New Seeds Need understanding


Hello All ...........

What a fantastic informative site.


I have recently recieved (3) types of seeds that I want to start for indoor grow ( Mothers ):lol:

1. AK NL
2. BM

FREE are the KALU SK
and ??something A/C I cannot read the ink on the Vile

All are in sealed vilas with small white rocks (salt I guess ) .....

So what I have read is that we put them in water and let them crack open ( germinate ) then transfer to small pots for growing we are going to use heat mats and lots of humidity....

My question is how or when with these various strains will I know if the seeds are going to produce a Mother .....

What should I look out for ....

I will no doubt have many other inquires

Thanks in Advance...

Illegal Smile

Any female is a potential mother. I advise you to make sure you have everything ready, a well-developed grow plan, before you start germinating seeds. Lots of headaches have been caused by having seeds ready to go into soil or grow medium but not having the system ready to go yet. Everything should be ready first - germinating seeds is liftoff.



I understand lots of plants to worry about...

UMMMM I thought that I could germinate these plants and get MALES....I wanted to understand the likleyhood


Well-Known Member

I understand lots of plants to worry about...

UMMMM I thought that I could germinate these plants and get MALES....I wanted to understand the likleyhood
if the seeds are regular seeds, it's a crap shoot
likelihood of a female seems to range from 55-65%, depending on strain and which growers you believe
some seem pretty lucky/unlucky and get a disproportionate number of females/males