Help with PH Tester


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have been using pH strips for my past couple times growing and I realized I needed a digital tester to get the best results, so I bought one, but I just opened it up and it said that I now need to buy storage solution for it. It only came with a little bit of pH 7.01 buffer solution... So my question is to all of you that have digital pH testers, how do you store them and do I need to buy this storage crap...:bigjoint::wall:


bud bootlegger
i;ve just bought my tester not too long ago, but of course i didn't read the directions on it, lol... mine just came with a lil plastic cap that goes over the end that goes in the water that i put on after i use it.. i am not sure about storage solution.
now you have me wondering about this, lol.. i'll be checking back to see what others have to say on it..
what brand of ph tester did you get anyway?


Well-Known Member
Get the storage solution. Otherwise you'll get messed up readings at first, continually try to calibrate it and then have to replace the probe or meter. Get the solution.

Illegal Smile

Get a bottle of 7.01 calibration solution. You can use it as storage solution as well.


Well-Known Member
It came with a little packet of 7.01 solution, how long will that last me? And how much of the probe should I cover? Should I just sit it in a glass of it or what... sorry for all the questions, everytime I take a hit off my vape I think up a new question to ask haha


Well-Known Member
ahhhh i just noticed the calibration knobs on the back haha
I bought the same meter from ebay, the directions say to not only set the ph at 7.01 but to set the buffer at 4.01. I did both and have had good results ever since. I've since learned that ph is measured on an exponential scale so it's crucial to get the measurments as close as possible.