Iran Update...

New Iranian missiles for Gaza, Syria tops up Hizballah's rocket stocks

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
October 20, 2009, 9:29 PM (GMT+02:00)
Iran's Fajr-5 could hit Tel Aviv from Gaza

Iran is making a huge effort to smuggle to the Palestinian Hamas Fajr-5 ground-to-ground rockets that bring Tel Aviv within range of the Gaza Strip. DEBKAfile's military sources also disclose that Syria, Iran's second ally with an Israeli border, has decided to transfer one-third of its missile stockpile to the Hizballah in Lebanon, topping up its arsenal with medium-range rockets that can cover central as well as northern Israel, which was heavily blitzed in the 2006 war.
Israel's top strategists are studying these massive missile transfers to hostile entities to find answers to a number of key questions:
1. Syria has destined some 250 surface missiles of its stockpile of 800 for Hizballah. Are they Scuds B, C and D whose ranges exceed 800 kilometers, or Iranian-Syrian made projectiles whose range is shorter?
2. Do the transfers mean Iran and its allies are gearing up for a major Middle East conflict in the months ahead, possibly in early 2010?
3. Will Syria hand over to Hizballah some of its chemicals-tipped missiles?
4. Will some batteries be installed atop the mountain ranges running down central Lebanon, together with air defense systems supplied at the same time by Syria?
Israel is particularly concerned by the Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt's recent decision to turn coat against the pro-Western camp led by Saad Hariri in favor of deals with Tehran and Damascus.
Incorporated in these under-the-counter deals are secret military clauses which permit Hizballah to deploy its missiles on highlands of his Druze fief. Israel would think twice at least before attacking areas populated by Druze villages.
In the south, Iran's Revolutionary Guards terrorist arm, the Al Qods Brigades, its bending all its smuggling resources to getting the Fajr-5 missiles into the Gaza Strip, thereby extending Hamas' rocket range to 75 kilometers and central Israel.
According to our intelligence sources, the rockets are traveling by sea from Iran to Hamas training bases in Sudan, dismantled into 8-10 segments , transported to the northern shores of the Gulf of Suez and unloaded in Sinai. From there the segments move through tunnels into the Gaza Strip.
Military sources wonder what the Netanyahu government is doing to halt the missile stranglehold tightening around Israel. Nothing is apparent as yet.

While your busy with Iran CJ, check out what Israels got goin' on.
Of course the difference is, as I have already stated, Israel is a mature democratic nation. Iran is not. North Korea is not.

Think if Iran had nukes and they were attacked continually on their borders... don't think they wouldn't use them? It's a difference of leadership and culture. jews don't have a blood grudge against anyone at all. Iran does. North Korea does.

Think Iran wouldn't threaten it's neighbors at the very least with the nukes? Israel hasn't, not once.

There is no comparison and Israel, no matter what, is not a justification for Iran to have them.
Diplomatic Rubes

Posted 10/30/2009 07:45 PM ET

Iran Nukes: The mullahs ruling Islamofascist Iran are having a fine laugh at the easily beguiled infidels running U.S. foreign policy. First they agree to a nuclear "diplomatic breakthrough." Then they say no.
The week before last, when Iran's negotiators agreed to send most of its enriched uranium out of the country, diplomats in the U.S. and Europe were popping the champagne corks.
But last week Iranian officials backtracked on the agreement reached in Vienna to send three-quarters of its nuclear material to Russia for processing, after which it would be returned. Some 2,600 pounds of uranium was to be shipped by mid-January.
The pact was supposed to give the U.S. a year of extra time to work its negotiating magic on the Islamist terror state, as well as hold off an attack by Israel on Iran's nuclear facilities.
In 1981, out of self defense, the Jewish state successfully used F-16s to bomb Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor.
On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used a meeting with U.S. Mideast envoy George Mitchell to endorse, albeit cautiously, the agreement the U.S. thought it had, apparently in an attempt to be seen as part of a united international front opposing Iran rather than a hawkish outsider.
The International Atomic Energy Agency head, Mohamed ElBaradei, with little time left in his tenure, reportedly came secretly to Washington to "talk about what to do" if the deal with Iran failed, several American officials told the New York Times.
Iran now wants to keep its uranium until it gets fuel from the West. And this change of mind comes right after dubiously re-elected Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared: "We welcome cooperation on nuclear fuel, power plants and technology, and we are ready to cooperate."
While he was at it, Ahmadinejad last Thursday said he expected recompense for the more than $1 billion Iran spent helping build a French reactor under the Shah, and for which Iran was supposed to get access to nuclear fuel.
Even if the Vienna deal had stuck, it makes a mockery of three U.N. Security Council declarations by legitimizing Tehran's violations of the U.N. and allowing this fanatical, terrorist-supporting regime to continue its "peaceful" nuclear program.
The Senate Banking Committee on Thursday gave the go-ahead for stronger sanctions against Iran, following similar action by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and banning most trade with the regime.
How can a theocratic government with a stone-age worldview take the most sophisticated, modern, industrialized nation in the world for a ride, as if we just fell off the turnip truck?
Because those who run Iran realize they are engaged in a global war. Those who now run American foreign policy, on the other hand, think "war on terror" is passe. Peace must be given a chance first, they think. And "yes, we can" make it work, without firing a shot. Hope will triumph.
Sounds nice, doesn't it? But it is the naivete of Neville Chamberlain and the piece of paper he waved bearing Hitler's autograph.
Iran Calls for Panel to Review Nuclear Deal

Sunday, November 01, 2009

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Iran said Monday it wants a technical panel to review a U.N.-backed plan that envisages sending most of its uranium stockpile to Russia for enrichment, limiting the country's ability to make a nuclear weapon.
Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters in Kuala Lumpur on Monday that Iran conveyed its stand to the International Atomic Energy Agency two days ago. Mottaki is in Malaysia to attend a meeting of foreign ministers of eight Islamic countries.
The statement could be seen as a softening of Iran's stand after senior Iranian lawmakers rejected the plan on Saturday. Earlier last week, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also said his government will persist with its nuclear program despite international concerns.
The U.N.-brokered plan would require Iran to send about 2,600 pounds (1,200 kilograms) — or 70 percent of its low-grade uranium stockpile — to Russia in one batch by year's end for processing. Subsequently, France would convert the uranium into fuel rods that would be returned to Iran for use in a reactor in Tehran that produces medical isotopes.
"We have considered these proposals. We have some technical and economic considerations on that. Two days ago, we passed our views and observations to the IAEA, so it is very much possible to establish a technical commission in order to review and reconsider all these issues," Mottaki said.
He did not elaborate.
If Iran accepts the U.N.-backed plan, it would not be able to replenish its stockpile to levels that would again yield enough enriched uranium for further enrichment into weapons-grade material for about a year.
Since its clandestine enrichment program was revealed seven years ago, Iran has amassed more than 3,300 pounds of low-enriched uranium at its cavernous underground facility at Natanz.
It is relatively simple to turn fuel-grade uranium into weapons-grade material. The West fears Tehran wants to do just that although Ahmadinejad's government says it is not interested in nuclear arms and wants only to create fuel for a planned network of reactors.
But it will take decades before the network is in place, meaning Iran has no immediate use for the enriched uranium it has accumulated. This has led many in the West to wonder why it wants to have the stockpile now if not for other purposes.
Mottaki said Iran has three options to procure fuel for its reactor, which was launched 40 years ago. The first is to buy the fuel from other countries, the second is to enrich the uranium domestically and the third is to accept the U.N-brokered plan, he said.
Tehran says it will ship out a small amount of uranium and wait until it comes back in the form of fuel rods before exporting the next small batch. But this proposal has been rejected by the U.S. and its allies, as it would leave Tehran with enough material to turn into a fissile core of a nuclear warhead.
Asked about U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's comments that Western powers are getting impatient with Iran over the nuclear deal, Mottaki replied: "Really?"


Hahaha!!!! Iran has already figured out Obama!! :lol:

We will all pay for this.... :sad:
Obama is showing he cannot shape foreign policy through appeasement. It's already an embarrassment, but now it's getting downright dangerous.

Chavez will be working on nukes next. It's coming....
Of course the difference is, as I have already stated, Israel is a mature democratic nation. Iran is not. North Korea is not.

Think if Iran had nukes and they were attacked continually on their borders... don't think they wouldn't use them? It's a difference of leadership and culture. jews don't have a blood grudge against anyone at all. Iran does. North Korea does.

Think Iran wouldn't threaten it's neighbors at the very least with the nukes? Israel hasn't, not once.

There is no comparison and Israel, no matter what, is not a justification for Iran to have them.

Isn't the reason Israel doesn't threaten their neighbors with Nukes because nod, nod, wink, wink they "don't have any"?
Perception is reality. It's true, Israel has never hot tested their "supposed" nukes ... wink wink... A responsible owner, supposedly.
israel is a mature, democratic nation??

israel threatens its neighbors all the time with complete destruction.

it's also less than 60 years old, seething with corruption, has one of the world's most advanced armies, and has been comiting genocide against Palestinians since it was founded.

nuff said.......................................................................................................
Maybe when we stop dealing arms to the rest of the world there will be relative peace . . . but of course that would just be crazy, lets blame it on Iran instead! Then we can dodge the real issue.
For the very first time there were "counter" revolution demonstrations in the streets. "We love America" signs were displayed.....

Obama is completely ignoring them...... true leadership. Obama will become a historical figure, just not the way he intends.
Here yah go NG...... JUST HAPPENED!!

Israel Displays Huge Weapons Cache from Captured Ship By Robert Berger
05 November 2009

Israel is displaying a vast array of what it says are Iranian weapons from a ship captured on the high seas.

A port worker points at rockets seized by Israeli authorities on a ship near Cyprus, and presented in the port of the Israeli city of Ashdod, Wednesday, 4 Nov. 2009Israel has invited foreign diplomats to view the booty from a ship seized by Israeli commandos in a daring raid Wednesday near Cyprus. Officials say hundreds of tons of Iranian arms, including rockets, missiles, mortars, grenades and anti-tank weapons, were headed to the Islamic guerrilla group Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah denies the charge.

Hezbollah television said the group was not involved in the weapons shipment and it accused Israel of "piracy in international waters." State-run Iranian TV described the arms ship as "Israeli propaganda."

Israel has not provided proof of the Hezbollah link, but it displayed containers from the boat that had Iranian shipping codes in English. The military says it also found an Iranian document showing the shipment originated in Iran. The captured ship was flying an Antiguan flag.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman says these documents, as well as the route taken by the ship and interrogation of the crew, provide absolute proof of the involvement of both Iran and its proxy Hezbollah.

Interviewed on Israel Radio, Lieberman described Iran, Syria and Hezbollah as "the axis of evil" that is trying to destabilize the region.

The interception of the ship underscores growing tensions between Israel and Iran over the Islamic Republic's nuclear program. Iran says the program is for peaceful purposes, but Israel believes Teheran is building nuclear weapons that could be used against the Jewish state.

Israeli officials say the weapons shipment is a further warning to the international community to stop Iran before it is too late.