first indoor grow need help


Hey everyone this is my first indoor hydroponic grow. I have successfully grown a
Few seasons outdoors so this is kinda an experiment stage for me
I built an ebb&flow system for my closet. Its nothing special but
I believe it will work for this first grow. My question is this I took some bag seeds
And germinated them in a cup of warm ph balanced water after they popped
I but them in my floral foam and set them in my flood tray with hydroton
Now my babys are about 5 days old from pop to now and I need
To know when I should start flooding at a regular basis. As of now I am keeping
Them moist cause I haven't yet seen any roots coming out of the foam
Yet about how long should I wait to start flooding.


Well-Known Member
id wait till i had a little root system going id say bout a week or 2. u can prolly start now but to be safe i would wait for some roots to show.


Well-Known Member
i agree. wait for root system to start showing. that's what I did, and it worked fine. about 2 weeks for me as well. Until then you'll have to keep manually watering a few times a day...


Ty for the replies now I have another question I've heard diffreng people say different things on flooding .
Some say with hydroton you flood twice a day some say 4-5 times a day. So In an experienced
Opinion it takes my tray about 3min to fill up to the top of my hydroton about half way up my fo
Should I flood for 3 min every 4 hours while light is on or over flood for 15 min like 2 times a day now also
Understand this is a small 16x24 tray holding 4 little girls. I fill stupid asking but there are thousands
Of people who say they know but have never done so experianced advice is nice to have


Well-Known Member
Ty for the replies now I have another question I've heard diffreng people say different things on flooding .
Some say with hydroton you flood twice a day some say 4-5 times a day. So In an experienced
Opinion it takes my tray about 3min to fill up to the top of my hydroton about half way up my fo
Should I flood for 3 min every 4 hours while light is on or over flood for 15 min like 2 times a day now also
Understand this is a small 16x24 tray holding 4 little girls. I fill stupid asking but there are thousands
Of people who say they know but have never done so experianced advice is nice to have
Well my set up is different from yours. I put my clones in 3 inch rockwool with a rooting compound. I keep them moist until I have substantial roots coming out of the bottom of the rockwool. For me this means watering them 4-7 times a day depending on heat. Once rooted, I place them in a new basket and surround them with hydroton and then transfer them to my reservoirs, with the roots in nutrient solution at all times from then on.

Sorry I can't be more help here... The best I can say is at the least, keep them moist at all times. Don't let them dry out completely...

I'll rep this guy.....Anyone else around that can help answer his question more specifically???


i guess i can always do it the old fashoin way trial and error i just dont want to stess them to soon and cause hermie or males, but i can always start out on a say 4 times a day plan if they seem underwatered i can add more thank you for the help if anyone can help more i would appreciate it