Is this NORML?


New Member
I saw this on the internet:

"So my friend recently got busted for possession. He had 2g on him and a rolling machine. He was also driving with a suspended license. They gave him a ticket and his court date and took the stuff.

Last night a cop shows up to my house looking for my friend. We both thought this was wierd since no one told the cop where I lived but we're assuming they just looked for his car. Anyways the cop asks for my friend and says that the arresting officer will be coming by later so my friend can sign a paper. So he comes by and my friend signs it and that's it.

But now the cop came over again tonight and asked my friend for his tickets. He said they're using a new system so he needs to take the tickets and re-issue them and he's going to be stopping by my house again tomorrow.

So what's up with this? Anyone else have the samething happen?"


So far NORML has not replied in any substantial way to W.Hippies

Don't forget it is legal for cops to lie.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I would call a Lawyer and explain the situation. If they fucked things up on the first one DO NOT LET THEM IN!! Tell them your Friend No longer stays there. If they want you to ask questions tell them to fuck off. If they want you to come down to the station tell them to fuck off. If they must have you answer questions then tell them they will have to arrest you and go through your lawyer to get ANY info. Then play Mute. Anything you say WILL be used AGAINST you. They are trying to cover their asses, if your friend signs the new tickets he will get a much worse punishment. A judge is going to throw the whole thing out of court they way they originally did it so thats why they are lying to you about the new ticket system. BTW a police Officer is legally permitted to make up any lie he wants to get you to do what he wants. Tell them to fuck off or arrest someone, DO NOT let them Coerce your friend into incriminating himself much worse that it is. the coppers will tell you they are going to arrest you and throw away the key to get you to sign, but in the end they will go home empty handed.

Have a Lawyer look at both of the sets of tickets, You Legally have the right to have a lawyer present at any kind of signing of any legal document. they cannot relieve you of that right.


Active Member
If a person make contact, tickited, and released.. THERE IS ABSOLUTLY NO REASON TO SHOW UP AT YOUR HOUSE OR YOUR FREINDS HOUSE


Well-Known Member
tell the cop your friend dosnt even live here, and if he wants to talk to him he can go by his house. tell him you dont appreciate him coming over every day for something thats not even your problem. you dont have to say any more than that, plead the fifth or play stupid if he ask where your friend is, the damn cops should be able to find him


Well-Known Member
Something doesn't sound right about this. You don't even have to open the door for the cops. If they have a warrant they are gonna kick the door in. Let them. If you are growing I would definitely be concerned about this. Somebody may have talked to the police but this is not the usual way they operate. Anyway, be careful and be polite. Whatever you don't be rude or tell them to :finger:.
Don't talk to cops.
Ditto. Keep your mouth shut. They were called pigs for a reason; the more you talk the more you help them 'dig stuff up'.

"If tyranny ever comes to your door- it will come in uniform." J. McLamb

Brown vs Texas
You are under arrest as soon as your freedom of movement is 'arrested'."

So when they come to your door- apply all your rights.
Remain silent.

Say nothing other than "you will have to ask my counsel that question in the morning. May I have a number where he can contact you?"

Watch what happens then. But say nothing from that point on. Except for ask for asking for the officers for his contact info.
But nothing more than that.


Well-Known Member
VERY sceptical!!! NO, this is FAR from normal my freind!!!! fer 1 cops dont fuck up a piss pour ticket. fer 2 if they did they SURE as hell wouldnt GO BACK to fix it, they just wouldnt show up in court! the thing i wanna ask u is did they come all the way inside, and were they on there cell phones??? and were they 'looky loes' so to speak??


Well-Known Member
I would have NEVER answered the door to begin with, that was your mistake, next time let them knock, they will fuck off after a minute.