Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

looking great cruz! can't wait to see it, but in about a month I'll get to see how aero effects the formation of the kush buds... I also just got Kushie Kush ferts so i'll see how that goes (kush only fertalizer)

as to Uncle Ben's TM, I did that once having never heard of the official technique, wound up with more than ten main colas... great results

Hey man those Kush are starting to pick up. A couple are past the screen now. One is the one I accidently topped so there is two main colas. The two I have in the center anyway. The others are shaded by the train right now.
Once I get a full Kush grow maybe I will pick up some of that Kushie Kush. Thanks for the 411.
I have a question for you...I have a surplus of 13 watt cfl's and i was thinking about making a miniature grow box just for early vegging. I was thinking I would putt 6 or 8 of those cfls in there. Do you think this will be sufficient light for the first couple weeks... and do you think this method will keep node spacing tight?

I agree with Doeeyed that sounds fine. If you use that many I would keep them about 6 inches away for the first couple weeks though. After they get there 3 prong leaf I would go 2 inches or so. That lighting will hold them untill they are about six to eight inches tall. Then I would either add more or higher wattage.

I found bathroom vanity fixtures that will hold 4 bulbs for about $15 at hardware store. There is also 2 into 1 sockets that could double the amount of bulbs used. Then buy a cheap extention cord, cut off the female end and wire it up. They work great for me. You can use them to start with then as side lighting later. I even cut one in half for two bulbs on each side for side lighting.

Good luck!
New guy to the forums here. Pulled up a chair and will be following this... This is by far one of the coolest grows I have ever seen on any forum, pretty unique set up you got going on there. Lookin' forward to seeing what the next grow has in store and possibly learning some new things!
Yeah should i be worried about the height

I really dont know what the stretch is like with your Kush but your gonna have some killer smoke. I will see what I can find out.

*From what I have read there is not much stretch man. Sounds like some tasty buds.
New guy to the forums here. Pulled up a chair and will be following this... This is by far one of the coolest grows I have ever seen on any forum, pretty unique set up you got going on there. Lookin' forward to seeing what the next grow has in store and possibly learning some new things!

Thanks pilo. I do put a bit of time in this but then, I have plenty right now.
Welcome to my grow, questions and comments are welcomed as well.
Temps 76 res 68°
PPM 280
PH 5.5

Topped off the res with about 2 gallons with nutes, brought it to 550 PPM's Ph 5.7

Heres a shot of the setup, I am vegging on the left. Just started week one of flower. The cab on the right is finishing.
Under that are the clones and a mini TW mother.


Aero grow
400w HPS
Week 1 Flower







I dont have a strong sativa pheno but the one on the left responded better to topping and has more grow tips then the one on the right. The one on the right is a stronger plant though. I think the buds will be bigger on the right. not as many but bigger.

You can see I just started to train them. I figure a foot of stretch or so.

Floro cab
8 week flower


Some bud shots,



White Widow



24w T5 HO 24" single stick with reflector
These are some small kush clones at one week. I see some yellowing, took off the dome for an hour today.
lookin good for there size.


That single clone is a WW I took in full flower, week seven I think. Its about two months old right now and just starting to grow again. OK you can take clones in flower it just takes forever to reveg. But if you had no more genetics its do able.


These are real small cuttings I think six have started to root. In about 2 weeks I will take more when I cut
everything from under the screen. I will get some TW too. Going to put the dome back on for now.
Hey, cruzer!
A couple months ago I was forced to expedite a plan to move indoors to get a couple pounds ahead and was initially planning to build a small "room" in the home shop or in a commercial warehouse we own. (BTW, I'm 100% 215. "Pounds Ahead" sounds like I'm commercial but I legitimately grow for my entire family/friends. No one in my circle has paid for anything for literally years. It's a labor of love and friendship. We all trade bud and labor. We unfortunately had a rash of crop rustlers this year. RIP.)

Anyway, while looking for a way to catch-up I found your(this)Op on RIU. Your grow really caught my eye and your journal inspired me to hastily get my show on the road. I'm a stoner with ADD and insomnia so if I get an idea I need to put my head into it and don't look up 'till I'm done.

Your op picture led me to your journal which led to RIU, which led me to believe I could help my friends and family get their own jump-start to being self reliant. Apartment dwellers included! Imagine. Nobody's going to do a home invasion for a china hutch full 'o weed. And nobody's sleepin' outside with guns to protect what? Effin' weed? In Kali anyway, it seems to be understood that these are the last days of the cowboy and the outlaws are out to get theirs while it's still a commodity. The pot bubble has piqued and it's dangerous out there, more than ever, with the economy and the overabundance of harvest-time surplus.

I noticed a link on my desktop this morning directly to your(this)op and realized I hadn't thanked you for being the diligent journaling MoFo you are and for inspiring me to take another look at being self reliant inside.(a BOX!)
And for letting me steal your knowledge via well documented operations.

It all started finding this awesome pic on Google and following it back to it's owner:)

Thanks man.
I'm havin' the time of my life!
Right on man.
Killler story. Yea, I am legal too but i only grow for myself and one other person.
Cabinet growing just seemed best for me as long as the yield was there.
Stealth and secured. I'm not saying my friends or family would steal from me but i like it locked. I went with metal cabs because they are fire retardant too and if I have a short/fire it would contained. Best thing I did was the ventilation. Well I kinda like my new reflector... Ha! Monster isnt it.

Anyway, Welcome my funky friend any questions or comments are cool with me.

So you found the pic in my sig on google. What was it, an image search?
Best thing I did was the ventilation. Well I kinda like my new reflector... Ha! Monster isnt it.
It is a monster! Likely a productive monster at that.

So you found the pic in my sig on google. What was it, an image search?

Ha! Yep, more than likely. I image search for everything.
...worth a 1,000 words 'n all that.

After seeing your metal cabs, I was tempted to use my own initially. I have 3 in my shop and I weld so mods wouldn't be a thang. But, I really want to be able to put this.(and others) in plain view in a household setting without raising suspicion.

Looking forward to the next update, Cruiser.
...and don't forget to snap me one of your McFunk Stick, amigo!
Temps 76 res 66°
PPms 550
Ph 5.8

I was havin trouble with ph dropping some. I kept using liquid ph up base.
Well I had some powder type base from a previous grow and used it instead, added one pinch.
Took me from 5.7 to 5.8 and stayed there for two days. I think I am done with liquid PH up.

OK starting Week 2 of flower





WOW! Really seems to be filling in.

Yea man,
I think this is gonna fill in real good. The two TW in the back are a bit smaller then the 2 in the front though.
Still I should be able to fill the screen.

They grow fast in aero huh? I was amazed my first grow.
Hell I am still amazed.
Yea man,
I think this is gonna fill in real good. The two TW in the back are a bit smaller then the 2 in the front though.
Still I should be able to fill the screen.

They grow fast in aero huh? I was amazed my first grow.
Hell I am still amazed.
Looks great! Gotta love the giant reflector.:-P
Looks great! Gotta love the giant reflector.:-P

Yea, man.
That reflector looks like it's going to work in complete synchronisity with the new screen. Awesome job, dude.

Did ya' notice the ironic resemblance to the Eye of Horus?
symbol of the sun amoung other things relevant to living cycles. Very cool omen IMO;-)