PS3 vs XBOX360

PS3 or XBOX360

  • PS3

    Votes: 44 49.4%
  • XBOX360

    Votes: 45 50.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The xbox is good for a household heater... Socom is a must online 15$ and buy 1943 from the PSN funnest cheapest online game EVER

Funny but def. more than a household heater.

Really need to clarify something here... Socom is not a MUST! I have owned every socom edition on the market and socom is really the game that got me so into the whole online thing (there were others but this was the biggest influence) and I must say that the latest, online only version of Socom is CRAP. If I want to play Socom, I'll break out my PS2 and play Socom II. The best one before they fucked it all up. They have changed Socom so much and screwed it up in so many ways it's truly a disgrace and I don't care how many Socom's they come out with from now, they'll never get my money again!!! DO NOT BUY SOCOM CONFRONTATION!!! Don't even consider it unless you really like to waste your money, in which case, I'll PM you my address and you can mail me your check. I'll put it to better use, I promise! Like, maybe some Juicy Fruit or Sour Diesel!

This is clearly only one man's opinion... try it for yourself (but do yourself a favor and borrow it from a friend or rent it first - you'll thank me later).


Xbox Live is heads and tails above the PSN in every conceivable way when compared to features.

Netflix Instant Streaming is exclusive to the 360. You can get a PS3 blu ray disk from netflix, but its not the same thing.

Xbox Live Arcade just spanks the PSN in terms of quality of games and prices.

360 Controller is the one that has received near universal acclaim for its ergonomic feel.

Games - More exclusive content with the 360

etc etc
If you want to support Sony (Japanese Company), then buy a PS3; if you would rather support Microsoft (an american company), the buy the Xbox 360. The games are practically the same anyway. If you want to watch BlueRay DVD's, then buy a PS3. The PS3 has a built in wireless network card, a 60+ GB hard drive and HDMI output. My older gen Xbox does not have HDMI, but component cables for High Def. The XBOX has an optional expensive accessory called the HD DvD player, I believe Toshiba orignally invented it, but it's 1080p capabilities were fantastic. They don't sell HD DvD movies at retail most stores anymore, but are availible for purchases on line. The BluRay won the high definition race.
I have both the PS3 & Xbox 360, and I would rather support Microsoft than Sony if I had to choose. Keep in mind that both have been out 4-6 years, and that a new generation console may be released soon.
So I have a few bucks saved up and am debating over getting myself a PS3 or an XBOX360, and would like some input from those of you who own one or the other.
And while your at it, whats your favorite game. One that you can never get old of, cause I would hate to get a good system and than a crappy game to go with it.

Thanks for your input,

Xbox all the way man, Halo 3, Forza 3, Call of duty modern warfare 2, Left 4 dead 2, so many games coming out aswell. I would pic xbox hands down. online play is great you can download many thing online including movies there is just so many great things about the 360 hard to name them all.:leaf:
I had the 360 for two broke twice.

I am buying myself a ps3 this x-mas. Looking forward to Modern Warfare 2, Street Fighter IV, Batman Arkham Asylum and Uncharted 2.
I had the 360 for two broke twice.

I am buying myself a ps3 this x-mas. Looking forward to Modern Warfare 2, Street Fighter IV, Batman Arkham Asylum and Uncharted 2.

Yes, my XBOX 360 has broke like 2-3 times red rings of death. Thankfully they have great warranties, but warranties don't do any good if you have to send it in and be without an x-box for 2-4 weeks, they should provide a replacement unit.

Also, Microsoft outsources most jobs anyway, so it's not really like you're supporting an American product/service 100%, it's probably around 10%. But sony is japanese for sure.
If you want to support Sony (Japanese Company), then buy a PS3; if you would rather support Microsoft (an american company), the buy the Xbox 360. The games are practically the same anyway. If you want to watch BlueRay DVD's, then buy a PS3. The PS3 has a built in wireless network card, a 60+ GB hard drive and HDMI output. My older gen Xbox does not have HDMI, but component cables for High Def. The XBOX has an optional expensive accessory called the HD DvD player, I believe Toshiba orignally invented it, but it's 1080p capabilities were fantastic. They don't sell HD DvD movies at retail most stores anymore, but are availible for purchases on line. The BluRay won the high definition race.
I have both the PS3 & Xbox 360, and I would rather support Microsoft than Sony if I had to choose. Keep in mind that both have been out 4-6 years, and that a new generation console may be released soon.

Er I didn't really think about stimulating the economy when buying a games console. You can keep your Xbox please fix me.


  • RedRingOfDeath[1].png
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Damn! Last gaming console I had was a Sega Genesis. Before that it was the original atari. I need to get out more I guess.

It's better built than the Xbox 360

Everyone that has owned a Xbox 360 that I've known has had problems

I have never known one person who has a problem with their PS3

I mean you can charge the controllers with a USB cord on the PS3, and it has Blu-Ray ALREADY IN THERE

Just an overall better system
ps3 is way better,i own both,i haven't turned on the 360 in about 6 months, ps3 has sum good exclusives uncharted 2 is the best single player game ive ever played call of duty modern warfare drops the11th:bigjoint:
ps3 i hate xbox because i never have time to play it im llways doing somthing sowhow not to:bigjoint:???
Funny but def. more than a household heater.

Really need to clarify something here... Socom is not a MUST! I have owned every socom edition on the market and socom is really the game that got me so into the whole online thing (there were others but this was the biggest influence) and I must say that the latest, online only version of Socom is CRAP. If I want to play Socom, I'll break out my PS2 and play Socom II. The best one before they fucked it all up. They have changed Socom so much and screwed it up in so many ways it's truly a disgrace and I don't care how many Socom's they come out with from now, they'll never get my money again!!! DO NOT BUY SOCOM CONFRONTATION!!! Don't even consider it unless you really like to waste your money, in which case, I'll PM you my address and you can mail me your check. I'll put it to better use, I promise! Like, maybe some Juicy Fruit or Sour Diesel!

This is clearly only one man's opinion... try it for yourself (but do yourself a favor and borrow it from a friend or rent it first - you'll thank me later).

thats ur opinion sir.i hear it alot and its funny cause socom Cnfrontation introduced me to online and i love it now.BBUUTT u have played socom for awhile this was my first time playing confrontation and for like 4 months every day was on that sucker i kno what u mean to cause i hear the guys talking about how they dont like it and the old ones are better.but this is my first time playing it so i ave no problems. and i would say its def worth the 30$ not 60$like most.and you can pay 50$ and get it with a bluetooth PS bluetooth at that at least a 50$ value on its own SO I WOULD SAY ITS DEF WOTH THE MONEY.
If you want to support Sony (Japanese Company), then buy a PS3; if you would rather support Microsoft (an american company), the buy the Xbox 360. The games are practically the same anyway. If you want to watch BlueRay DVD's, then buy a PS3. The PS3 has a built in wireless network card, a 60+ GB hard drive and HDMI output. My older gen Xbox does not have HDMI, but component cables for High Def. The XBOX has an optional expensive accessory called the HD DvD player, I believe Toshiba orignally invented it, but it's 1080p capabilities were fantastic. They don't sell HD DvD movies at retail most stores anymore, but are availible for purchases on line. The BluRay won the high definition race.
I have both the PS3 & Xbox 360, and I would rather support Microsoft than Sony if I had to choose. Keep in mind that both have been out 4-6 years, and that a new generation console may be released soon.

i understand your point and i back u up on BACKING UP AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS.but the fact is the japanese made this awesome product and i wont lie wen i say they made the better gaming product and have for years.and on this point i would back up nintendo(is that american made?)but anyways its not like some American made the PS and sent it overseas to be made at shit wadges like 20 a day no joke i fuking hate outsourcing! and then sold it in America at crazy prices. the japanese just made this cool ass product and as a PROUD AMERICAN i would say these guys beat us out on a GAME SYSTEM! thats it a game system.....we still got WW2 on these dude no game system beats that lol.
PS3 has free online play, 360 doesn't
360 is great for 1st person shooters, PS3 isn't

I like 1st person shooters, so I would get the 360
thats ur opinion sir.... i would say its def worth the 30$ not 60$like most.and you can pay 50$ and get it with a bluetooth PS bluetooth at that at least a 50$ value on its own SO I WOULD SAY ITS DEF WOTH THE MONEY.

I thought I stated it was simply one man's opinion, maybe you missed that part or forgot from all the :bigjoint: Either way, I still don't know about it being worth the money. As a matter of a fact, it ISN'T! LMAO Sorry, not trying to start shit just having fun but the other thing to consider about it's price too is the fact that it has NO, I REPEAT, NO single player mode. You lose your internet, you might as well not have a game! It better be cheaper. I will agree that the package with the wireless headset is good for the money if you actually like the game! Coming into Socom on the Confrontation version is probably a bit different. Maybe I'd like the game if I didn't get to see, first hand, how they fuked it up.

Back to topic tho (sorry): XBOX (FOR ME ONLY) is better bang for the buck if you ONLY look at hours played. I still agree that the PS3 is a better system BUT you hook up both of them to a bad ass TV (like mine... haha) and I'm reaching for the xbox based on two main things:

1. Online functionality with endless features
2. Game selection (can't forget about the mod feature either... I'm not 100%; this can't be done to the ps3, right?)

I understand the debate and the only way to win is buy the best of both worlds! OR Forget the debate and roll up which is what I'm about to do right now!!!
People that defend the ps3 are just trying to make themselves feel better for buying a ps3

I actually believe that PS3 made a far more superior product, i've had mine 2 years and not a problem at all. Xbox was made cheap, but I want everyone to listen to a fact. Sony PS3 is still losing money on each game system sold, the cost and materials to produce a ps3 and ship it to the retailer costs more to sony than they sell it on the floor for at best buy. It's a superior product, but Sony has not made profit on the ps3 yet, expected soon though.

I don't know how well microsoft has done, but i'm more inclined to say they kicked ass and now have people hooked with XBOX Live. It's really been an interesting standoff between PS3 & Xbox over the last 3 -4 years.