Any Idea On Stoppin Drug Dogs From Finding Your GRow


Active Member
is thurr any way to stop drug dogs from smellin thru and to ya stuff ....or anything to distract thurr noses:fire:


Active Member
no... u can vacuum seal the bags so the pigs won't smell it. i saw the same question on manswers. they said to hide your drugs in raw meat, and when the dog goes for the meat, the cop will stop the dog from eating your shit.


bud bootlegger
that's too funny.. i saw that same episode.. sounded like a good method as well if you are transporting anykind of wieght, but i wouldn't want to be going to far like that or it may go rotten.. lol...
i would think that the best thing that a grower could do is a good carbon filter really... and try to be as low key as possible.. lots of traffic in and out of a grow is always going to draw unwanted attention..
but as far as throwing off a drug sniffing dog, i am not sure that there is all that much that can be done to throw off a dog... their damn noses are way effective at picking up scents, which is why they use them... i saw in a movie once where a guy was being tracked by dogs, so he got all kinds of pepper, like ground cayenne and whatnot and put it on the ground where the dogs were going to be sniffing... but this was just hollywood, and not real life... so i am not sure of it effectiveness on a real life drug sniffing canine..

gezzy da snowman

Well-Known Member
to throw off a drug dog if he is sniffing your stuff is to make the entire object that is beging searched to smell of mj if its a grow house or a stash house take your seeds and steams grind them up into a fine dust and sprinkle it around the house this way the dog thinks the house is made of weed take ur bags and rub them on doors and walls the micro dust and keef will collect and the handler will have to call off the dog and the fuzz will have to search the house with out the dog............. gl

Illegal Smile

I'd say if you have a police dog sniffing your shit you are already pretty well on the way to fuckedville.


Active Member
There is no way to beat drug dogs. Their sense of smell is amazing.

I raise hunting labs and I've seen the training that drug dogs go through and precision they need to exhibit before they pass. The final test the locals trainers put them through is to find about 1/10 of a gram of coke, sealed in bags and put inside a full gas tank. They then pick the car out of a full parking lot.

Forget about hiding a grow house from them.


Elite Rolling Society
When I am doing a grow, I am easy prey to a drug dog.
After I harvest, I bury my jars in 2 5 gallon buckets, about 200 yards from my house.
For three years, I have saved my male leaves and all my useless leaves. I dry them, crumble and powder them and I put them all up and down the edges of my driveway. I have probably put two or three pounds of dried crumbled leaves in my yard up and down the dirveway.
If a drug dog jumps out of the car, he is going to think I have my pot hid in the yard..
I also put the powdered leaves under the carpet, under the baseboard, at the front and back door, for the dog to find and hit on.
Many years ago, I had a neighbor friend who trained drug dogs. He smoked and knew I smoked. He told me to keep a tennis ball in every room, where a drug dog could find it, that the dog is trained with a tennis ball, and will quit searching when he finds a tennis ball.


Active Member
thank you for postin idea's on here ....its just a topic i wanted to kick off and see if any one would wanna share


Well-Known Member
is thurr any way to stop drug dogs from smellin thru and to ya stuff ....or anything to distract thurr noses:fire:
disttract them with there instinks. finda female dog get a stool and urin samples. put the samples at stryic points like at thr threshold of yourfront door. after a dog gets sent of a female in heat all they want to do is get some. as a lats resort sprinkle cynne pepper all over that will blind there noses you snort some .or get some dumb ass to snort some.

True Stoner

Active Member
no... u can vacuum seal the bags so the pigs won't smell it. i saw the same question on manswers. they said to hide your drugs in raw meat, and when the dog goes for the meat, the cop will stop the dog from eating your shit.
Imagine trying to stuff like 5 pounds of weed into meat to hide it!! Impossible!!:wall: