Help needed asap

This is my first grow, and Im growing 3 master kush X skunk #1 cross
and in need of help before these babies die off on me.

The tips and the outter edges of the plants are yellowing and curling upwards and u can see them in the pics. even the new leaves im getting in are eventually turning yellow on the outter tips. the actual leaf part is also loosing color

Right now they are on a 24 hour light period

I dont think its light burn because these plants have sufficient space between the the light bulbs about 4 inches apart. The temp between the plants and the lights is 26.9 Celsius so heat isnt the issue either

the nutrients im giving is an all purpose miracle grow 12-4-8 mix liquid nutrients.

This has been occuring for the past week and just recently started using the nutes and yet i dont see a difference.

its been about 3 weeks since these guys sprouted

Any help on this is greatly appreciated

THanks again!




Active Member
ya nute burn. I used miracle grow on my plants before, i watered them 3 times with it, finally got a ppm meter and found out the ppm was between 4000-6000! Flush your plants! and always flush before you add more nutrients so they dont build up and change your pH


how do i flush them??

do i just over flood it with water and let it run off?
yep just wash em through with luke warm water for a minute.then leave em be hopefully they will recover.them plants look quite young.what soil you using.because to be fair they look young enough not to need any nutes as yet


After i flush, wouldnt i need to replace those nutrients that run off?

how often should i use the miracle grow mix
i dont know never used em heard they were not very good.i use bio bizz gro and bloom only, throughout grow, and have many successful grows. i really wouldnt give em any more nutes still they show some recovery.and even then give em as little as poss until you kow you have the situatiuon under control. if i were you id get rid of the miracle grow and go organic with bio bizz or cant go wrong


Well-Known Member
im using schultz potting soil plus

not too sure how good it is, but hopefully they recover after i do the flushing
That soil already has nutes in it so I would not add any nutes at all until they look like they need it which probably will take 2-3 weeks at least. Just flush them and let the soil dry very well before watering again without nutes and see how it goes. I am pretty sure that soil may have enough nutrients to get you through until flowering. Good luck