Indoor Soil Grow- Blueberry, O.G. Kush #18, Big Bud, Northern Lights, Chocolate Chunk


Active Member
10/16/09- One week from germ.
-pulled out 2 northern lights, 1 chocolate chunk (no growth)
- adjusted flouros (all sprouts under 8 ft cfl 4ft t8 bulbs)
- two possible retards spotted. 1 o.g #18, and 1 blueberry.

-set up flower room ventilation.
- 1 6" 440cfm fan cooling 2 1000w metal halides.
- 2 6" fans for intake and exhaust
- A/C running constantly, temps stable at low 80's
- substantial growth on the sprouts in just a few hours under the 1000s
at about 4 ft from plants.

- Transplant Day:
- Transplanted 21 healthy rooted sprouts into 3 gallon bags.
Soil/Pertlite Ratio- 2.5 gal organic soil/ .5 gal perlite.
- 4 blueberrys, 5 big buds, 8 chocolates, 2 o.g. kush, 2 N.L.s

- All plants showing new growth and no stall signs.

-Lowered lights about 2 ft. Temps still stable at low 80's.

- Began first feeding of nutrients for the 21 girls in 3 gal bags.
Nute Ratios: 1tablespn mexican guano, 1teaspn f.f. Grow Big
per 1 gallon of water. Water pHd to 6.8.
- Transplanted remaining 6 big bud, chocolate chunk and N.L. into
3 gal bags. same soil ratio.
- Began germination of 5 new Wonder Womans again.

10/24/09- Two Weeks from Planting.
- 21 girls showing no signs of over nuting.
- 6 new transplants showing new growth and no stall signs.
- No WonderWomans have popped yet.

Week 2 pics to follow......


Well-Known Member
real nice set up u got everything looks real good there except for that f'ed up kush u might as well put him out of his misery.
im planning on growin some big bud and chocolate chunk so ill be watchin real close.


Active Member
Needed to update the journal, as well as post individual pics of the girls who are all now at 3 weeks from sprout.

-Started germination of 5 last Wonder Woman seeds from Nirvana,
2nd pack.

-All plants look healthy

-Started germination of 10 last Wonder Woman seeds 3rd 10 pack.

-Plants starting to reek a little. nnniiiiiiiiiiiicccccceeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Started germination of 4 more Dutch Passion Blueberry fem.
-new 10 pack of DP Blueberry regulars on the way.
-Of 27 plants, 25 showing vigorous growth.
-1 slow Chocolate Chunk
-1 severely stunted Big Bud
-1 Blueberry halted mainline stem growth, produced new
growth from node just below it. MUTANT PLANT!!!

-Switched light cycle to 18/6 for energy cost reasons.

-3 DP Blueberry germed, 3 planted in pro-mix seed start in
pre-moistened dixie cups.
-Watered the girls today. Nuted with Fox Farm Grow Big 1 teaspoon
per gallon. All plants drank about 1/2 gallon.
- My wife uprooted the BIG BUD runt when watering it. 26 girls left
-Topped halted leaf growth on MUTANT blueberry to give more
light to new growth.

- 2 of 3 Blueberrys sprouted. day one begins for them.

- Two Wonder Womans germinated and were planted. 4 that germed
of 15 attempted the 1st go round showed no growth. see how these
2 do.

- Raised my lights- plants showing signs of heat stress.

- temps stable at low 80s from the tops of the plants
- 2 blueberry sprouts on second set of leaves
- All 25 plants really taking off. Still 1 Choc. Chunk runt though.
-O.G. Kush 18 runt pulled through- showing strong growth
-1 Blueberry getting too big. had to be tied down for more even



Well-Known Member
pic 1 is the two new DP blueberry sprouts with some sexy legs
pics 2&3 are the whole crew.
whats up bro I'm a noob and I use ff ocean forrest soil ww and tw 400watt light and have'nt got that great grow just good ones my main problem is fighting spider mitesn I want that one hit action and have'nt reach it yet any advise?


Active Member
30% isoporol alcohol, 70% water, and a couple of drops of dish soap. so roughly a quarter gallon of alcohol, 3/4 gallon water, couple drops of dish soap. this will not kill the spider mite eggs, but will take care of the mites themselves. so spray the tops and bottoms of all the leaves the first day. wait a few days later the eggs will have hatched and apply again, killing the new mites. gradually you'll be using the mixture less and less. usually in veg i like to use a fogger....just in case. usually prevents any early problems.

you can also use neem oil, i never have cause i hear it reeks like crazy.


Well-Known Member
30% isoporol alcohol, 70% water, and a couple of drops of dish soap. so roughly a quarter gallon of alcohol, 3/4 gallon water, couple drops of dish soap. this will not kill the spider mite eggs, but will take care of the mites themselves. so spray the tops and bottoms of all the leaves the first day. wait a few days later the eggs will have hatched and apply again, killing the new mites. gradually you'll be using the mixture less and less. usually in veg i like to use a fogger....just in case. usually prevents any early problems.

you can also use neem oil, i never have cause i hear it reeks like crazy.
yes neem oil stinks have you ever used azamax botanical insecticide,miticide,and nermaticide if you have'nt do you know anyting about itthey say it's azadirachtin