Leaves Curling down- +rep for all HELP!!!- pics


Active Member
the plants look ok, dont worry! perfect temps
I think perfect temps would range from 75-80. you def have some heat stress nothing to stress about. see if you can drop the temp below 80. You raised the light up some. It could be also that the plants are so young they are stretching. your plants look great keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
if it's been 7 days re-water that shit

are you using any miracle grow shit? that maybe why

i would water about half a cup to maybe a cup and wait a day see it they go up a little if so then that maybe your problem and then wait for a day or 2 and water it a little bit more (just half a cup) then go on from there

best of luck


Active Member
just watered the ladies and raised the lights. temps now stable at 80. pots were actually pretty light in weight, pretty sure they were telling me they were thirsty. pots are heavier now fo sho...... i usually water my 3gal bags till water starts coming out the bottom of the pot, which usually ends up being 1/3 to 1/2 gallon. this normal amount for anyone else?


Well-Known Member
my ph is normally 6.5. when watering with no nutes i add 5 drops of ph down to get it to desired level. when watering with nutes my Fox Farm grow big drops the ph to optimum level.

you want the pH a little higher then 6.5 that's a bit acidic for them and it's killing the roots slowly making it harder for them to drink (possibly making the soil moister for longer) you want about 7.0 or 7.2 is ideal


Well-Known Member
you want the pH a little higher then 6.5 that's a bit acidic for them and it's killing the roots slowly making it harder for them to drink (possibly making the soil moister for longer) you want about 7.0 or 7.2 is ideal
You're gonna have to show your source because everything Ive read and every chart Ive seen shows MJ in soil likes a ph between 6.5-6.8


Active Member
Dont blow air directly on the plants, blow around the plants. Your soil may be a bit dry as well. No indication of nute burn obviously. Pick up the bags if they feel super light, then feed a bit. If your using an air cooled hood run put you hand under the light. If its warm or hot on your hand find the distance that is luke warm or cool and run you light that far away from your canopy. Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
You're gonna have to show your source because everything Ive read and every chart Ive seen shows MJ in soil likes a ph between 6.5-6.8
it was somewhere on here i read they like 7.0 pH it could be wrong but if that's the case how would i lower my pH to make it 6.5 or 6.8? i'm using drinking water from the store to water my plants

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
check the ph of that store bought water... and lower it to 5.5... most store bought soils have "dolomite" in them

In horticulture, dolomite and dolomitic limestone are added to soils and soilless potting mixes to lower their acidity ("sweeten" them) and as a magnesium source. Home and container gardening are common examples of this use.


this stuff acts as a buffer to keep your soil at around 7.0 ph which is acceptable in growing but not optimal... so lowering your ph in your water to 5.5 gives your roots a little more time to ingest the nutes more effectivly before the ph rises back to 7.0 because of the Dolomite... when you check the water that has passed through your soil your p.h should read around 6.2 to 6.6


Well-Known Member
I like my water around 6.0-6.2....6.5 is just fine though.....I would cut down on the amount of water you are giving them right now 1/2 gallon run off means you are soaking them down pretty good which is fine in later stages but these plants dont have the roots to suck that water up like the the big girls thats why its a week in between waterings


Active Member
I set my ph at 6.7 and the runoff is at 6.5. When ever i water the runoff is .2 lower than the water it self. I use ffocean forest 30% perlite.