PS3 vs XBOX360

PS3 or XBOX360

  • PS3

    Votes: 44 49.4%
  • XBOX360

    Votes: 45 50.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
So I have a few bucks saved up and am debating over getting myself a PS3 or an XBOX360, and would like some input from those of you who own one or the other.
And while your at it, whats your favorite game. One that you can never get old of, cause I would hate to get a good system and than a crappy game to go with it.

Thanks for your input,
Call of duty 4 is pretty good,
for online gameplay and the new ones comin out soon,
there is no comparison ps3 charges ur wireless controlers
free online gameplay
unlimited amount can be done with blu ray,
Xbox is way better if youre looking for online play and better games. Best games would be any of the Halos, Call of Duty 4, or Fable II.
surprise yourself get a ps3slim :D:D
There damn sexy :bigjoint:

i didnt know they made a ps3slim...only reason im going with the ps3 is because i hear alot of fokes talk about how much problems they have with the xbox..and if im gonna waste money on a system i want it to work until at least they make the ps6 lol...
ps3 is way better,i own both,i haven't turned on the 360 in about 6 months, ps3 has sum good exclusives uncharted 2 is the best single player game ive ever played call of duty modern warfare drops the11th:bigjoint:
ps3 is way better,i own both,i haven't turned on the 360 in about 6 months, ps3 has sum good exclusives uncharted 2 is the best single player game ive ever played call of duty modern warfare drops the11th:bigjoint:

You will also avoid huge maintainence bills that come with the "turning on" of a please fix me.
check out mag thats comin out for the ps3 over 250 players online in 1 big shoot up abit like call of duty.I started with a 360 then sold it to get a ps3 as the gamplay and games in alll are just 110% better
It depends on what you're into. I own both the xbox 360 and the ps3. Ironically, the xbox is in for ring of death repair right now. More ironically, I think I would still say I play the xbox and like it more than the ps3. That being said, the ps3 is the better system in terms of hardware, speed, picture, it's a hell of a lot quiter, its a sexy sleek black, etc, etc...

I love them both but the online versatility of the xbox live has the SHIOT kicked out of ps3 online. This is where everyone points out that ps3 is free! Agreed, however, I'd rather pay $50/year for all the options I get on the live. You can do so much with the live service esp. as it relates to finding friends and starting up games with a group of online buddies. The xbox (pro) is white (ugly as hell, but I used a specialty plastic paint to make it black - looks WAY better). It is loud. If you get stuck with an older manufactured one, you'll proabably have to send it in for repair at some point. All that being said, I still like the xbox better for gaming, esp. online. More games... more xbox folks online (IMO)... SEEM to have a bit better selection on games...

HD on the xbox is good but doesn't touch the blu ray capabilities of the ps3 which is why I had to have both. I primarily use the ps3 for watching blu rays and the occassional gaming. If i'm bout to roll up and play for hours... xobx is coming online and I'm hitting up my homies! I talked a friend of mine into getting the ps3 b/c he wanted the "better system". Hardware wise, I think the ps3 is the "better" system but he never even plays his anymore other than watching movies. I think if he had an xbox, he'd be online a whole lot more. My xbox has seen WAY more hours than my ps3.

As for a game... I bought gears of war with the xbox and played it constantly until gears of war 2 came out. Now, I play it constantly and replay value is very high b/c they keep coming out with new downloadable software for the game to keep it fresh... it's hella tight!

Best of luck~ SMOKE
yea i just googled the ps3slim im gonna go with that...they have one that is 250gb for only christmas present to me...i will post pictures of my hands opening it on
The ps3 is way better because you can go on the internet and watch free movies with it.Its also wireless so if you dont got internet you can just steal you neighbors connection.And the 360 always breaks thats why I bought a ps3.And I wouldn't be able to go on RIU if I had my 360 still.
I had ps3 first and it is a much more powerful system...I bought a xbox 360 just to mod it and get all the games for free tho. The ps3 exclusive games are usually pretty amazing. Uncharted 2 plays like a movie. Great multiplayer as well.
The ps3 is way better because you can go on the internet and watch free movies with it.Its also wireless so if you dont got internet you can just steal you neighbors connection.And the 360 always breaks thats why I bought a ps3.And I wouldn't be able to go on RIU if I had my 360 still.

True that.
Ps3 is the Shit.
I still miss Halo 3 but sometimes you have to cut your loses.
Playing online free is a bonus.
PLaying youtube on your TV is awesome
Blu-ray is phenominal

I went through 2x xbox 360.

I gave ps3 a chance and still has not let me down.
I have already done this poll and of course the PS won. Its definetly the superior gaming system. The xbox is good for a household heater. Get the ps and UFC I smash on that game. Uncharted 2 is dope I got platinum trophies on both those. Socom is a must online 15$ and buy 1943 from the PSN funnest cheapest online game EVER
You have to pay for xbox live, but it is so much better then the ps3s online.

For games if you were going with the 360 I would get both gears of war games, halo 3, GTA IV, and Bioshock. All must play games!
ps3 all the way. i had to sell mine so i could start growing but will get another one soon. down side is not a lot of games for the ps3. skate 2 is good, resistance fall of man is good, ratchet and clank is awesome, plus final fantasy is coming out soon too.