Why should anyone on here have to state their age? I don't think that age is the issue here. The matter at hand involve levels of maturity, respect, and intelligence.
Most on RIU are simply immature and disrespectful.
Personally, I like to look at someone's history of threads and posts to find out a little about them. I think that you can tell a lot about a person by looking at how they play with others. I look at how they type (if u typ lik dis den c u l8r) and how they communicate and exchange information. Its interesting to watch the drastic change from the first post to the last. Most people are quick to give advice but are offended when it is offered. It is often true that the worse the typing skills the more immature the typer.
This is just what i think though... I can tell who it is worth to talk to or not by reading what they've written. Just because we're all hiding behind computers doesn't mean that all aspects of our personality are wiped away. in fact, the type of person you are becomes very obvious when other people are reading what you've written.
"The wise man speaks because he has something to say, the fool speaks just to say something"