clf vs indecent light bulb

josh b

Well-Known Member
hey all im sorta new to growing,and i have 2 14w compact flourcent bulbs.

i still dont kno weather to use my 150w indecent household bulb.
it has the right colour spectrum for flowering (2700k warm white),but produces same heat as a halogen id say lol.

i just wondered if its better just to use the 14w clf's because the indecent bulb has alot of watts but produces to much heat and theyd have to stay like 2ft from the top and my plants are only 1 week into flower.

so tbh the question is do i use indecent bulbs or clf's? (energy saving bulbs).



Well-Known Member
hey all im sorta new to growing,and i have 2 14w compact flourcent bulbs.

i still dont kno weather to use my 150w indecent household bulb.
it has the right colour spectrum for flowering (2700k warm white),but produces same heat as a halogen id say lol.

i just wondered if its better just to use the 14w clf's because the indecent bulb has alot of watts but produces to much heat and theyd have to stay like 2ft from the top and my plants are only 1 week into flower.

so tbh the question is do i use indecent bulbs or clf's? (energy saving bulbs).

Yes use your cfls not the Incandecent


Well-Known Member
incandescent bulbs are worthless for growing. cfls you have are worthless cuz they are only 14 watts you want at least 23 watts the spectrum consists of kelvins. 2700k is the red end of the spectrum usually for flowering and say 42 watt cfls at 6500k would be the blue end of the spectrum which would be better for veggie. most people mix and match with their cfls so they cover both ends of the spectrum

josh b

Well-Known Member
yes atm i am into flowering as im using short veg time due to space and i want a short stocky plant.
i kno about the spectrums just that im in flowering now and wondering if adding them will help? they still are 2700k and warm white but incandescent bulbs which produce to much heat.

would adding them help, taking into account they have the right light spectrum and will not be used for main lights as i have sum clf's?

also gonna get 2 more clf's ss it should be ok for 1 plant.

thanks for all the help


Well-Known Member
they arent worth the electricity used or the heat given off. if your going to get more cfl's then get one for your incandecent socket.

complete waste of resources.

josh b

Well-Known Member
ok thanks i have 40w of clf on my plant now about 4" away from them.

1 for each side and 1 on the top.

i have only just repoted them 2day in a 3 gal pot and hope they will take root easy =)

thanks keep the comments up

josh b

Well-Known Member
i still dnt kno why incandescent bulbs with 2700k spectrum are worthless? but they produce the same spectrum needed for flowering as a compact flourscent but just get hotter and cost more? so surly adding them assuring that the temperaure is nothink above 25-30 will help?

only thing is they cost more to ru and get warmer?

josh b

Well-Known Member
i have just completly forgot the fact that because they get warmer they have to be further away which causes stretching,but also could i just use the 150w i have laying about with the lamp it fits in for a extra light, its the right spectrum 2700k so.

thanks and sorry for being a pain.


Active Member
Those cfls need to be as close to the top of your plants as they can be without touching....this will maximize the light intake and cfl's will not burn the plant

josh b

Well-Known Member
i kno that i just dont knno about incandescent and if thyed help because i have spare bulbs/lamps that i can use up just for lumens.

josh b

Well-Known Member
couldnt i just use the incandescent spare lamps and bulbs for extra lumens ect? becuase i still have my cmmpact flourscents as my main light, all bulbs are 2700k.


Well-Known Member
No Man, you can't use an incandescent. It doesn't work. It's not the right spectrum. It's not what your plant needs, its a waste of electricity and a socket. Just get another cfl. and you want at least 23w. 45w would be the minimal standard.


Well-Known Member
no matter how many times you ask NO you cant use an incandesent. I dont wanna come of as an asshole but i think thats the only way its gonna stick. They do more harm than good guaranteed. Its only 10 bucks for a single 42w CFL at walmart or 10 bucks for a 4 pack of 23 watts. If your not gonna put any effort or money into growning than your not gonna get any results worth even doing it.


bud bootlegger
incadesents are very ineffifient at converting electricity into light.. and if not mistaken, all of the light is in the wrong spectrum for growing.. an equal watt cfl will always put out way more lumens that an equal watt incadesent bulb.. not even mentioning the extra heat that these types of bulbs put out, which is mostly where all of the electricity is used instead of in useable lumens, incad. bulbs generate way more heat than lumens, which is the number one reason why they are so inefficient.. and agian, they don't produce the correct spectrum of light that plants need to grow well with..
buy as many cfl's as you have sockets for, the higher the watt and the more lumens the better.. of course make sure that you get the right spectrum for the phase that your plant is in.. ie vegetive growth or flowering, or you can always mix and match to cover the entire spectrum, which isn't a bad idea at all..
after you get a few grows under your belt, you can always move up to an hid bulb.. high intensity discharge.. either an hps or mh, but many people have very nice grows with cfls... just need all of the lumens that you can afford to use..
should do a search on here for cfls ... there are many threads for people who use only cfls and the people on them would surely help you out and point you in the right direction..
best of luck with your grow

josh b

Well-Known Member
but i have found the link to my bulb and it proves that it is 2700k and 2140 lumens just has alot of heat nothink bad in using them lumens and the right spectrum for side lighting or if my lights fail?

150W lightbulb, standard fit bayonet, pearl light bulb, GLS - 100 watt light bulbs, energy saving bulbs, fluorescent tubes, energy saving bulbs | Lampsavers

it is 2140 lumens the right colour (2700k) but just gives off alot of heat but if i could keep temperature low and my parents pay the bills that would work for extra lighting and mayb a spare if some of mine break?

thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
MJ will grow under any light,,,,,but not right,

use the wrongs lights = have problems

but even worse is asking for help and then not listening or argueing,,,,,,,,,why bother?

perhaps you should just use it and learn the hard way???