the closer you get.... the light only gets brighter...... once you find your nitch..... stay for awhile and explore the beautiful perspective of your exposure before moving on..... once you capture the essence of the moment carry it forever with you..... the light is but the center of a spiral of a fractal floating in front of us, constantly moving so our views are shifted, and those moments where we see into the center, and clearly understand the reality of the frame, are the moments of providence we hold dear..... carrying and stacking the essence of each moment, one upon the other, we build our lives, we grow, our plants grow, and while we are stoned we can hold onto those frames that second longer, we can see around the spirals to understand that it is merely our perceptions themselves that create the realization of the presence of life, we can see the foolishness of our mere attempt to obtain the truth in our understanding of our perceptions, and we can let go long enough to truly BE part of that spiral, only to come down once again, viewing from the inside, rather than the outside, wondering about the light, lost in our conceptual civilizations.....