This just makes me so angry... above the influence

The Happy Camper

Active Member

This site is trash. I understand how theyre only trying to save the youth and keep them "drug free" and thats great, KIDS shouldnt do drugs. But this site makes the stoner, pot head, whatever some one who uses weed look absolutely retarded. And it pisses me off the bad name they are helping give to people who use marijuana. For example, the little polls scattered throughout the site annoy the shit outta me. The one question was like "why do you think teens use marijuana?" the three answers all were completely biased (the entire site is), 1. they think its cool. 2. they wanna fit in. 3. some bullshit answer like the other 2...

Where's answer 4?! They do it because it's their choice, not that of peer pressure or thoughts they'll become more popular if they do it. Watch the 'Stoners in the Mist' video, and tell me if you at all feel offended as i did? They refer to people who use mj as "Baffling Stoners" WTF is so baffling about it? read the parts about a stoners social life, they seem to portray a stoner as some one whos very dependent and anti-social and they make them seem like complete losers!

You've seen the above the influence commercials, (I wonder why they only do Above the Influence commercials on pot and not alcohol or worse?) theyre always worth a good laugh, the only people they are actually getting to are parents with their completely bias BS. Their website doesnt even have a forum (that i could find) so i cant rant their unfortunately.

Read the 'Words' and watch the confession type videos about stoners, these people cant actually be serious... "He did pot alot and i thought i'd never get him back" Back from what?! The non addictive plant?

Point of all this ranting is... I HATE the stereotypical view on people who use marijuana. dont you?

freedom wooooo bongsmilie

"baffling stoner"
lol wtf....


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I laughed at most of it, like a parody of sorts. I don't really mind, even if it was intended to make us look stupid and retarded.
Anybody who actually takes that site seriously can keep that opinion for all I care, it holds no worth or value let alone credibility.
Just laugh at the jokes for what they really are, and pass it off as yet another failed attempt on whomevers part it was/is/going to be.
Swing and a miss.


Well-Known Member
"The Government Accountability Office recently released the results of a five-year study showing federal ad campaigns targeting teenage drug use did little more than waste $1.2 billion, and similar evaluations going back to 1998 also concluded little to no positive reaction to these programs. Furthermore, the report found "greater exposure to the campaign was associated with weaker anti-drug norms and increases in the perceptions that others use marijuana." In other words, teenagers viewed the increased media exposure to marijuana as a cue to try pot for themselves.

The GAO submitted their findings in August 2006. What was the eventual reaction from the Bush administration? Increase funding to $130 million over the next year. Yes, that's right – the White House and the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which oversees Above the Influence, are pursuing further funding for a program statistically proven to be a money pit."


Well-Known Member
wow/ the entire flash program is full of shit. I generally feel anxious without mj. Most of the time i smoke before i go to class i smoke while i study, etc and none of these have effected my GPA negatively. in fact if it were not for marijuana i would be on some sort of other priscribed pill just to make a presentation to my classes of 100+ students. its not fair that productive people are thrown into this category. What about micheal phelps eh? I can run a mile, swim a 200 meter, and have fully functional mental capicities. meanwhile i smoke everyday multiple times daily. It's all about the attitude of the smoker. like happy said its all about the person who uses any substance be it alcohol methamphetimine etc. all of these can have a benifit if used properly with the proper attitude towards consumption.
I personally am proud to admit that i smoke a six pack a day rather than drink one!!!!


Well-Known Member
propeganda i say!!! and poor at that. take a look at the section about teen drivers. haha they load up each question to touch the hot topic of the month. Once again happy is right. the only feasible answer is that this site is aimed at the ignorant parent that apparently cant use common sense to raise their child with morals and values and teach them to truly internalize the societies norms. IMO character starts with a good conscience and recognizing that other people's lives are just as valuble as your own. It makes me want to set a few people straight. and its not like im adocating censorship or suggesting that you shelter your children but the least you can do is instill the proper ideals in your offspring... even rats do it...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I like the one where they say if you smoke pot you'll suck at halo. I was so much better at halo high.


Active Member
i think its great its realy the only thing they have for the cons of smoking. if you have seen The Union, above the influence dont mean shit


Well-Known Member
I just sat down and watched all of the videos. These guys can't get their shit straight.

They call it a documentary when it should be labeled a "Mockumenatary." They are not documenting anything.

In the "Activities and Lifestyle" section they only put a beacon on one stoner but when they are looking at activity there are two blips on the screen.

Just seems to me that you might want to pay attention to details if you are going to insult the intelligence of a whole group of Americans.


New Member
I hate that my tax dollars are going to fund that shit.

FWIW, the first time I knew I wanted to try marijuana was in DARE class.


Well-Known Member
I hate that my tax dollars are going to fund that shit.

FWIW, the first time I knew I wanted to try marijuana was in DARE class.
That's the worst part.
millions of our dollars paid for that shit. If it was privately funded then I would think that was halarious. Here I was thinkin weed was illegal to make money, then I see all the cash sunk into something completely useless like this.