If you are in illinois



I doubt the army would have any trouble surviving in Chicago. :-D

it would be funny to see how they would do in the robert taylor homes in its hayday...... lol man that would be great

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
As long as you don't look like you got anything worth stealing that is.
Hey dude, you pushin it. I'm taking aboput a certain 1989 Cadillac Brougham with a 5.0 V8, burgundy cfolor, chrome all over, 3 12" pioneers, 2000 watts, and on top, a beige soft top convertible style. Didn't sweat a drop st. louis ain't shit.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member

"Gang related" If you aren';t wearing colors and you don't call everyone you drive by a nigger or a pussy or whatever, you will not be fucked with. Anyways, I had the high-capacity Glock 9 in the door, but thewy didn't know about it, I mean I look like a pussy ass white dude, but I've been shot, I've been addicted, I've pretty well lived the shitty side of life, and I';m ready to live the good side now. /insults. I apologize, but I'll still say Iraq is much harder than any block in St Louid.


"Gang related" If you aren';t wearing colors and you don't call everyone you drive by a nigger or a pussy or whatever, you will not be fucked with. Anyways, I had the high-capacity Glock 9 in the door, but thewy didn't know about it, I mean I look like a pussy ass white dude, but I've been shot, I've been addicted, I've pretty well lived the shitty side of life, and I';m ready to live the good side now. /insults. I apologize, but I'll still say Iraq is much harder than any block in St Louid.

like i said its not unheard of for a kid not even in a gang to walk down the street some goons ask him who he roll with the kid says he dont even bang and still gets shot in the head.
Hey dude, you pushin it. I'm taking aboput a certain 1989 Cadillac Brougham with a 5.0 V8, burgundy cfolor, chrome all over, 3 12" pioneers, 2000 watts, and on top, a beige soft top convertible style. Didn't sweat a drop st. louis ain't shit.
You talkin' bout a genuine car jacking? Haven't seen one of those in forever. I'm talkin' about just walking down the street.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
like i said its not unheard of for a kid not even in a gang to walk down the street some goons ask him who he roll with the kid says he dont even bang and still gets shot in the head.
I can talk myself out of that situation easily. Of course, I got jacked at age 16 in Topeka, KS [the pussiest town of the midwest] by a bunch of black dudes who thought they were hard, but I can handle the scandal so to speak from my experiences of getting my ass beat and money and weed stolen in Top City to apply. Anyways, all else fails, go down shooting. No problem there, I kinda do wanna die, but at this pint I have no reason to roll MLK, so I don't have to worry about it now.


I can talk myself out of that situation easily. Of course, I got jacked at age 16 in Topeka, KS [the pussiest town of the midwest] by a bunch of black dudes who thought they were hard, but I can handle the scandal so to speak from my experiences of getting my ass beat and money and weed stolen in Top City to apply. Anyways, all else fails, go down shooting. No problem there, I kinda do wanna die, but at this pint I have no reason to roll MLK, so I don't have to worry about it now.

you have obviously never been sorrounded in little village by 30 plus latin kings all drunk and geeked on yay

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
"Gang related" If you aren';t wearing colors and you don't call everyone you drive by a nigger or a pussy or whatever, you will not be fucked with. Anyways, I had the high-capacity Glock 9 in the door, but thewy didn't know about it, I mean I look like a pussy ass white dude, but I've been shot, I've been addicted, I've pretty well lived the shitty side of life, and I';m ready to live the good side now. /insults. I apologize, but I'll still say Iraq is much harder than any block in St Louid.
Have your really been shot man?

A buddie of mine used to sell hella herb, he's a fat red headed kid that loves slayer and all the metal stuff, A couple months ago 2 Gangster deciples kicked his door in and came in and tried robbing him, they both had guns.

My friend gave the dude a pound to leave but the guy just got greedy and pistol whipped my homie, so my buddy told the guy he had more weed in his sock droor. The Gd said alright lets go get it, my friend walked in his room opened up his sock droor pulled out a .45 a shot that fucker three times, once in the stomach, chest, and leg.

Point of the story is, you never know how gangster someone is tell you test it. Im sure the last thing those 2 gangsters thought when they came over as that one of them would get shot.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
you have obviously never been sorrounded in little village by 30 plus latin kings all drunk and geeked on yay
You mean 'mexicans' by latin? Mexicans sure look like they roll hard fromn a distance, but the only thing about mexicans is they stab you in the back where everyone else just plain stab you. Just keep an eye on those motherfuckers and they won't do shit. Why do they care about killing an innocent. If you politely decline a gangster's request and mind your own business you will not be harmed. Act like a normal person minding their own business [who you sohjuld be] and everything's cool. I don't know what yuou know, and you don't know what I know, we're basing the same discussion of 2 different knowledge bases, but I;ve rolled St. Louis enough to post my experiences.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Have your really been shot man?

A buddie of mine used to sell hella herb, he's a fat red headed kid that loves slayer and all the metal stuff, A couple months ago 2 Gangster deciples kicked his door in and came in and tried robbing him, they both had guns.

My friend gave the dude a pound to leave but the guy just got greedy and pistol whipped my homie, so my buddy told the guy he had more weed in his sock droor. The Gd said alright lets go get it, my friend walked in his room opened up his sock droor pulled out a .45 a shot that fucker three times, once in the stomach, chest, and leg.

Point of the story is, you never know how gangster someone is tell you test it. Im sure the last thing those 2 gangsters thought when they came over as that one of them would get shot.
Yes, from my teen years [which are still happening lol] got a 9 mil that missed the bone in my leg. Hurt like a bitch though but I toughed it out 28 miles to the hospital.

Discussion of guns isn't allowed, so I'll leave this paragraph to your imagination.

naked gardener

Active Member
word y'alls...maybe your shit di-ent get jacked in the STL--but dis thread sho' the fuck did...:bigjoint:
when did the illinois medical SB1381 thread turn into "fuck Illinois" bc someone apparently rolled through St Louis MISSOURI and DIDN'T GET JACKED?? huh? Y' all need to git yo asses back on the east side...
Nah, fo real tho, is cool....no one got capped by the LK, no one got their bling mobile robbed (BrevityTSOW, i think you offended peterparker, clearly his shit WAS worth stealing...and don't be mistaken him for some triflin non-theft-worthy-shit-havin muthafucka.)
I'm ripped...and you guys are cracking me up....:grin:


I'm guessing this is a bill allowing medical use of Cannabis right?
Yes sir! I have been talking to so many people who are suffering just from their dis-ease. Than to top it off, they are suffering and/or debilitated from the "medicine" the doctor gives them.

For some of us a stoned stupor is on of the most lazy states we can be in. Now imagine being able to do NOTHING and cannabis allowing you have a freedom previous stolen from you.

This is one of the most compassionate things IL can do for it's residents.


bottom line illinois makes much more money having it ilegle then they would if they legalized.....