it in a larger container and filling that with cold water replaced daily/hourly, whatever works, I just don't think it's a good idea to keep putting ice bottles in there, I don't even want to stick my hands in there anymore, I gotta get that snot outta there


Active Member
Hey Drab, hows your room? If you can get ambient temps down, the res remps will follow. You can try more fans, or insulating your res can help as well, but you should really focus on your ambient temps to solve your problem. That was the only way I was able to fix it in my grow. =)


Active Member
Maybe bubbleponics/DWC just isn't for you?
That's discouraging... I'm putting a lot of work into it

Hey Drab, hows your room? If you can get ambient temps down, the res remps will follow. You can try more fans, or insulating your res can help as well, but you should really focus on your ambient temps to solve your problem. That was the only way I was able to fix it in my grow. =)
I'm using ice bottles right now and I feel like going in and out of there so often can't be good, so I'd really like to figure out a way to insulate the res to keep the temp more stable. The ambient temp is higher now that I've installed a grow box, I think I'll take them out for a few days and see if I can keep the res temps cooler.

Just did a res change. Here is what I did exactly.

Took the girls out and cut off the slimy roots, this is third or fourth time I've cut roots away. Dunked the cups in some ph water to get excess debris away and then let them air dry for a bit while I mixed the nutrients.

After rinsing my tank I filled a gallon jug half full and added a gallon's dose of micro, then filled the gallon and added a gallon's dose of gro, shook it up and put it in the res. Did this four times.

Soaked my air stones for a while in some plain ph water , had the pump running. Put the air stones back in the res once my nutrients were in there, let it run for a few minutes.

Added h2o2, eight tablespoons for my four gallons, straight into the res and allowed the air stones to churn the water for a while. After a few minutes I Ph tested the water and adjusted, waited a while and tested again. Put my lid with cups back on and back in the box.



Well-Known Member
That's discouraging... I'm putting a lot of work into it
Look, drab, I'm not trying to be negative. But temperature control of your reservoir is one of the most basic and critical things in DWC/Bubbleponics. I'm not saying you aren't capable. Perhaps your grow space is not conducive to the method.

From what I have gathered through pics you have that bucket in a very confined space. A little more room for airflow would help dramatically with rez temps.

But you also say that water temps aren't getting much higher than 75F, correct?

Also I remember you saying that you were mistaking Tablespoons for teaspoons when mixing nutrients. If you did that and fed them at a rate of tablespoons/gallon and not teaspoons/gallon you gave them 3x the recommended dosage. I overfed mine really bad one day, over 3500ppm. My rez turned into snot as well and temps were never high in there.

I think your plants may have to be discarded. Your last resort is to trim away a good portion of the roots and hope for new growth. I had to do that with mine, one of them didn't make it.