New from CenCal


Looking to start my first grow here in Central California. I have several rooms I can grow in with one being all cinderblock and another being a average bedroom. Does wall material the house is built with affect the growth rate of any plant? All recommendations are greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
first off, welcome, there is a ton of knowledge around so feel free to take time looking around and read up.

The most important factors in choosing a location is ventilation, power and security. In so far as wall materials, you can grow just fine in both the locations you describe just make sure that you paint the walls white for good reflectivity.



Elite Rolling Society
Welcome to RollitUp, a great place, the best place, to learn growing!

I wish I lived in Cannafornia!

I'm glad I learned to grow instead of still having to buy it. ! I do not give my money to drug lords, I grow my own!.

I hope you hang around and enjoy the site.

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial - [URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""]Marijuana[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL] Growing[/URL] < a great tutorial to learn if I must say so, myself.


Welcome to the site. Remember, great ventilation will keep the odor down... This gets important, real important around 6+ weeks


Well my area is technically Southern California, but we call our area the central coast. San Luis Obispo, Ca. And its damn cold...