Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin


Well-Known Member
And so it begins. The Liberal media is hard at work trying to downplay and spin the Muslim factor in the Fort Hood shooting.

Here is one such insidious story from the New York Times in which all the blame is shifted away from the shooter's Muslim beliefs and toward everyone else.

For instance, here is a quote by another Muslim - we are supposed to see him as a victim. Playing the victim is huge in Islam.

“When a white guy shoots up a post office, they call that going postal,” said Victor Benjamin II, 30, a former member of the Army. “But when a Muslim does it, they call it jihad."

Oh, boohoo, poor Muslims, America just treats them so unfairly. That is why there has been no appreciable record of anti-Muslim hate crime despite 911.

Notice how sneaky and insidious the NYT is in their coverage. Their propaganda techniques are so subtle, many might walk away never even noticing they have just been manipulated into believing the Muslims are the victims and the army was to blame for this whack job's actions.

Say what you will about Fox but at least they are up front about their convictions and don't try to hide who they are.

No, this type of subtle indoctrination is far and away more insidious than anything Fox does.
I think all religious extremists are pieces of shit, and we'd all be better off without them (christian, muslim [especially]... all of them). But, it's not right to stereotype people of a certain religion based on the actions of the zealots of their religion. Admittedly, I haven't been following the news closely the past few days... but, do we know that this guy was a religious nut, or was he crazy person who happened to be somewhat religious? There is a difference IMO.
Okay so why aren't you complaining that the religious affiliation of every criminal isn't blasted out by the media. Why is it relevant?

What are you going to do differently if he were Jewish? or Catholic? or Protestant? or Buddhist? or Atheist?

Why do you only want to be notified of Muslims? Sounds like someone has a bias...

And so it begins. The Liberal media is hard at work trying to downplay and spin the Muslim factor in the Fort Hood shooting.

Here is one such insidious story from the New York Times in which all the blame is shifted away from the shooter's Muslim beliefs and toward everyone else.

For instance, here is a quote by another Muslim - we are supposed to see him as a victim. Playing the victim is huge in Islam.

“When a white guy shoots up a post office, they call that going postal,” said Victor Benjamin II, 30, a former member of the Army. “But when a Muslim does it, they call it jihad."

Oh, boohoo, poor Muslims, America just treats them so unfairly. That is why there has been no appreciable record of anti-Muslim hate crime despite 911.

Notice how sneaky and insidious the NYT is in their coverage. Their propaganda techniques are so subtle, many might walk away never even noticing they have just been manipulated into believing the Muslims are the victims and the army was to blame for this whack job's actions.

Say what you will about Fox but at least they are up front about their convictions and don't try to hide who they are.

No, this type of subtle indoctrination is far and away more insidious than anything Fox does.
Sounds like you are retarded.

Are millions of Jews and Christians at war with America? Have Buddhists been committing dozens of terror attacks on Americans? No, that would be Muslims. That is the difference. Man, do you really need this explained to you? Pull your head out of your ass.

I would thank you to keep this debate civil and mature, RickWhite. Just an appeal to your good sense...

Unless he can be linked directly to organized terror then there is nothing more to know...

...and Muslims are not at war with the United States. Some people who ARE at war with the United States happen to be Muslim.

There is a significant difference.
I think all religious extremists are pieces of shit, and we'd all be better off without them (christian, muslim [especially]... all of them). But, it's not right to stereotype people of a certain religion based on the actions of the zealots of their religion. QUOTE]

Uhmm, you just contradicted the fuck out of your own statement.
So which of those two sentences do you really identify with?
I would thank you to keep this debate civil and mature, RickWhite. Just an appeal to your good sense...

Unless he can be linked directly to organized terror then there is nothing more to know...

...and Muslims are not at war with the United States. Some people who ARE at war with the United States happen to be Muslim.

There is a significant difference.

Nobody said all Muslims except you.

And they don't happen to be Muslim - it isn't a coincidence.
To me it sounds like your retarted. Kinnda like a extreme conservative Republican, who likes to attack opposing Progressive Liberal views,,,kinnda like spreading anthrax,,bombing abortion clinics, an do whatever extreme to get your point across,,,Tell the truth you could care less about the war on terroist it's about the war aginst the Left, and the power they have now. :finger: YOU are a piece of shit you hate monger,,My last post in the politacalshit thread:blsmoke:

Play that race card!!!

Do you have anything intelligent to say or are you just going to call me a racist? Typical Liberal failing.

That goes for everyone else too.
Well we are all speculating on things we know nothing about yet.
We don't know what his motive was.
Really it doesn't matter,
he has commited murder of at least 13 people. (some may yet not pull through)
But IMO the American people have shown incredable restraint in reguards to muslims.
Remember we interned the Japaness Americans after pearl harbor.
So we have come along way.

This is a tragedy.
But what are we gonna do intern, deport, tattoo, chip muslims?
Come on now.

This will continue until we stop meddleing in other countries affairs.
Bring our troops home.
Start treating others the way we would like to be treated.
Uhmm, you just contradicted the fuck out of your own statement.
So which of those two sentences do you really identify with?

Seemed pretty straight-forward to me. I said:
"I think all religious extremists are pieces of shit, and we'd all be better off without them (christian, muslim [especially]... all of them)."

But, at the same time, I have no problem with people being religious in a moderate, healthy way. The average, non-extremist religious person should not be blamed for the behavior of extremists. Get it?
Play that race card!!!

Do you have anything intelligent to say or are you just going to call me a racist? Typical Liberal failing.

That goes for everyone else too.
What race card I just got negative rep, because I disagree with you,,In a way that is not allowed where is the free speech in that? and who ever did that is spineless they did not identify themselves,,Guess that must be the RickWhite way of conducting world affairs.
Seemed pretty straight-forward to me. I said:
"I think all religious extremists are pieces of shit, and we'd all be better off without them (christian, muslim [especially]... all of them)."

But, at the same time, I have no problem with people being religious in a moderate, healthy way. The average, non-extremist religious person should not be blamed for the behavior of extremists. Get it?

We're on the same page, but in keeping with the theme of this thread we really should argue.

Or not,
What race card I just got negative rep, because I disagree with you,,In a way that is not allowed where is the free speech in that? and who ever did that is spineless they did not identify themselves,,Guess that must be the RickWhite way of conducting world affairs.

I have never used that feature. But evidently you have no qualms about making false accusations without any evidence. You probably got a negative rep because you said something incredibly stupid.

We do not know if the shooters faith played a roll in his actions. Or if he was just a troubled soul. The truth will be known soon enough.

But, (as was my original point) the fact is that his being Muslim might be a factor. And as long as this is true, it is news worthy. Fox has actually been very open in reporting that his religion may or may not be a factor. The Times, has clearly already drawn a conclusion and taken sides on the issue. That is what this thread is about. It is not about blaming all Muslims for terrorism or anything along those lines - it is about responsible journalism. It is about the persistent lie about Fox being biased and the Left wing media being objective. This story is unfolding before our eyes and Fox is covering it objectively while the Liberal news sources are already pumping out Left wing propaganda. For those who want proof about which news agencies are trustworthy, here it is. This is the real deal unfolding before our eyes and ears. All you guys need to do is keep yours open for a change and you just might learn something.
What matters is what he said while shooting. Did he cry out Ahla Akbar or not? If he did- he was acting in line with the Wahabist sect of Islam. If he didn't- he went postal. Now, pull a Shara Palin and check his garbage to see what makes him tick. Then, being a lib press, hide the fact that he wrote a letter to Ala stating his love for Jihad and rewrite your lead-in that he was a confused Christian who hated Islam.

Many of you who made earlier posts did the liberal two step and changed the direction this thread was intended for. You made it something it was not and this bitch about the answers to your asinine questions and statements. Go back to school and learn Comprehension 101 and then go to a civics class and learn how to judge a matter properly. No matter what- grow up and quit acting like this is your personal MySpace page.