i have 2 20g boxes and 1 120g box. i also have a ps3. i slept in a parking lot for 2 days to get the ps3.
ps3 failed after 10 hours of use. i lost the original reciept, and sony hassled the shit outta me, wouldn't help me out at all. said they would do an out of warranty repair for 250.00. finally got a reciept from best buy, and got them to fix it. this shit broke on its second day on the market. and they hassled me.
had one box go down, out of warranty and called xbox. they were like, give us 99.00 and we will repair it, with a new one year. thats service. thats why i got 3. netflix all around.
i occasionally play cds on the ps3, in my bedroom(dont want it breaking, being out of warranty and all).