why do you want the government?


Well-Known Member
why do you want the government to run your life. why do you want them in ever part of your life? i don't want to hear because i don't do anything wrong so i don't care. are we so lazy we cant do anything for our selves anymore. do we need them to hold our hand to go to the bathroom too. well we need them to handle the big bad corporate businesses. the ones who employ us. lets hurt them because we're to lazy to start our own business and offer better prices and better wages. i am sick and tired of being told to move some where else because i don't want the government in my life. if you do, their are other countries that offer that so you move. :finger:


Active Member
why do you want the government to run your life. why do you want them in ever part of your life? i don't want to hear because i don't do anything wrong so i don't care. are we so lazy we cant do anything for our selves anymore. do we need them to hold our hand to go to the bathroom too. well we need them to handle the big bad corporate businesses. the ones who employ us. lets hurt them because we're to lazy to start our own business and offer better prices and better wages. i am sick and tired of being told to move some where else because i don't want the government in my life. if you do, their are other countries that offer that so you move. :finger:
your view of our government seems like anarchist hyperbole. if i'm wrong then what reforms do you suggest?

and yes the whole "if you don't like america you can just giiiit out" argument is intensely annoying. i do throw it in the face of angry neocons just to watch them choke on their own hypocrisy, but its purely for fun.


Well-Known Member
why do I want the government...Are you serious or did you just need attention...

1. public schools ( I'm sure you attended one...... hopefully)
2. highway and roads ( you do drive right ???? )
3 preserves state and national parks ( my family loves to go camping in yellowstone)
4. police dept. ( you hate them until someone robs you or kicks your azz )
5. fire dept. ( The roof the roof the roof is on fire.....do you really want the mutherphucker to burn ????? )
6. Post office ( I'm sure you used this at one point of your life )
7. Military (they protect you from someone trying to attack us...maybe you should join..do something for your country)
8. public libraries ( this might be a place you have never went..you may need to try it , so you won't start threads like this)
9. FDIC ( Do you have a bank account ????? )
10. FAA ( Guess you don't like planes not crashing too )

ok thats ten just off the top of my head...now I ask you what have you done for your country besides complain ?????


Well-Known Member
i am all for the government, but not in every aspect of my life. i am for very limited government. if you want them to hand you everything that's fine their are other countries that do that. if you don't like big corporations running the government boycott them. or start your own business and compete against them. do not blame them because they started a business and moved to the top with hard work, and can now influence other ppl. that's what this country was founded on the advancement of ppl, with hard work and dedication. those of us out there that want everything handed to them hate those of us that want to work for what we have and better our selves. if you do not like your job find a new one, or start your own. if you don't like how much you make, go back to school or get an internship and work your way to the top. WE THE PEOPLE are the back bone of this great nation even though we tend to forget that.


Well-Known Member
why do I want the government...Are you serious or did you just need attention...

1. public schools ( I'm sure you attended one...... hopefully)
2. highway and roads ( you do drive right ???? )
3 preserves state and national parks ( my family loves to go camping in yellowstone)
4. police dept. ( you hate them until someone robs you or kicks your azz )
5. fire dept. ( The roof the roof the roof is on fire.....do you really want the mutherphucker to burn ????? )
6. Post office ( I'm sure you used this at one point of your life )
7. Military (they protect you from someone trying to attack us...maybe you should join..do something for your country)
8. public libraries ( this might be a place you have never went..you may need to try it , so you won't start threads like this)
9. FDIC ( Do you have a bank account ????? )
10. FAA ( Guess you don't like planes not crashing too )

ok thats ten just off the top of my head...now I ask you what have you done for your country besides complain ?????

first slow your roll man. read the post. i am asking why we need them in every part of our lives. why do we need them to solve all of our problems.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand they not in every part of my life...I don't walk around fearful of my government... I think they help more then they hurt...... Could you give me an example of them being in EVERY part of your life....are they like outside your house watching you ????? do they follow you around ???? well they did start tapping our phones with Bush I didn't like that, I guess I would have to agree if you talking about the Patriot Act Bill....


Well-Known Member
really? ok they tell us how to raise our children. they are trying to tell us what to eat. they can take our possessions at any time with out reason. they control our money. they now have control a us car company. they are going to control health care. they tell us what light bulbs to use. come on really what part of our lives are they not in?

jeff f

New Member
you libs just keep crackin me up. you throw out all the stuff you hate like the military, the cops and some other non sense dribble about publi cschools. where to start.

lets take public schools. if you have the chance you WILL send your kid to private school cuz you love them and every empirical study of data says that almost every public school is miles and miles behind private. our public schools continually rank among the worlds lowest.

lets go to the FBI next. yes, glad we have those clowns. happy to bust a medicinal grower. dont know about you but i dont want any of my cops busting a grown man for growing his own medicine. but hey, if thats what you want go ahead. if the fbi wants to concentrate on illegals and terrorists, and the mob...lets do it.

how about the roads? in case you havent noticed, almost all states are contracting out or moving that way, to build their roads and bridges. why? cuz they do it for about half the price.

military? you goofy fuckers hate the military, but its about the only govt entity that does it right. we can break more shit and fuck up more enimies than anyone on the planet. awesome!! be glad to spend more money on them.

but no, thats not really what you liberals complain about. you guys want the cops to arrest parents for fat kids. you want to sue people so we wont say the pledge of allegiance in school. you want to sue to have a cross removed from public buildins. you want to confiscate peoples hard earned money so you can spend it the way you want. you want to make me pay for some illegal to get seen at the doctor. well fuck them, let them get a job and pay for their own. the way i do.

hey libs, guess what? we aint taken it no more. watch NJ and VA today boys and girls. God bless america and its conservative public. you commie socialist bastards will soon become extinct....thank god


Well-Known Member
really? ok they tell us how to raise our children. they are trying to tell us what to eat. they can take our possessions at any time with out reason. they control our money. they now have control a us car company. they are going to control health care. they tell us what light bulbs to use. come on really what part of our lives are they not in?
OMG you are serious....
1. I have kids never been told by the government how to raise them.
2. Damn they took your possessions..meaning???? taxes????
3. They tell you want you eat or do they suggest what you need to eat to stay healthy...Check which country has the highest obesity rate might open your eyes..anyway they don't make you eat something you do not..are they telling you or making you eat $hit?????
4. They are not going to control health care you will still have a choice..Just like when you mail a package you can use USPS,UPS,or even FED EX...competition makes price go done
5. Light bulbs..really ...dude as a grower should have had switched to cfls in your home a long time ago..."Hey phuck the government they trying to make me save money by suggesting I use cfls"..dude :wall:

I thought you maybe were talking about things like the Patriot Act, but now I see you just posting just because you can..


Well-Known Member
why do I want the government...Are you serious or did you just need attention...

1. public schools ( I'm sure you attended one...... hopefully)
2. highway and roads ( you do drive right ???? )
3 preserves state and national parks ( my family loves to go camping in yellowstone)
4. police dept. ( you hate them until someone robs you or kicks your azz )
5. fire dept. ( The roof the roof the roof is on fire.....do you really want the mutherphucker to burn ????? )
6. Post office ( I'm sure you used this at one point of your life )
7. Military (they protect you from someone trying to attack us...maybe you should join..do something for your country)
8. public libraries ( this might be a place you have never went..you may need to try it , so you won't start threads like this)
9. FDIC ( Do you have a bank account ????? )
10. FAA ( Guess you don't like planes not crashing too )

ok thats ten just off the top of my head...now I ask you what have you done for your country besides complain ?????


1: The public Schools of today are far worse then the ones of yesteryear, the more government gets involved the dumber the students get.

2:Yeah they do a decent job with the roads, but cost is too high.

3: Parks? What if I own a 50,000 acre parcel and decide to make 1/2 of it a park? I don't need govt to do that. Im sure there is some law that makes govt responsible for how it operates though. Well not resposible, but the overseer.

4: Police dept. police only show up after the crime is committed. If everyone owned a firearm we would see a big reduction in property crime and wouldn't need so many cops.

5: Fire Dept, the Volunteer system works very well as is, just incorporate that idea in the cities too.

6:Post Office..Bankrupt, operates at a loss every year.

7: Military, we don't need such a huge force or so much money involved if we just protect our own and stop imperialistic wars all over the world.

8:Public Libraries, they could just charge a simple rental fee, OR they could (And Have) scanned all books and you can get them free over the net. We could live without the building that no one visits anymore.

9:FDIC that does not do its job? There should be thousands of bank failures happening right now, but since the FDIC does not do it job to shut them down, they will continue to drag the country down with them. The FDIC Is and Has been broke for months now, they are borrowing money to keep the depositors bailed out right now. Look up Sheila Bair and read about it. I don't think youll find much at the Library.

10: FAA, well they do a good job at that, I guess we can keep it. Unfortunately they are not the ones who keep the planes all lined up, thats Air Traffic Control.

So all in all the government for the most part fails.


Active Member
Just a few opinions of mine when it comes to the military and healthcare. Our military is the best because we want it to be. We spend the time and money on it. I think this is the greatest country in the world and if want to do something well....we can. We just have to want to ldo it ike our military. When it comes to health care people keep just making a point about illegals getting coverage. That is only one small part of it and they already get care... more expensive care... by using the ER as their general doctor. My main point about health care is there are many parts to it. I work for a fortune 100 company and have "good" insurance that I and my company pay a lot for. However due to red tape, profit driven mentality , and pre existing conditions I am in debt because almost all my treatment is denied. Thank god I can grow my own medicine as that does help some. I do believe we need health care reform and not just for people who don't have insurance.


Well-Known Member
OMG you are serious....
1. I have kids never been told by the government how to raise them.
2. Damn they took your possessions..meaning???? taxes????
3. They tell you want you eat or do they suggest what you need to eat to stay healthy...Check which country has the highest obesity rate might open your eyes..anyway they don't make you eat something you do not..are they telling you or making you eat $hit?????
4. They are not going to control health care you will still have a choice..Just like when you mail a package you can use USPS,UPS,or even FED EX...competition makes price go done
5. Light bulbs..really ...dude as a grower should have had switched to cfls in your home a long time ago..."Hey phuck the government they trying to make me save money by suggesting I use cfls"..dude :wall:

I thought you maybe were talking about things like the Patriot Act, but now I see you just posting just because you can..

Does the Government make laws about leaving children alone unattended? Does Govt make laws that you must feed, clothe and send your kids to school? well then they are telling you how to raise them.

You do not own anything, the government can take anything of yours it wants and all it has to do is lie about it.

Eat what you want, don't listen to the Gubbermint.

They will control healthcare and you will be taxed a shit load to pay for it. Maybe not at first, but give it a while, youll see.

CFL's do not save any energy at all if you are heating your home. Regular incandescent bulbs help to heat the home.
OMG you are serious....
1. I have kids never been told by the government how to raise them.
2. Damn they took your possessions..meaning???? taxes????
3. They tell you want you eat or do they suggest what you need to eat to stay healthy...Check which country has the highest obesity rate might open your eyes..anyway they don't make you eat something you do not..are they telling you or making you eat $hit?????
4. They are not going to control health care you will still have a choice..Just like when you mail a package you can use USPS,UPS,or even FED EX...competition makes price go done
5. Light bulbs..really ...dude as a grower should have had switched to cfls in your home a long time ago..."Hey phuck the government they trying to make me save money by suggesting I use cfls"..dude :wall:

I thought you maybe were talking about things like the Patriot Act, but now I see you just posting just because you can..
I'd say Germany but I know that Micronesia is fattest.

That general area of the world...


Well-Known Member
OMG you are serious....
1. I have kids never been told by the government how to raise them.

A) really whoop your kids in public and see how fast that changes.

2. Damn they took your possessions..meaning???? taxes????

B) once again read the post. i said they can take your possessions with out reason.

3. They tell you want you eat or do they suggest what you need to eat to stay healthy...Check which country has the highest obesity rate might open your eyes..anyway they don't make you eat something you do not..are they telling you or making you eat $hit?????

C) what state was it that schools are serving no meat on Monday's?

4. They are not going to control health care you will still have a choice..Just like when you mail a package you can use USPS,UPS,or even FED EX...competition makes price go done

D) really lol. ok if you really believe that.

5. Light bulbs..really ...dude as a grower should have had switched to cfls in your home a long time ago..."Hey phuck the government they trying to make me save money by suggesting I use cfls"..dude :wall:

E) they are so good for us even though they contain mercury. hold up doesn't that stuff kill you. i am sorry i us m/h and hps.

I thought you maybe were talking about things like the Patriot Act, but now I see you just posting just because you can..

as are you. one of the fue rights we still have. so enjoy while you can.


Well-Known Member
Does the Government make laws about leaving children alone unattended? Does Govt make laws that you must feed, clothe and send your kids to school? well then they are telling you how to raise them.

You do not own anything, the government can take anything of yours it wants and all it has to do is lie about it.

Eat what you want, don't listen to the Gubbermint.

They will control healthcare and you will be taxed a shit load to pay for it. Maybe not at first, but give it a while, youll see.

CFL's do not save any energy at all if you are heating your home. Regular incandescent bulbs help to heat the home.
Hey the Government also make murder illegal a lot of people should be very thankful for that.... are you against the government making laws that protect kids...They not telling me what to do because I would never let my kids go without...weak argument....I own my thoughts can't take that away..you can try to take my gun, but I will give you the bullets first..then whos ever left can take the gun from my dead hands....I do eat what I want......so I guess you know the future with health care ( hey tell me the lottery numbers will ya) ...but even if I had to pay a little more for someone who can't get health care ..guess what I will do ... Pay it...$hit I paid for a damn war a didn't want so at least I know that this will be for some good..who the phuck heats their home with light bulbs ???? man that's stupid.... a space heater would be much cheaper...Now if you had said that you wanted to bake a cake in a easy bake oven you would have had me...stop trying to score points with weak arguments


Well-Known Member
Does the Government make laws about leaving children alone unattended? Does Govt make laws that you must feed, clothe and send your kids to school? well then they are telling you how to raise them.
Are you seriously bitching about that?!?
You think people should be allowed to neglect children? Maybe we should allow child labor too?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm fine with other people that want government having it and paying for it. In a rational world if you leave others alone, they don't force you to belong to their "clubs". How did government acquire this power to make others comply? I didn't give them MY consent, so they must have TAKEN it by force. Or could somebody else have given them my consent, um without my consent? Either way, why can't a peaceful person opt out of government control? Sounds like slavery if you can't. Why is government afraid to let peaceful people be?

Governments kill people, extort from them, brainwash them through forced indoctrination and don't permit you to own your body or property. I'm not sure I want to join that club.
By the way...Public education is the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto....

So how 'bout somebody explain why if government is so damn good, we have to be MADE to belong?


Active Member
Libertarians have never been effective when using the argument from efficiency, though they are absolutely right in that every service the government provides could be better provided by the private sector... every single one. No exceptions.

If you claim to agree with the non-aggression principle (the initiation of the use of force is immoral), then you are frankly nothing short of a hypocrite if you advocate for a government monopoly on ANY service.


Well-Known Member
Rob Roy you actually make a great point...Not sure what you could do ....but do you now use any services supplied by or help by the government ??? Do you really want to live in a world with no government ???