Well-Known Member
hey snail by micro fungi what do you mean? i know ej has microblast but i don't think thats microfungi, maybe it is though. hey does anyone know if this is an earth juice product? any benefits to using these? with the ej line up?
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Earth Nectar & Ambrosia
"Magnificent Mycorrhiza"
Item #: ENA405
Size: pint set
Weight: 3
Also available in pint set quart set gallon set
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Earth Friendly Selection Product Description
Two-part mycorrhizal inoculants, Earth Nectar and Earth Ambrosia, are great for soil gardening and hydroponics. When Earth Nectarcontaining the concentrated mycorrhizal culturesis mixed with Earth Ambrosiathe fuel delivery system for the active culturesthey combine to infuse the growing medium with mycorrhizal cultures resulting in stronger plants and increased crop yields. Set of two one-pint bottles.

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Earth Nectar & Ambrosia
"Magnificent Mycorrhiza"
Item #: ENA405
Size: pint set
Weight: 3
Also available in pint set quart set gallon set
Out of 1 Reviews
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Two-part mycorrhizal inoculants, Earth Nectar and Earth Ambrosia, are great for soil gardening and hydroponics. When Earth Nectarcontaining the concentrated mycorrhizal culturesis mixed with Earth Ambrosiathe fuel delivery system for the active culturesthey combine to infuse the growing medium with mycorrhizal cultures resulting in stronger plants and increased crop yields. Set of two one-pint bottles.