PS3 vs XBOX360

PS3 or XBOX360

  • PS3

    Votes: 44 49.4%
  • XBOX360

    Votes: 45 50.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
i understand your point and i back u up on BACKING UP AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS.but the fact is the japanese made this awesome product and i wont lie wen i say they made the better gaming product and have for years.and on this point i would back up nintendo(is that american made?)but anyways its not like some American made the PS and sent it overseas to be made at shit wadges like 20 a day no joke i fuking hate outsourcing! and then sold it in America at crazy prices. the japanese just made this cool ass product and as a PROUD AMERICAN i would say these guys beat us out on a GAME SYSTEM! thats it a game system.....we still got WW2 on these dude no game system beats that lol.
Selling systems at crazy prices?

You know that all three companys (Sony, microsoft, and nintendo) all lose money with every console sold, right?


Well-Known Member
go wit x box i bought a ps3 about 2 yrs ago maybe 1.5 yrs for the sole purpose of god of war three .. i have not played the ps3 yet bc they keep moving the date back for gow3...


Well-Known Member
Selling systems at crazy prices?

You know that all three companys (Sony, microsoft, and nintendo) all lose money with every console sold, right?
ya i kno bout this. it was just a example of outsourcing sir, better example Jordans.american product made across seas for shit wages sold in America top dollar.

Big Raw J

Active Member
Just mod the xbox and get all the games you want for nothin..Billy has too much fuckin money anyway.

Ps3 is a great system for its exclusive games and power. I say get both and then you dont miss out on anything..


Well-Known Member
How is the X-box winning ?????? Theres alot more childen on RIU then I thought. I already did this pole and xbox lost like always all u xbox lovers can back it u as much as u want. It is soon to be a thing of the past. Ps3 is DVD xbox is VHS.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
How is the X-box winning ?????? Theres alot more childen on RIU then I thought. I already did this pole and xbox lost like always all u xbox lovers can back it u as much as u want. It is soon to be a thing of the past. Ps3 is DVD xbox is VHS.
Wow I was about to say the same thing. How is XBox winning? I've had both and there's no contest. I went through four XBoxes in 2 years because they refuse to fix the defect in their product and they constantly got that damn red light. Microsoft basically decided fuck the customers, it would cost too much to give them a reliable product. I'm so much happier with PS3. COD5 coming out in only a week!!!! I know you can get that game for XBox too but I'm just really syked about it.


Well-Known Member
microsoft doesnt care about the customers if they did the wouldnt put out a defect product....people spend too much money for these game systems to have them fail in less than a year....hell i still have a ps1 and it works fine...


Well-Known Member
I've had both systems, and after the 360 did the RROD I put the replacement they sent me up for sale the day it arrived back. I prefer the PS3. Most of the titles can be had for both systems, and third party exclusives don't mean anything because the exclusivity typically only lasts 6 months. So it comes down to first party exclusives and the online store. 360 store has more games, but I found that the PS3 store tends to have better games for the numbers. Super Stardust HD is a must-have if you enjor shooter games. Built in wireless, built in charging, without having to buy any accessorizing crap make the PS3 a better deal as well. But if you like Gears and Halo you know which way to go. Personally I found them entertaining, but not worth going back for the replay. And Metal Gear Solid 4 is 5 hours of gameplay and 30 hours of movies (Seriously, the end credits took over 90 minutes with the interspersed cutscenes). So it's all a matter of personal preference, but maybe we'll all sway you one way or another :)


Well-Known Member
If you do get a PS3 make sure you pick up Uncharted 2 and killzone 2 both are 2 of the best games out right now and they also got better graphics than every game out.And anyone who gots a PS3 can add me my PSN ID is fukdurmalastnite Im about to pick up fight night round 4 and Modern Warfare 2 next week.


Well-Known Member
Definitely Ps3 by far it has many capabilities including Blu ray, wireless dualshock controllers that are rechargable thru the ps3's usb slots, wireless bluetooth headset capability, wifi access (wireless internet) built in, web browser ( im on my ps3 right now typing this ) FREE online gameplay, plus lots of other great things, you cant go wrong with 360 is named 360 because you can only play 5 days of the year without it breaking....other 360 its being

Major Cheese

Active Member
Everybody will tell you to buy the ps3 because there more reliable, but i say get yourself a 360 elite.. if your into online gameing there is no competition, xbox live beats the ps network all over the place even if you have to pay for it..


Well-Known Member
Definitely Ps3 by far it has many capabilities including Blu ray, wireless dualshock controllers that are rechargable thru the ps3's usb slots, wireless bluetooth headset capability, wifi access (wireless internet) built in, web browser ( im on my ps3 right now typing this ) FREE online gameplay, plus lots of other great things, you cant go wrong with 360 is named 360 because you can only play 5 days of the year without it breaking....other 360 its being
HAHAHA awesome dude i bet noone has posted with the crapbox


Well-Known Member
Everybody will tell you to buy the ps3 because there more reliable, but i say get yourself a 360 elite.. if your into online gameing there is no competition, xbox live beats the ps network all over the place even if you have to pay for it..
okay then explain urself is live better then FREE!?just tell me ow ur online services are better then mine.