Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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These types of people try and exploit a true American tragedy because of their hatred towards those that disagree with them on political issues. Now I am not referring to your average Democrat, I am referring to the true wack jobs. The people who's hatred is so intense that it drives them to become a 9/11 truther.
you just drop by, stereotype people and walk away ... TRUE AMERICAN :clap:
well you wont find the wack jobs here ... just regular folks , who ask simple questions , that no one but the government can answer , yet the government will not even consider. So on that note we DEMAND A REAL INVESTIGATION , will it ever happen .. who knows but i am not gonna stop spreading the word until it does.
P why not u answer the simple questions then.... oh u skipped over that part and then started calling people "conspiracy theorist" again. but since you seem to know what happened? you could at least attempt ? or you could at least admit u dont know excactly what happened that day, like the rest of us. unless you truly believe the official report and if so , this is the wrong thread for you.

i know what happend really, we attacked iraq because saddam was still plotting against us he even atemped to kill Bush Sr. in Kuwait this is common knowledge even in the arab world, if you dont trust the "media"

i want you my friend to listen to sombody who knows what they are talking about for once

Do you know what also happend on Sept 11th?

it was not in 2001, but somting unforgivable happened to sombody on September 11, in a year before 2001

I bet you couldnt find out if you tried so I will simply show you

On September 11, 1990 President George Bush (Sr.) made a dramatic speech to Congress, outlining the US position in the Kuwait crisis, and the preliminary steps the US was taking towards the Gulf War.

Exactly 11 years later to the day, on September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked America.

the real truth my friend, the real truth

so lets recap, On September 11, 1990 an american president declared he would attack saddam for invading kuwait and kick saddam out,

saddam went nuts, no body fucks with a guy like saddam and gets away with it. trust me on that one


here is our violent friend showcasing some the lilly white hostages he held in kuwait right before the invasion


here is another evidence of his never letting a wrong go unpunished, he instructed all his retreating troops to blow up every kuwaiti oil well they could find.

from then on coupled with the no fly zones and the constant pestering of saddam by the usa and Great Britton, our freind saddam did not just sit idolly by lol you think a man like this just sits there and takes it??

its just not how a typical arab is, specially one who must be respected, he wouldnt just have chilled specially a meglomaniac brutal dictator like saddam. (examples above)

he was a very smart man. this was well known in the arab world and he was feared greatly even in the surrounding counties

he even tried to plot a hit on Bush sinior when he visted kuwait even after he wasnt even president anymore!! saddam was still trying to kill this guy that tottaly fucked him!!!!!!!!

anyway his plot failed and bush senior lived on

now say your saddam, you got the weapons inspectors up your ass, the no fly zones got US aircraft flying in you airspace, all day, you worried your enemies think you are weak

whats the best way to fight someone more poweful than you where you can really hurt them badly with out harming a hair on your head?

anyone care to answer?

you arrange or rather collude with any of thier other enemies and assist them in perpetrating the death blow. all it takes is 1 meeting which has actually been documented between the head of Iraq inteligence at the time i think it was in south america or somthing at an al queda meeting

but this wasnt enough for saddam, after all, what good is revenge without the satisfaction of letting your enemy know it was you who did it, but at the same time make it not provable?

so he slipped up and got alqueda to arrange september 11th as the date,

once the administration found this out and coupled with the ineligence I outlined in the above post about ansar al islam just being a cover name for al-queda in Iraq and im sure some other top secret eveidence like that meeting in south america

we moved on him and invaded

now thats a real conspiricy for you guys, not this childish whinny imbecilec

inside job shit,

well come to logic my friends:

Address Before a Joint Session of Congress (September 11, 1990)

George H. W. Bush

"It is Iraq against the world." Bush describes Saddam Hussein's actions in the Persian Gulf as "inhumane aggression." He demands that Iraq pull out of Kuwait.
This transcript contains the published text of the speech, not the actual words spoken. There may be some differences between the transcript and the audio/video content.


Mr. President and Mr. Speaker and Members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, fellow Americans, thank you very much for that warm welcome. We gather tonight, witness to events in the Persian Gulf as significant as they are tragic. In the early morning hours of August 2d, following negotiations and promises by Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein not to use force, a powerful Iraqi army invaded its trusting and much weaker neighbor, Kuwait. Within 3 days, 120,000 Iraqi troops with 850 tanks had poured into Kuwait and moved south to threaten Saudi Arabia. It was then that I decided to act to check that aggression.

At this moment, our brave servicemen and women stand watch in that distant desert and on distant seas, side by side with the forces of more than 20 other nations. They are some of the finest men and women of the United States of America. And they're doing one terrific job. These valiant Americans were ready at a moment's notice to leave their spouses and their children, to serve on the front line halfway around the world. They remind us who keeps America strong: they do. In the trying circumstances of the Gulf, the morale of our service men and women is excellent. In the face of danger, they're brave, they're well-trained, and dedicated.

A soldier, Private First Class Wade Merritt of Knoxville, Tennessee, now stationed in Saudi Arabia, wrote his parents of his worries, his love of family, and his hope for peace. But Wade also wrote, "I am proud of my country and its firm stance against inhumane aggression. I am proud of my army and its men. I am proud to serve my country." Well, let me just say, Wade, America is proud of you and is grateful to every soldier, sailor, marine, and airman serving the cause of peace in the Persian Gulf. I also want to thank the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Powell; the Chiefs here tonight; our commander in the Persian Gulf, General Schwartzkopf; and the men and women of the Department of Defense. What a magnificent job you all are doing. And thank you very, very much from a grateful people. I wish I could say that their work is done. But we all know it's not.

So, if there ever was a time to put country before self and patriotism before party, the time is now. And let me thank all Americans, especially those here in this Chamber tonight, for your support for our armed forces and for their mission. That support will be even more important in the days to come. So, tonight I want to talk to you about what's at stake—what we must do together to defend civilized values around the world and maintain our economic strength at home.

Our objectives in the Persian Gulf are clear, our goals defined and familiar: Iraq must withdraw from Kuwait completely, immediately, and without condition. Kuwait's legitimate government must be restored. The security and stability of the Persian Gulf must be assured. And American citizens abroad must be protected. These goals are not ours alone. They've been endorsed by the United Nations Security Council five times in as many weeks. Most countries share our concern for principle. And many have a stake in the stability of the Persian Gulf. This is not, as Saddam Hussein would have it, the United States against Iraq. It is Iraq against the world.

As you know, I've just returned from a very productive meeting with Soviet President Gorbachev. And I am pleased that we are working together to build a new relationship. In Helsinki, our joint statement affirmed to the world our shared resolve to counter Iraq's threat to peace. Let me quote: "We are united in the belief that Iraq's aggression must not be tolerated. No peaceful international order is possible if larger states can devour their smaller neighbors." Clearly, no longer can a dictator count on East-West confrontation to stymie concerted United Nations action against aggression. A new partnership of nations has begun.

We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge: a new era—freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come.

The test we face is great, and so are the stakes. This is the first assault on the new world that we seek, the first test of our mettle. Had we not responded to this first provocation with clarity of purpose, if we do not continue to demonstrate our determination, it would be a signal to actual and potential despots around the world. America and the world must defend common vital interests—and we will. America and the world must support the rule of law—and we will. America and the world must stand up to aggression—and we will. And one thing more: In the pursuit of these goals America will not be intimidated.

Vital issues of principle are at stake. Saddam Hussein is literally trying to wipe a country off the face of the Earth. We do not exaggerate. Nor do we exaggerate when we say Saddam Hussein will fail. Vital economic interests are at risk as well. Iraq itself controls some 10 percent of the world's proven oil reserves. Iraq plus Kuwait controls twice that. An Iraq permitted to swallow Kuwait would have the economic and military power, as well as the arrogance, to intimidate and coerce its neighbors—neighbors who control the lion's share of the world's remaining oil reserves. We cannot permit a resource so vital to be dominated by one so ruthless. And we won't.

Recent events have surely proven that there is no substitute for American leadership. In the face of tyranny, let no one doubt American credibility and reliability. Let no one doubt our staying power. We will stand by our friends. One way or another, the leader of Iraq must learn this fundamental truth. From the outset, acting hand in hand with others, we've sought to fashion the broadest possible international response to Iraq's aggression. The level of world cooperation and condemnation of Iraq is unprecedented. Armed forces from countries spanning four continents are there at the request of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia to deter and, if need be, to defend against attack. Moslems and non-Moslems, Arabs and non-Arabs, soldiers from many nations stand shoulder to shoulder, resolute against Saddam Hussein's ambitions.

We can now point to five United Nations Security Council resolutions that condemn Iraq's aggression. They call for Iraq's immediate and unconditional withdrawal, the restoration of Kuwait's legitimate government, and categorically reject Iraq's cynical and self-serving attempt to annex Kuwait. Finally, the United Nations has demanded the release of all foreign nationals held hostage against their will and in contravention of international law. It is a mockery of human decency to call these people "guests." They are hostages, and the whole world knows it.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a dependable ally, said it all: "We do not bargain over hostages. We will not stoop to the level of using human beings as bargaining chips ever." Of course, of course, our hearts go out to the hostages and to their families. But our policy cannot change, and it will not change. America and the world will not be blackmailed by this ruthless policy.

We're now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders. We owe much to the outstanding leadership of Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar. The United Nations is backing up its words with action. The Security Council has imposed mandatory economic sanctions on Iraq, designed to force Iraq to relinquish the spoils of its illegal conquest. The Security Council has also taken the decisive step of authorizing the use of all means necessary to ensure compliance with these sanctions. Together with our friends and allies, ships of the United States Navy are today patrolling Mideast waters. They've already intercepted more than 700 ships to enforce the sanctions. Three regional leaders I spoke with just yesterday told me that these sanctions are working. Iraq is feeling the heat. We continue to hope that Iraq's leaders will recalculate just what their aggression has cost them. They are cut off from world trade, unable to sell their oil. And only a tiny fraction of goods gets through.

The communique with President Gorbachev made mention of what happens when the embargo is so effective that children of Iraq literally need milk or the sick truly need medicine. Then, under strict international supervision that guarantees the proper destination, then food will be permitted.

At home, the material cost of our leadership can be steep. That's why Secretary of State Baker and Treasury Secretary Brady have met with many world leaders to underscore that the burden of this collective effort must be shared. We are prepared to do our share and more to help carry that load; we insist that others do their share as well.

The response of most of our friends and allies has been good. To help defray costs, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE—the United Arab Emirates—have pledged to provide our deployed troops with all the food and fuel they need. Generous assistance will also be provided to stalwart front-line nations, such as Turkey and Egypt. I am also heartened to report that this international response extends to the neediest victims of this conflict—those refugees. For our part, we've contributed $28 million for relief efforts. This is but a portion of what is needed. I commend, in particular, Saudi Arabia, Japan, and several European nations who have joined us in this purely humanitarian effort.

There's an energy-related cost to be borne as well. Oil-producing nations are already replacing lost Iraqi and Kuwaiti output. More than half of what was lost has been made up. And we're getting superb cooperation. If producers, including the United States, continue steps to expand oil and gas production, we can stabilize prices and guarantee against hardship. Additionally, we and several of our allies always have the option to extract oil from our strategic petroleum reserves if conditions warrant. As I've pointed out before, conservation efforts are essential to keep our energy needs as low as possible. And we must then take advantage of our energy sources across the board: coal, natural gas, hydro, and nuclear. Our failure to do these things has made us more dependent on foreign oil than ever before. Finally, let no one even contemplate profiteering from this crisis. We will not have it.

I cannot predict just how long it will take to convince Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. Sanctions will take time to have their full intended effect. We will continue to review all options with our allies, but let it be clear: we will not let this aggression stand.

Our interest, our involvement in the Gulf is not transitory. It predated Saddam Hussein's aggression and will survive it. Long after all our troops come home—and we all hope it's soon, very soon—there will be a lasting role for the United States in assisting the nations of the Persian Gulf. Our role then: to deter future aggression. Our role is to help our friends in their own self-defense. And something else: to curb the proliferation of chemical, biological, ballistic missile and, above all, nuclear technologies.

Let me also make clear that the United States has no quarrel with the Iraqi people. Our quarrel is with Iraq's dictator and with his aggression. Iraq will not be permitted to annex Kuwait. That's not a threat, that's not a boast, that's just the way it's going to be.

Our ability to function effectively as a great power abroad depends on how we conduct ourselves at home. Our economy, our Armed Forces, our energy dependence, and our cohesion all determine whether we can help our friends and stand up to our foes. For America to lead, America must remain strong and vital. Our world leadership and domestic strength are mutual and reinforcing; a woven piece, strongly bound as Old Glory. To revitalize our leadership, our leadership capacity, we must address our budget deficit—not after election day, or next year, but now.

Higher oil prices slow our growth, and higher defense costs would only make our fiscal deficit problem worse. That deficit was already greater than it should have been—a projected $232 billion for the coming year. It must—it will—be reduced.

To my friends in Congress, together we must act this very month—before the next fiscal year begins on October 1st—to get America's economic house in order. The Gulf situation helps us realize we are more economically vulnerable than we ever should be. Americans must never again enter any crisis, economic or military, with an excessive dependence on foreign oil and an excessive burden of Federal debt.

Most Americans are sick and tired of endless battles in the Congress and between the branches over budget matters. It is high time we pulled together and get the job done right. It's up to us to straighten this out. This job has four basic parts. First, the Congress should, this month, within a budget agreement, enact growth-oriented tax measures—to help avoid recession in the short term and to increase savings, investment, productivity, and competitiveness for the longer term. These measures include extending incentives for research and experimentation; expanding the use of IRA's for new homeowners; establishing tax-deferred family savings accounts; creating incentives for the creation of enterprise zones and initiatives to encourage more domestic drilling; and, yes, reducing the tax rate on capital gains.

And second, the Congress should, this month, enact a prudent multiyear defense program, one that reflects not only the improvement in East-West relations but our broader responsibilities to deal with the continuing risks of outlaw action and regional conflict. Even with our obligations in the Gulf, a sound defense budget can have some reduction in real terms; and we're prepared to accept that. But to go beyond such levels, where cutting defense would threaten our vital margin of safety, is something I will never accept. The world is still dangerous. And surely, that is now clear. Stability's not secure. American interests are far reaching. Interdependence has increased. The consequences of regional instability can be global. This is no time to risk America's capacity to protect her vital interests.

And third, the Congress should, this month, enact measures to increase domestic energy production and energy conservation in order to reduce dependence on foreign oil. These measures should include my proposals to increase incentives for domestic oil and gas exploration, fuel-switching, and to accelerate the development of the Alaskan energy resources without damage to wildlife. As you know, when the oil embargo was imposed in the early 1970's, the United States imported almost 6 million barrels of oil a day. This year, before the Iraqi invasion, U.S. imports had risen to nearly 8 million barrels per day. And we'd moved in the wrong direction. And now we must act to correct that trend.

And fourth, the Congress should, this month, enact a 5-year program to reduce the projected debt and deficits by $500 billion—that's by half a trillion dollars. And if, with the Congress, we can develop a satisfactory program by the end of the month, we can avoid the ax of sequester—deep across-the-board cuts that would threaten our military capacity and risk substantial domestic disruption. I want to be able to tell the American people that we have truly solved the deficit problem. And for me to do that, a budget agreement must meet these tests: It must include the measures I've recommended to increase economic growth and reduce dependence on foreign oil. It must be fair. All should contribute, but the burden should not be excessive for any one group of programs or people. It must address the growth of government's hidden liabilities. It must reform the budget process and, further, it must be real.

I urge Congress to provide a comprehensive 5-year deficit reduction program to me as a complete legislative package, with measures to assure that it can be fully enforced. America is tired of phony deficit reduction or promise-now, save-later plans. It is time for a program that is credible and real. And finally, to the extent that the deficit reduction program includes new revenue measures, it must avoid any measure that would threaten economic growth or turn us back toward the days of punishing income tax rates. That is one path we should not head down again.

I have been pleased with recent progress, although it has not always seemed so smooth. But now it's time to produce. I hope we can work out a responsible plan. But with or without agreement from the budget summit, I ask both Houses of the Congress to allow a straight up-or-down vote on a complete $500-billion deficit reduction package not later than September 28. If the Congress cannot get me a budget, then Americans will have to face a tough, mandated sequester. I'm hopeful, in fact, I'm confident that the Congress will do what it should. And I can assure you that we in the executive branch will do our part.

In the final analysis, our ability to meet our responsibilities abroad depends upon political will and consensus at home. This is never easy in democracies, for we govern only with the consent of the governed. And although free people in a free society are bound to have their differences, Americans traditionally come together in times of adversity and challenge.

Once again, Americans have stepped forward to share a tearful goodbye with their families before leaving for a strange and distant shore. At this very moment, they serve together with Arabs, Europeans, Asians, and Africans in defense of principle and the dream of a new world order. That's why they sweat and toil in the sand and the heat and the sun. If they can come together under such adversity, if old adversaries like the Soviet Union and the United States can work in common cause, then surely we who are so fortunate to be in this great Chamber—Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives—can come together to fulfill our responsibilities here.

Thank you. Good night. And God bless the United States of America.

damn im good:bigjoint:
damn thats a good song, illustrates our futile lives quite well:bigjoint:

why do I feel like making a gin & tonic all of a sudden?
lol I quoted that because i thought it was hilarious.. that wasn't the straw that broke the camels back as far as me not believing in al qaeda.

My fiance is an Army medic, and just returned from a U.S. base/camp near Tikrit, Iraq on July 31 after a year of being assigned to convoy security. He has no doubt whatsoever of Al Qaeda's existence, nor the heinous things they do. He also met many Iraqi citizens that used to be a part of Al Qaeda, but left when they figured out that the U.S. isn't the evil entity they were taught we are, and are now intent on bringing Al Qaeda to their knees and out of their country. These people would be more than happy to discuss the "non-existence" of Al Qaeda.

it means "seat" or "the seat" "where we sit" "the base"

Q-a-e-d-a = "seat"

O-o-q-u-o-d = "sit" or "sit down"

When jfgordon1 posted about "the seat," I was thinking that would be equivalent to "the base." It made sense to me... I took 3.5 years of Spanish in high school, and I'll never forget how it was instilled in us that you don't translate just literal words between languages; you translate ideas/concepts. :mrgreen:

pleople unlike most in this thread served thier country with honor and killed this disgusting pig

Sadly, too many want so badly to point out how atrocious the U.S. is that they fail (refuse) to see what's really going on. I can't count how many people have told me that my fiance, a medic at that, is nothing more than a hired murderer. Oh yeah, and he's just a brainwashed zombie doing what he's told, and therefore he can't know what he believes in, nor right from wrong, etc. :roll:
ok this has been over 30 pages of skipping questions and changing subjects. RICK they NEED you! big p , thank u come again.
kat... i would never call your family a murderer or a brainwashed whatever...... This is above and beyond him or me . I have family in the force too, She is a "high rank" person and she cant answer our questions ..... so we continue to DEMAND A REAL INVESTIGATION.
i am sorry u guys just cant handle that .
DO you guys realize how EASY it would be to shut folks like me up? i guess not.........
heres one: "flight 93 crashed and we cleaned it up before anyone showed up" <-- its THAT simple , how could i argue that (legitimately)
BUT that is just one of a bunch of questions, a minor one at that.
You guys keep avoiding the questions and we will wait for rick to do your work , AGAIN:sleep:
wy i already have 2 children and have enough headache trying to knock some sense into them, i do not have the time or inclination to sift through the lies and undocumented gibberish you guys pull off the internet and post in here,

just be content in the fact that only about 1% of people here think you guys are right. 99% know you guys are fools

just like you have not responded to any of my obviously clear and concise posts backed up with real evidence, im not sure how you think I need to reply to your obtuse posts of an ignoramus child

all you guys got is a bunch of regurgitated retarded hearsay from about a 1 million clowns on the internet who have an axe to grind, its funny because almost everything you guys post is not even factually correct, if would actually research it you would know that.

and research is not typing something in Google and reading it on one of the millions of conspiracy sights that bleed fools like you of your money any way they can.

I have no axe, only a rifle and an American flag.

you have an axe, and everyone teaching you to betray your country has an axe also

just like those al queda recruits in Iraq that finally realized that al queda was lying to them and America was cool

at least they were smart enough to realize they were being tricked and treated as pawns,

that is all you are a simple pawn in a game of chess being played by retards,

your like the dumbest kid in the special class, at least the other guys are smart enough to make their own websites, you just visit these tards and then parrot what they say:bigjoint:

pleople unlike most in this thread served thier country with honor and killed this disgusting pig

I served in 3 theaters of WAR and got shot at and had to shoot at others. I spent 3 years in the Middle East before 911. And your gonna come in here and try to say that the "Truthers" Are the ones who dunit AND that none of them ever served their Country. PHUCK YOU!!!

just be content in the fact that only about 1% of people here think you guys are right. 99% know you guys are fools

Actually polls show that the Majority of People believe it was someone other than Al Qaeda who did it.


So looks like your anecdotal evidence has been proven wrong, not only by facts, but also by the very poll's that have been taken on this site. The majority of people do not believe the official story, so you people that do believe the government version are the ones who are actually in the minority.

So lets change your false statement to be true shall we?

just be content in the fact that only about 54% of people here think you guys are right. 46% know you guys are fools

to Recap: The official version of 911 is a sham, they are hiding something, we want to have a new investigation to find out the truth. The government officials who conducted the investigation have come forward and say its all a lie, but you continue to believe the lie, even after they tell you its BS.
I served in 3 theaters of WAR and got shot at and had to shoot at others. I spent 3 years in the Middle East before 911. And your gonna come in here and try to say that the "Truthers" Are the ones who dunit AND that none of them ever served their Country. PHUCK YOU!!!

I dont care if you gave mouth to mouth to mother teresa, its doesnt give you the right to state as fact that your nation perpetrated an attack on its own people with zero! exaclty zero! real evidence. while completly vindicating the actual killers and rapists of your country, great job soldier

I for one am glad you are not in the service anymore. Im not sure you really belonged there in the first place. Timothy Mcvee also served his country.

you by spouting this shit all over the place get our soldiers killed! thats right the ones you served with so bravely get killed when you spew these lies.

i mean fuck,

ill be god damned if i get sent over there and lose my eye sight cuz some redneck arab loser detonated a make shift bomb because of all this anti american propeganda you guys are spewing straight from the horses or our nations mouth!

you want a cookie for serving your country? pls men do that everyday without one complaint without asking for anything in return & without even returning at all, be glad you made it out ok

reminds me of the people who are like look look im taking care of my kids for once.

thats what you should be doing in the first place, not just serving your country and then speading propeganda around for the enemy!!!!

and then you got the nerve to get all flustered when no one wants to pat you on the back for saying anti american, blame america first bullshit lies that put our current soilders in the feild in more danger?

your right we need more guys like you in the field:roll:

Actually polls show that the Majority of People believe it was someone other than Al Qaeda who did it.


So looks like your anecdotal evidence has been proven wrong, not only by facts, but also by the very poll's that have been taken on this site. The majority of people do not believe the official story, so you people that do believe the government version are the ones who are actually in the minority.

So lets change your false statement to be true shall we?

just be content in the fact that only about 54% of people here think you guys are right. 46% know you guys are fools

to Recap: The official version of 911 is a sham, they are hiding something, we want to have a new investigation to find out the truth. The government officials who conducted the investigation have come forward and say its all a lie, but you continue to believe the lie, even after they tell you its BS.

your an ass clown why didnt you post this disclamer in your own fucking link!

The size, form and quality of polls naturally varies considerably, as does the range and specificity of questions asked. They range from large, formal polls such as those conducted by Zogby, to smaller, informal polls of limited scope, and unscientific internet polls. The questions here relate specifically to doubts about the mainstream account, and in all cases were part of a group of questions dealing with wider issues, usually of a political nature.

so there you go lieing again to hate on your country more. if you did a real offical poll asking the american people if 9/11 was an inside job by the US governemt the vast majority would say no & hell no!!!!!!

here is a glaring example of all your guys bullshit statistics and bullshit "evidence"

hows that for showing evidence of your complete lack of real evidence:bigjoint:

they actually have a real word for this guys its called:


your an ass clown why didnt you post this disclamer in your own fucking link!

The size, form and quality of polls naturally varies considerably, as does the range and specificity of questions asked. They range from large, formal polls such as those conducted by Zogby, to smaller, informal polls of limited scope, and unscientific internet polls. The questions here relate specifically to doubts about the mainstream account, and in all cases were part of a group of questions dealing with wider issues, usually of a political nature.

so there you go lieing again to hate on your country more. if you did a real offical poll asking the american people if 9/11 was an inside job by the US governemt the vast majority would say no & hell no!!!!!!

here is a glaring example of all your guys bullshit statistics and bullshit "evidence"

hows that for showing evidence of your complete lack of real evidence:bigjoint:

they actually have a real word for this guys its called:


LOL and you go and say in your own post that a ZOGBY poll is a large and formal poll. LOL you do realize that the link I provided is for a ZOGBY poll right?

Now go and call me by some other name instead of ass clown, something more like "The Defeater of Big P dumbed down logic" or Maybe just " A helluva lot smarter than Big P"!! Ass clown just doesn't have the right ring to it.

Oh and its spelled P R O P A G A N D A.
I dont care if you gave mouth to mouth to mother teresa, its doesnt give you the right to state as fact that your nation perpetrated an attack on its own people with zero! exaclty zero! real evidence. while completly vindicating the actual killers and rapists of your country, great job soldier

I for one am glad you are not in the service anymore. Im not sure you really belonged there in the first place. Timothy Mcvee also served his country.

you by spouting this shit all over the place get our soldiers killed! thats right the ones you served with so bravely get killed when you spew these lies.

i mean fuck,

ill be god damned if i get sent over there and lose my eye sight cuz some redneck arab loser detonated a make shift bomb because of all this anti american propeganda you guys are spewing straight from the horses or our nations mouth!

you want a cookie for serving your country? pls men do that everyday without one complaint without asking for anything in return & without even returning at all, be glad you made it out ok

reminds me of the people who are like look look im taking care of my kids for once.

thats what you should be doing in the first place, not just serving your country and then speading propeganda around for the enemy!!!!

and then you got the nerve to get all flustered when no one wants to pat you on the back for saying anti american, blame america first bullshit lies that put our current soilders in the feild in more danger?

your right we need more guys like you in the field:roll:

Well if you wanna get nasty about the personal attacks, believe me I can come back with alot better than what you have, but Im not going to stoop to the lower than a rock level you are at to do it.

Have a good day Big P!
drama we are both men, i wouldnt be this rude obviously in public. but the internet allows one to be harsher than usual and I find it fun and I think many on here do to,

but you did say phuck you to me or somthing like that. and it hurt my feewings:bigjoint:

and if you linked the zogby poll then i will go back and check it out and declare myself the true assclown:bigjoint:

1 sec ill check it but it better not have some loaded wording and be up to date:bigjoint:

all i can find is this, pls link me to what zogby poll you speak of

Responses: 48% No Cover-up / 42% Cover-up / 10% Not sure

but the above poll does not ask if you think the attackes were perpetrated by our own govenment

it asks if people think there was a cover up

and there would be a high probabilty things were covered up. but not because it was our government who did the actual attacks

more likey cover ups would be to make it look like the us government wasnt asleep at the wheel

or like if they covered up another attack that we didnt know about so there wouldnt be mass fear or more markets crashing

so I still stick to my story, i dont see where you have proven me wrong infact this poll in your own posted link says following:

only 15% think that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by our government,

the vast majorty say it was either al queda or they just dont know

so there you big jerk:bigjoint:

however about the cover up have you noticed for the past 7 years there have been so many train derailments its not even funny,

i think those may all be attacks that the government has been covering up as accidents

like TWA Fight 800

and the oklahoma city bombing where they said it was just MCvee that did it, it was actually him and terrorist possibly iraqi, check this out that I stumbled upon

December 1989
Oklahoma Meeting of Future Terrorists
At a conference of Muslims held in Oklahoma City, Wadih el-Hage, a U.S. citizen later convicted in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings trial, meets with Egyptian Mahmud Abuhalima, who is later convicted for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. Abuhalima later tries to buy guns from el-Hage.
For more details on el-Hage's Al Qaeda connections, read FRONTLINE's "A Portrait of Wadih el-Hage".

The Oklahoma City bombing occurred on April 19, 1995

Mcvee served in desert storm i wonder if they got him to turn somhow.
"nuh uh your poll is wrong"

"if you made a REAL poll, you would lose cause your wrong wrong wrong"

your argument is not only childish but lacks any merit whatsoever

here you have the numbers staring you in the face, and you still can not accept it...

you cannot accept being the minority, your brain is short circuting, and your posting nothing now...

just take a couple days to sleep on that poll.... let it sink in

becuase that poll is a REAL poll....and you cant pick and choose which evidence you want to acknowledge and which evidence you feel like deeming "false" or "not good enough"

its a damn good thing your not a judge

and in response to your late pie chart, your STILL in the minority.... so stop stating that 99% of america is so stupid

oklahoma city bombing? another inside job

for several reasons.... 1 truck blows a building in half, with the explosion going in a 50 ish degree angle in ONE direction.....

come on.... you seriously beleive that?
December 1989
Oklahoma Meeting of Future Terrorists
At a conference of Muslims held in Oklahoma City, Wadih el-Hage, a U.S. citizen later convicted in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings trial, meets with Egyptian Mahmud Abuhalima,

Mcvee served in desert storm i wonder if they got him to turn somhow.

First of all that poll is old ... and who the hell does a Zogby poll or any other corporate poll? Anybody on this forum ever done one? ... anybody on this forum know anyone that has done one?
I find the internet polls much more creditable because I have participated and I know others that have ...
The poll done here indicate you are wrong ... RIU 911 Poll
... here's another one ...
RIU poll

and of course you ignored this video I posted way back on page 181 ... but I'll post it again to further prove you are wrong ... of course like all deniers you will disregard this post as you did the other, proving you wrong.

So as with the rest of the deniers ... you are wrong.

Nothing new there ... and Al Qaeda is fake ... those attacks you posted probably were done by the same people behind the false flag 911 attack. For all we know those "terrorists" you have posted could very well be working for the same people that are paying blackwater.

Now ... on to the 911 news:bigjoint:

http://www.bushstole04.com/911/60_page.htm9/11 Research 60-Page Summary
9/11 Research 60-Page Summary
Verifiable Research on 9/11
Summary of 9/11 Research Compiled by Paul Thompson

9/11 was one of the most pivotal days in world history. Its impact will be felt for years to come. You owe it to yourself to go beyond the sound bites and the simplified official story. This is an extremely complicated story with numerous players and motives. Not everything makes sense or fits neatly together. It's a story full of espionage, deceit, and lies. But if there are forces out there tricking us, they can only succeed if we, the general public, remain ignorant and passive.

Another video ... check it if you can ...



Chomsky's comments on the 9/11 Truth movement are full of surprising statements and bizarre non sequiturs. Find out more about the ways in which Chomsky is attempting to limit dissent by dismissing the concerns of a growing percentage of the population who no longer believe the official government-approved conspiracy theory about 9/11.

Of course the deniers will ignore this too, or dismiss it.

http://www.bushstole04.com/fakewar/how_our_governments.htmHow our governments use terrorism to control us
The sponsorship of terrorism by western governments, targeting their own populations, has been a taboo subject. Although major scandals have received cursory coverage in the media, the subject has been allowed to immediately disappear without discussion or investigation. Therefore the appearance this year of two major studies of this subject is a welcome breakthrough, and provides essential reading for anyone struggling to understand the events of September 11, 2001 and the post September 11 world.

http://www.bushstole04.com/911/911_coincidences.htm9-11 Coincidences-Series of 19 Videos
This is a very well done video broken into 19 short videos about 9-11 being an inside job or a false flag attack.

http://www.bushstole04.com/fakewar/mega_lie.htmThe Mega-Lie Called the "War on Terror": A Masterpiece of Propaganda
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie ... The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state." --Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945

http://www.bushstole04.com/bushfascism/selection_videos.htmSelection of Videos Showing Fascist Take-over of U.S. by Military/Industrial/Oil/Central Banking Complex
The following selection of videos speak volumes
1. 9-11 being an inside job;
2. the secret, insidious power of private central
banks, like the Federal Reserve Bank and the
Bank of England;
3. how the military/industrial/oil/international
banking complex with the support of the Bush
Family and the CIA has planned and orchestrated
a silent fascist takeover of this country by gaining
control of the courts, media, electronic voting
machines and the Executive Branch and by selling
a fake war on terror by the perpetration of 9-11.

I'm shocked that the guys in the article below were able to even get their case in court. Of course they didn't get no where near what they deserved.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20091103/ts_nm/us_usa_rights_muslims_1U.S. settles suit with Muslims in post-9/11 abuse
The U.S. government will pay $1.26 million to five Muslim men detained for months without charges after the September 11 attacks who sued for unlawful imprisonment and abuse, their lawyers said on Tuesday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
After they pay their lawyers, the actual settlement will just about cover minimum wage for their term of imprisonment.
This settlement is an insult. It does not even come close to punishing the government for their illegal actions. At best it is "shut up and go away" money.

http://www.bushstole04.com/911/9-11_videos_embedded.htmVideos on 9-11 Being an Inside Job
I find it so unbelievable that even well-informed journalists still think that Bush is just incompetent and that 9/11 was coincidental to allow Bush to attack Afghanistan and Iraq and establish a strong base for fascism in this country.
If you look at the people that Bush hired you will see that they have been waiting for the right moment to implement their plans which have been in place for at least 30 years. Bush appointed 32 Israeli dual citizens to his administration, mostly in foreign affairs and Middle Eastern affairs posts.
There has been a plan in place to militarily take over the oil in the Middle East for over 30 years.

http://www.911blogger.com/node/21750Re-investigate 9/11: 2nd meeting in the House of Commons, London
A few weeks ago I posted an entry about a meeting in the House of Commons in London. The second meeting will be monday 2nd November.
With great support from a fairtrade coffee business, a full page advert was placed in one of our national newspapers, the Independent, on Saturday 31st October

So you see deniers ... you can laugh call us names, post stupid pictures, tell us we got nothing ... but guess what? People ... all over the world ... are still going to want and demand a real investigation ... that must be terribly frustrating for you.

http://www.bushstole04.com/911/sheen_blasts.htmSheen Blasts Cowardly Media Response To ‘20 Minutes’ Letter
Actor labels corporate media shills “cockroaches” for completely failing to address 20 bullet points on 9/11
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Charlie Sheen has blasted the cowardly corporate media response to his “20 Minutes With The President” letter, slamming the press as “hopeless lap-dogs” for failing to address a single one of his 20 bullet points on 9/11 while ignoring completely his challenge to publicly debate 9/11 truth debunkers.

http://eclipptv.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=8157Did Nano thermite take down the WTC ?
Part 2 less than 3 min
Russia Today does an interview with Danish scientist Niels Harrit

... and the big question no denier can answer ... why didn't the NIST look for explosives? What does the NIST refuse to test for explosives?

http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=15892Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attacks? Where is the Evidence?
The idea that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks has been an article of faith for public officials and the mainstream media. Calling it an “article of faith” points to two features of this idea. On the one hand, no one in these circles publicly challenges this idea.
On the other hand, as I pointed out at length in two of my books – 9/11 Contradictions1 and The New Pearl Harbor Revisited,2 no good evidence has ever been publicly presented to support it.

... and that's the 911 News for today ... good night and good news:bigjoint:


and if you linked the zogby poll then i will go back and check it out and declare myself the true assclown:bigjoint:

Start declaring!!

If you actually tried to read what was linked and didn't just skim over it and try to nitpick something out that more or less helps you cause you probably wouldn't have missed this. i will highlight some parts for you.

United States

[edit] Zogby polls

The polls that have received the most widespread media attention are those conducted by Zogby International. The Zogby polls have been sponsored by organisations within the 9/11 Truth Movement including 911truth.org.
The first one was conducted in August 2004, on the eve of a Republican National Convention, on 808 randomly-selected residents of New York State. It found that 49 percent of New York City residents and 41 percent of New York state citizens believe individuals within the US government "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act".[4] The margin of error for this poll was 3.5 percent.
The second major Zogby poll on 9/11 was conducted in May 2006. It was a telephone interview of 1,200 randomly-selected adults from across the United States, consisting of 81 questions, with a 2.9 percent margin of error.[5] Some of the questions asked include the following:
"Some people believe that the US government and its 9/11 Commission concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence that contradicts their official explanation of the September 11th attacks, saying there has been a cover-up. Others say that the 9/11 Commission was a bi-partisan group of honest and well-respected people and that there is no reason they would want to cover-up anything. Who are you more likely to agree with?"
  • Responses: 48% No Cover-up / 42% Cover-up / 10% Not sure
"World Trade Center Building 7 is the 47-story skyscraper that was not hit by any planes during the September 11th attacks, but still totally collapsed later the same day. This collapse was not investigated by the 9/11 Commission. Are you aware of this skyscraper's collapse, and if so do you believe that the Commission should have also investigated it? Or do you believe that the Commission was right to only investigate the collapse of the buildings which were directly hit by airplanes?"
  • Responses: 43% Not Aware / 38% Aware - should have investigated it / 14% Aware - right not to investigate it / 5% Not Sure
"Some people say that so many unanswered questions about 9/11 remain that Congress or an International Tribunal should re-investigate the attacks, including whether any US government officials consciously allowed or helped facilitate their success. Other people say the 9/11 attacks were thoroughly investigated and that any speculation about US government involvement is nonsense. Who are you more likely to agree with?"
  • Responses: 47% Attacks were thoroughly investigated / 45% Reinvestigate the attacks / 8% Not Sure
The third major Zogby poll regarding 9/11 was conducted in August 2007. It was a telephone interview with a target of 1,000 interviews with randomly-selected adults from across the United States, consisting of 71 questions, with a 3.1 percent margin of error.[6]
The results of the 2007 August poll indicate that 51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush/Cheney regarding the 9/11 attacks and over 30% of those polled seek immediate impeachment. While only 32% seek immediate Bush and/or Cheney impeachment based on their personal knowledge, many citizens appear eager for clear exposure of the facts.
In addition, the poll also found that two-thirds (67%) of Americans say the 9/11 Commission should have investigated the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. Only 4.8 percent of the respondents agreed that members of the United States government "actively planned or assisted some aspects of the attack."

Start the Declarations any time now.
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