Fimming results 1st try pics


Active Member
Ok these are my fem White Widow and fem Pineapple express. This is my 2nd grow and my 1st fimming attempt. I decided to go with Fimming bc it seems you can get a lot more tops in one try unlike topping where you have to top and shock the plant multiple times. Correct me if Im wrong but thats what I gathered from reading.

Anyhow pics



Active Member
Topping is a one time procedure to produce two (Cut above the first true node) or four (cut above the second true node) main colas. It is a high stress training technique but it is guaranteed unlike FIMing.


Active Member
Topping is a one time procedure to produce two (Cut above the first true node) or four (cut above the second true node) main colas. It is a high stress training technique but it is guaranteed unlike FIMing.
Thanks for the reply. In my case, it seems it worked. They are so bushy, I cant even count the tops on each yet.

Oh and dont the tops of the White Widow look weird? They are like half leave or something?


Well-Known Member
Oh and dont the tops of the White Widow look weird? They are like half leave or something?
That's what it looks like when you miss. Instead of growing multiple tops, it just grows out the part you cut. Topping using this method is much more reliable:
Here's an example of one of my girls, I topped mine at three weeks old - easy to top and get four colas every time, without the headache. I tried FIM 23 times before i found Uncle Ben's thread - only managed to get four tops on maybe two of the ones I attempted to FIM.



Active Member
That's what it looks like when you miss. Instead of growing multiple tops, it just grows out the part you cut. Topping using this method is much more reliable:
Here's an example of one of my girls, I topped mine at three weeks old - easy to top and get four colas every time, without the headache. I tried FIM 23 times before i found Uncle Ben's thread - only managed to get four tops on maybe two of the ones I attempted to FIM.

No there are multiple tops.


Active Member
Topping is a one time procedure to produce two (Cut above the first true node) or four (cut above the second true node) main colas. It is a high stress training technique but it is guaranteed unlike FIMing.
Where is the 2nd true node? That part confuses me.


Active Member
That's what it looks like when you miss. Instead of growing multiple tops, it just grows out the part you cut. Topping using this method is much more reliable:
Here's an example of one of my girls, I topped mine at three weeks old - easy to top and get four colas every time, without the headache. I tried FIM 23 times before i found Uncle Ben's thread - only managed to get four tops on maybe two of the ones I attempted to FIM.
Ok I see what you mean now. Cant you see all the tops now though?


Well-Known Member
Where is the 2nd true node? That part confuses me.
A node is where your leaf pairs come out of the main stalk. As the plant matures, this changes from pairs on alternating sides, to a single leaf on alternating sides. For the sake of topping - you'll want to go from the bottom, skip the first node (the one with your original, single blade leaf that came out first - not a "true" node), count up two, and cut about an inch above that.
Ok I see what you mean now. Cant you see all the tops now though?
If you mean in your pic, no - the second plant it looks like you were successful, I can't tell how many tops but you did change it. (Looks like four from the pic) The other, that you were wondering why the leaves look funny? I can't see any new tops. The leaves look weird because it's where you cut them. In a successful FIM, they don't do that. I thought the same thing first time I tried FIM - but I just managed to stunt her growth, and got nothing to show for it. A successful FIM (or topping) creates new top colas, but there are always still more side branching that resemble colas - (while in vegetation, anyway) maybe those are what you're looking at. Here is another example - same one of mine as above, just 24 hrs. after I topped it, and the same plant one week later. You can clearly see that there are four tops on it already.



Well-Known Member
Fimming is definitely a good way to get more tops. I've read the only disadvantage to topping is that when you fim the tops will come out at uneven intervals so this can be an issue for those doing a scrog grow. But your's seems to be coming along just fine, as you know expect some really slow and abnormal looking growth but they will take right off before you even know it.


I'm really happy with the fim method, its been a few days since I did it and u can already see all the bottom bud sites have grown up towards the top, now I have pretty much all main colasIMAG1323.jpg