Chance of customs opening package?


Well-Known Member
Its completely random unless you buy a bunch at one time and the package makes a rattling sound or something that would make them wanna check, in most cases it'll pass through just w/o any worries.


Well-Known Member
No worrys. It's a small package. They are not looking for seeds. Come on man there is some dangerous stuff trying to get through costums, and beans are not it.


Well-Known Member
I guess in your eyes it is being you lost a package. Thats too bad.

Indeed lol, he's not taking into consideration that maybe he might of ordered more seeds then he should of or maybe just maybe he ordered from a company that was being watched or something else for that matter. Theres too many possibilities to sum it up like he thinks, not miss info at all, just bitterness on his part.


Well-Known Member
Indeed lol, he's not taking into consideration that maybe he might of ordered more seeds then he should of or maybe just maybe he ordered from a company that was being watched or something else for that matter. Theres too many possibilities to sum it up like he thinks, not miss info at all, just bitterness on his part.
Yeah I feel ya.
I never had a problem. I just don't sweat the small stuff.


Well-Known Member
since there's one stat going, 1 out of 7 pinched, i'll add mine in
4 out 4 orders came through for me this year, so that's 1 out of 11 by our 'scientific' poll


Well-Known Member
Let me clear this up~ What I am saying is what I always say, there are very bad things coming through customs and seeds are not on the "priority" list.
yeah they opened your package, probally came from a hot spot. I am sure they where dissapointed that it was only seeds and not Narcotics.


Well-Known Member

jeff the fact is they do look for seeds ,the post said they don't that is miss information plain and simple
you still crying bro?

If they were LOOKING for seeds, they would examin every package and open them to make sure seeds were not being transported. Customs looks for anything suspicious, since you like showing off that letter you should try reading it and the fact THAT THEY DONT MENTION SEEDS. They mention Marijuana but not Marijuana seeds, so try to be less ignorant your ruining my sunday afternoon :finger: plain and simple...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
fucking kids...i would say the etc... at the end of description of controlled substance pretty much covers everything including seeds ,tool