Active Member
alright so i have stopped smoking for a month or so to try and build up my tolerance a little. but i havent been sleeping well the past ohh idk 2 years of my life so i pack a bowl or something before bed and then bam! im out. thats what i would really like to do tonight but there are only a few people i know who "deal" and i put deal in quotes because if you sell a product you should act professional about it. i call up this guy and he says yea i have some ill hit you up in an hr, so im like yea thats cool no big rush. 3 hrs go by nothing yet.....i send him a txt wondering what happened......2 more hrs go by and still nothing. now this happens damn near EVERY TIME i try to get bud from him and it makes me so god-damn angry. if your going to sell a product weather or not its legal you should still treat your costumers with i dont know respect...is it wrong for me to feel this way? i know that most of you are going to say just go to another guy but the only other person i know sells the midds and eh midds always give me a head ach after i puff em' jksdagklsdjgfjlkh FUCK! PEOPLE! I WISH I COULD GROW!!!! 

im done venting thanks for listening.....well reading