DMT produced during bad trips?


Active Member
DMT is produced by the pineal gland in the brain during dreaming and near death experiences. It got me thinking about bad trips and if one could be realistic enough to trigger your pineal gland into production of DMT. Making the bad trip much worse. Anyone come across any information on this anywhere?


Active Member
Well from what I've read and researched(albeit limited) current science isn't 100% sure what DMT serves to do in our body. I think I read that we believe it regulates dreams and is produced by some of our organs but we don't have a direct cause:effect here. I'd say they gotta be somewhat related to dreams cause from the experiences I've read these mutherfuckers are dreaming hard all seriousness idk if it would be on command like the body produces to look into I suppose but what about people who have bad trips and deal with them? Usually a bad trip is due to the persons mind-state or inability to cope with their altered sense of perception.


Active Member
I found an Erowid experience that is along the lines of what i was thinking.
The individual consumed mushroom chocolate and crystalized mdma. He had mixed mushrooms and mdma together before, and was getting a different reaction. He thought the chocalate may have contained an maoi inhibiter and read of this being fatal, so he then freaked out and though he was dieing. His peak was described as a near death experience, and also resembles a DMT trip.


Active Member
I've heard of people having crazy experiences with muschrooms, and as far as mdma I mean does he know that's precisely what he took and the potency of the mushrooms as well could've changed...and he even said the form of mdma changed while he felt it tasted like 1000% pure mdma I feel that could be subjective like me loving one type of weed and getting stoned off my ass and you saying you don't get high on it you know what I mean? The fact he thought he thought he was dieing could've triggered an immense emotional reaction as well as a shit load of adrenaline I'm sure...It's always hard to tell what causes what when missing drugs, especially a hallucinogen/psychadelic and stimulant(don't know how else to classify E) I've heard of very few bad trips on dmt and even the negative ones were due to people fighting the high they were on... it sounds as if he got paranoid after puking (probably due to his combination of drugs and w hatever he ate/didn't eat earlier) when he felt people watching him and then he scared himself into a bad trip...and personally I couldn't imagine being in such a large crowd while tripping, it would've probably caused me to puke and panic as well...initial panic can definitely skew an experience....the user also spoke of not feeling the E hit him properly after 10 minutes...when I tried E each time it took dam near an hour after ingestion to feel a thing (and even then didn't feel much)
After finishing the post I see he found out the mushrooms did contain an MAOI but while I sympathize with him on his situation, do we ever really know what's in what were taking unless we made it. He should've seen how he felt on one drug then popped the other once feeling comfortable...It's messed up he didn't know but at the same time how would he have known what was in it eitherway (it could've been any type of mushroom) and he also took the E right after taking the shrooms and saying how it didn't feel right or how he thought he should....that alone could've led to a bad trip, the doubt in what he took originally, plus if the maoi worry was in the back of his mind to begin with why didn't he inquire as he down the shrooms?

One time w/o thinking I did a big line of speed about 20 minutes before dropping like 4 tabs of blotter...that was the wierdest acid trip I experienced...imagine tripping w/o feeling any of the happyness or euphoria that lsd usually brings, beyond that I dont remember more than a vage dark memory of 3 hours of peak and the last hour of the peak I was trying to remember my name(i knew that it was in my mind, I just couldn't get through the "fog" to access it) i started to worry a bit and let go of the worry cause there was nothing I could do. If I had kept worrying I could've really damged my mental state or my self by freaking out. I feel for the dude but if your not sure what your taking mixing ain the best idea cause it can lead to alot of unexpected dangers.


Well-Known Member
A DMT trip is NOTHING like dreaming... Although it might look to onlookers like you are sleeping...

There are no bad or good trips inside drugs... those are all facets and unresloved issues from our own psyche and pasts.


Well-Known Member
A DMT trip is NOTHING like dreaming... Although it might look to onlookers like you are sleeping...

There are no bad or good trips inside drugs... those are all facets and unresloved issues from our own psyche and pasts.
Its only the interpetation of our end result!

Most trips catapult between good and bad... neither are actually held as both emotions of continuum... Its a fluactation like playing texas holdem', nothing is held positive too long before drifting on a thought, that may be influentially damaging, but reality is nothing but a pat on the back! If you fight the reactions, then the trip is much harder to grip!


Well-Known Member
i dont think that dmt is responsible for dreams.
i never remember my dreams and no matter how heavy my dmt use before bed, i could never produce lasting dreams.

the brain is a crazy thing.
if you learn to harness it's power, you can do anything on a trip.
i remember in the olden days when i went through a heavy acid eating phase, there was one night i realized that if i concentrated hard enough, i could slowly make the items in the room disappear until i was all by myself.

bottom line is that on (and off!) psychedelics, your brain is capable of so much.
i doubt that dmt is ever produced in the brain until death occurs.
i really really doubt that dmt would be produced by any mushrooms or acid.


Well-Known Member
i dont think that dmt is responsible for dreams.
i never remember my dreams and no matter how heavy my dmt use before bed, i could never produce lasting dreams.

the brain is a crazy thing.
if you learn to harness it's power, you can do anything on a trip.
i remember in the olden days when i went through a heavy acid eating phase, there was one night i realized that if i concentrated hard enough, i could slowly make the items in the room disappear until i was all by myself.

bottom line is that on (and off!) psychedelics, your brain is capable of so much.
i doubt that dmt is ever produced in the brain until death occurs.
i really really doubt that dmt would be produced by any mushrooms or acid.
I was reading like an avid believing student, until the last sentence.

DMT IS VERY SIMILAR TO MUSHROOMS. Reach high enough doses of cyanescens and you'll see otherwise.

Yet, again you'll brain will never be blown apart like the inclination of DMT has!