well water and other sources ?


Well-Known Member
Im getting ready for next season my water source is high in IRON is this good or bad what should I do to correct it


Well-Known Member
Im getting ready for next season my water source is high in IRON is this good or bad what should I do to correct it
I would say too much of any nutrient is bad.

If your well water is high in iron like mine, it canbe very expensive to remove.

Would be easier to use city if you have or buy some distilled or drinking water from walmart or the grocery store.

always let the water sit at least 24 hours just in case it has chlorine in it


Well-Known Member
I would rather have well water than city water. If you have to much iron in your water why couldn't you stir it with a magnet? Why is it you will never see a rusty magnet?


Well-Known Member
I would rather have well water than city water. If you have to much iron in your water why couldn't you stir it with a magnet? Why is it you will never see a rusty magnet?

I have a heavy concentration of iron in my water, and no a magnet will not remove it.

You need to use a special filter system just to remove

Even if they removed all the iron I would not drink it, you just don't know what is in there.


Well-Known Member
just make sure you have a water softner, i have very hard water and have not had any related problems with it