why even make human's in the first place, are you some kind of jokester, why couldn't we just stay angels or whatever we were before hand, did you not want us up there with you- this is one of the many reasons i dout you to this day- it make no sence to have us nere you then send us away to have us return - and when in the hell are you going to finally snap your fingers and begone the devil (who i also dont belive in) - he keeps challanging you (read the bible) but you keep running away from him why is this, you so ezly bring rath down on mankind, killing us by the millions, but you do nothing to satin WHY are you not more powerfull then him, are you pussy, what type of GOD are you
We are Angels. Anyone that works for God and brings the message is an Angel.
The devil is the owner of the central banks. Watch the movie called "the money masters" on googlevideo.com. Its going to take a revolution to bring him down. He owns over half of the worlds wealth.
The best times are coming when Jesus is hailed King and takes over the central banks to bring in a debt free world which will make everyone rich.
This is only the beginning. It might get worse before it gets better though. Once the world KNOWS that the Second Coming of Christ is alive than there is going to be a lot of confusion because everyone thought Jesus was dead.
aren't you the guy ;that comes to the forums every couple of months claiming to be jesus reincarnate?
Thats Me.
i would ask him to come over for a cup of tea and a donut
Cool. I like tea and donuts.
Is that an offer? HAHA
Why do you let so many kids get rapped and murdered.I would also be curious if he inhales.
Most people are evil and carnal. But God/Jesus is not evil and carnal. Jesus/God is holy.
By the way, I inhale
Interesting opinion.. Perhaps God doesn't have to be the same one depicted in the Bible? Perhaps not the one depicted in any religion? Then what would you say. .
Good point. I AM Who I AM.
i would ask him since I AM A BELIEVER how my moms is doin up there with him and is SHE still drinkin BUD LITE....lol....
It is written that God is the God of the living and not of the dead.
Jesus says "what you bind of earth is what you bind in heaven. And what you loose of earth is what you loose in heaven."
So I believe that earth is suppose to be heaven but it hasn't been since Jesus has been away. Once Jesus is in complete control of the world than it will be heaven.
like sit on His lap and ask for a pony
"What's up with all the pain and suffering?" and "Why won't you heal amputees?"
... is what i would ask...
I've had lots of pain and suffering too. It is written that the Son of Man must go through lots of suffering.
But the Good News is that God and Jesus loves you and We will do whatever it takes to save the world and bring the dawn of the kingdom of God.
The best is yet to come. This is only the beginning.
Jesus loves you.