The Exotic Temptation of Mephedrone!


Well-Known Member
I have been interesting in psychedelic research chemicals for the past few years, to further extend my psychedelic knowledge and to gain spiritually growth. One new stimulant/ empathogen compound I have run into recently is called mephedrone, and is surging mad especially in the european outskirts. Its it is going mad it must be good... the high seems something of great interest, but after this story I found on my opinion on it has changed...

I would love to see peoples reaction to this read!

Here it is in its entirety:

"Hi guys. I did Mephedrone for the fourth time today with a cumulative dosage of around 600mg (somehow...) over around 6 hours from 2am to 8am this morning. I am still confused as to how I finished the gram off since I only remember taking a 100mg bomb and a couple of lines. This morning, at around 8am, maybe earlier, I started to notice my knees turning slightly purple. I had read about that teenager who overdosed and went blue in the face. Naturally, I start worrying a lot. It became worse and worse until my knees were completely blue and my feet were going really pale. It also happened to my arms, quite severely. I started getting confused and tired. I had developed two red rashes one on my shoulder and one on my thigh. I remember watching the blue spread across my arms until i was covering the majority of the "outsides" of my arms. I kept breathing really deeply to try and slow my heart down and get more oxygen to my body. My hands were really blotchy with red and purple. My limbs had lost temperature and were pretty numb and as I looked in the mirror my ears my pale and slightly tinted blue along with my face. I looked closely and my lips were becoming blue as well. I tried to get the energy to phone an ambulance at this point as I thought that was the end of me. However, Very VERY luckily the side effects peaked and started to subside. I lay in bed breathing deeply for around 2 more hours until my limbs were nearly the correct color. Even now, 12 hours since the first dose (and the majority) and 6 since the final dose of around 50mg, my limbs do not feel right, especially my knees. If I cross my legs now my knees start going blue.

This is the scariest experience I have ever had with drugs and it has put me off RCs for life that's for sure. I am confused as to why the problems started when the effects had pretty much gone, around the time I started coming down.

I have taken equivalent doses before and had no side effects what so ever. Does anyone know WHAT THE HELL happened to me? I'm scared that I have caused permanent damage to my cardiovascular system. I also still have poor motor skills and very slow cognition which hasn't changed since I was high.

I am left now with tachycardia, unwanted stimulation, anxiousness, depression, confusion, forgetfulness, half dead limbs, apathy and confirmation (for me at least) that Mephedrone is not worth the risk and it has serious toxic effects on the body."

Seems treacherous doesn't it???????

fletch 5678

Active Member
i have tried this drug loads of times man the effects are very good never had any side effects and ive tried it loads of times but whos to say it wunt happen to me !!! u never no


Well-Known Member
^^^I have tried this drug loads of times....and I've tried it loads of times....

I'm sure you have. ;)



Well-Known Member
I don't really like Mephedrone.....
Huh, your the one who fancied it up! Im confused.. its sort of a cocaine like rush with empathogen like qualities... more rushy. Similar to methylone.

"I have tried it loads of times, loads of times"

Yes, I agree you have... by your repetetive nature ;)


Well-Known Member
I'll look up MDPV... are the characteristics similar, is it more dosage respondent? What makes these greater in your opinion then traditional stimulants.. stimulants scare me enough, and unknown stimulants just further build on that fear!


Well-Known Member
Have you heard of MDAI? It is apparently the most similar to MDMA and thought to be the least neurotoxic of all of the MDxx family.



Well-Known Member
Have you heard of MDAI? It is apparently the most similar to MDMA and thought to be the least neurotoxic of all of the MDxx family.

Yes, I have familiarized myself with MDAI... the exotic part lacks very much in my opinion, because the whole dopamine action is missing.

But, that besides the point. I am looking for comments or personal stories related to mepehdrone.. their seems like their are alot of medical issues related to the usage... and it seems alarming that so many people are devouring grams of it.


Well-Known Member
You perhaps have read this,

I just skimmed thru it because I've read it before but this is a general experience. You can see he doesnt list the dosages because it was a blur of uncontrolled use.
Don't like blurred anecdotes as it doesn't convey the dose response curve that I am looking for and perhaps what other people are also looking for. I know erowid has many accounts, I am looking for personal accounts from RIU members ;)


Well-Known Member
It'd be just like that Erowid report. It's like coke, like meth, you need more when using it. Tolerance builds rapidly. It's just a crappy drug....
I'm not sure why people are substituting readily available stimulants for unknown stimulants that could cause great harm, permanete damage, and possible death!

Just go the old fashion route with a gram of cocaine or a 8 ball of speed... widely studied and pretty safe if taken in the right amount.

The horrid effects of these unknown stimulants seems like one big game of russian roullette!