Maybe u should put down the bong.... If it was so why would it have so many positives to it? Helps sleep appetite mood swings pain inflamation and can save the economy. And aside from that I don't see fake tales from a vook of bs having a thing to do with the image our government has cast over this sacred flower
What does the bible say about weed?? Well, I am very spiritual( notice not religeous) I very much believe in God and He is a daily part of my life. I personaly feel marijuana is a blessing. In genisis God tells us that we are allowed to ingest any seed bearing tree and herb. Also, the bible also tells us It is not what entereth a man that defileth a man, but that which proceedeth out of a mans mouth that defileth a man. I don't think weed controls you if you don't let it. It isn't physically addictive, but can be mentally addictive to the weak minded, or just for people who have an addictive nature. However, anything can be addictive or a "drug" when abused. Food, TV , porn, sex, alcohol, laziness, or even working out, shopping etc... It could go on forever. The bible tells is not to be a drinker of MUCH wine. Interp? Don't abuse it. Same thing applies to MJ, it's fine to have it a part of your life. But when it becomes he only part of your life that matters, or you don't take care of your responsibilities, can't get or keep a job, whatever, if you can't hNdle it, don't do it. Just like alcoholics, if you can't handle it, don't drink. You have to know your weaknesses, and it proves to be hat big of a problem and you need to take a break, God can help if you go to Him in faith. I think the devil has turned a plant that has potential for so much good, into somthing society sees as evil and ugly. I actually feel more connected with God while I'm stoned because my mind is quiet and focused. Hope this helps, i've had the same thoughts and did the research.