When should I flush my plants?

I am using the fox farms trio. I am also using fox farms ocean forest soil. I have been using nutes since second week of veg. I vegged for 6 weeks and am in my second week of flower. I was told that I should flush every three weeks. That sounds a bit excessive. Should I flush that often? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Will also give positive rep.
im not sure but i heard to flush the last two weeks before harvest. there may be a better method but idk.
I am using the fox farms trio. I am also using fox farms ocean forest soil. I have been using nutes since second week of veg. I vegged for 6 weeks and am in my second week of flower. I was told that I should flush every three weeks. That sounds a bit excessive. Should I flush that often? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Will also give positive rep.
There is no reason to flush if your using foxfarm. Flushing is for chemical growers.:leaf:
Ive grown afew n d green house soil like!, er i let um dry out abit on the 5th week, then water with plain water n a tiny bit ov washing up liquid, that breaks in to dry spot on soil n helps wash impurities out ov the soil, then water with just plain water from then on let it go dry 3 days b4 u crop, drys quicker then!
Whateverone- What should my flushing schedule be. You sound like you know what your talking about. How often do you flush your plants? I am new to this and any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
dude do some research. Google is you're friend.

You dont have a "flushing" schedule. You flush the last 1-2 weeks before you harvest. And if you are using fox-farm you still DO need to flush unlike what that idiot up there said. Because TigerBloom is not 100% organic. And even still I would still flush.
With using Fox Farm, you WILL need to flush from time to time. There is no set schedule other than 1-2 weeks of straight water right before harvest. Your plants will let you know when you need to flush otherwise. If you see your plants are starting to burn at the edges of the leaves from overfeeding then you should flush. Dont overdo it though. Only when needed.
i dont think you want to completely flush your soil throughout your grow , you may just want to water until you get runoff @ 10% ..and thats to keep the salts from building up too much..
I am using the fox farms trio. I am also using fox farms ocean forest soil. I have been using nutes since second week of veg. I vegged for 6 weeks and am in my second week of flower. I was told that I should flush every three weeks. That sounds a bit excessive. Should I flush that often? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Will also give positive rep.

I would flush your veg nutes now, and start your flowering nutes @ 1/2 strength.

But A lot depends on how much fertilizer and toxic salt buildup you have in your soil, so a lot depends on your watering and fertilizing routine.

If you water enough to flush the pot then flushing may not be necessary, but if water doesn't flush out of the bottom of the pot when you water, you should probably flush.