what to do while high? suggestions?


hey guys!

what are some good activities to do while high...?
my friends and i always do the traditional stuff like music, eat, and some movies
what else should we do that isnt dangerous that can help us have a good time??


play spades, drink beer, watch tv. w/e its all good when your high
The best part about being high is that everything's better. Go to a science museum or amusement park. The food at a carnival will taste like heaven.


get glowsticks and one of those glow in the dark frisbees and go play ultimate frisbee at night with glowsticks of a certain color so you can tell teams


New Member
Have an its all good time with a groovy group of 20 that believe as you.


I love playing hide the gay colored fuzzy balls in the pockets of insane snowboarders and hackysack kicking, Frisbee throwing swing dancers.


Well-Known Member
EMS sells a awsome glow in the dark frisbee.
fuck yea, i have that same frizbee

Get a hackysack. They are so fun to kick around when blazed.
these guys now how us hippys occupy time when were high. hacky sack and frizbee are my shit! when im at school and not in class (or studying, doing homework, reading smoking blunts, exct.) all i do is kick around a hacky sack

grow space

Well-Known Member
whats the deal with frizbees..?Sounds really gay...
Go to cinema and watch some cool flicks..go skateboard, or if ya have snow, then snowskate...Cant wait till some proper snow, then its on...First thing im going to too is ride over a stack of burning frizbees...:lol:


how would u possibly no that?i got a shit ton of friends. im a student i just havent been toschoo the past few days, ive been sick