The xbox is good for a household heater... Socom is a must online 15$ and buy 1943 from the PSN funnest cheapest online game EVER
Funny but def. more than a household heater.
Really need to clarify something here... Socom is not a MUST! I have owned every socom edition on the market and socom is really the game that got me so into the whole online thing (there were others but this was the biggest influence) and I must say that the latest, online only version of Socom is CRAP. If I want to play Socom, I'll break out my PS2 and play Socom II. The best one before they fucked it all up. They have changed Socom so much and screwed it up in so many ways it's truly a disgrace and I don't care how many Socom's they come out with from now, they'll never get my money again!!! DO NOT BUY SOCOM CONFRONTATION!!! Don't even consider it unless you really like to waste your money, in which case, I'll PM you my address and you can mail me your check. I'll put it to better use, I promise! Like, maybe some Juicy Fruit or Sour Diesel!
This is clearly only one man's opinion... try it for yourself (but do yourself a favor and borrow it from a friend or rent it first - you'll thank me later).
