My Seedlings 15 Days Old - Various Problems - HELP PLEASE! Thank You


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Hello all - first of all thank you for visiting my page if you stop by can you please leave a comment - thank you:leaf:

Well this is my first grow and i decided to go with feminized WHITE RHINO seeds. The plants are now 15 days old and just today about 30 minutes ago i decided to re-pot them from 4'' pots to 8'' pots which is 2 gallons.

Lately ive noticed the tips of my leaves turning yellow? i belive this to be a niterogen deficiency?

I started my plants of in bio bizz light mix soil as i heard this would be ideal for them @ seedling stage. Its now been 2 weeks and because i transferred them into bigger pots i changed the soil from bio bizz light mix to normal bio bizz with fertilizer already in it.

Do you think this soil will be too strong for plants 15days old? i had to re-pot them as the roots where trying to bulge out the side of the small pots - they were all over so it was perfect timing. You dont think this new bio bizz mix soil will be too strong do you? im now in VEG stage as the lights have been on 24 hours and the plants are growing quite quickly - more bushy than tall

i would really like some feedback from everyone on my plants, the soil, the leaf issues, the overal state of plants - everything and anything that will help me on my first grow

Ive read the internet for months before i set this 1st grow up but as your aware nothing is like actually doing this grow live rather than reading bout it all

My temps and humidity is perfect and is ideal reccomendation so thats not an issue - ive been using a 150W flu for seedling stage and i will continute to use it for full VEG stage - then im moving to a 600W HPS light for flowering

I have dr hornbys iguana juice for veg stage (i will use this in a week or so at the 3 weeks mark) and then i have dr hornbys bud blood and big bud for the flowering stage ALL ADVANCED NUTRIENTS

im going to upload pictures of my babys ive just taken so these pics are like 10 minutes old ok - please FEEDBACK will be greatly appreciated and i look forward to every ones opinions about my little plants

:bigjoint:thanks for reading and if ur growing urself GOOD LUCK to everyone!:bigjoint:




Active Member
:leaf:Hello all - first of all thank you for visiting my page if you stop by can you please leave a comment - thank you:leaf:

Well this is my first grow and i decided to go with feminized WHITE RHINO seeds. The plants are now 15 days old and just today about 30 minutes ago i decided to re-pot them from 4'' pots to 8'' pots which is 2 gallons.

Lately ive noticed the tips of my leaves turning yellow? i belive this to be a niterogen deficiency?

I started my plants of in bio bizz light mix soil as i heard this would be ideal for them @ seedling stage. Its now been 2 weeks and because i transferred them into bigger pots i changed the soil from bio bizz light mix to normal bio bizz with fertilizer already in it.

Do you think this soil will be too strong for plants 15days old? i had to re-pot them as the roots where trying to bulge out the side of the small pots - they were all over so it was perfect timing. You dont think this new bio bizz mix soil will be too strong do you? im now in VEG stage as the lights have been on 24 hours and the plants are growing quite quickly - more bushy than tall

i would really like some feedback from everyone on my plants, the soil, the leaf issues, the overal state of plants - everything and anything that will help me on my first grow

Ive read the internet for months before i set this 1st grow up but as your aware nothing is like actually doing this grow live rather than reading bout it all

My temps and humidity is perfect and is ideal reccomendation so thats not an issue - ive been using a 150W flu for seedling stage and i will continute to use it for full VEG stage - then im moving to a 600W HPS light for flowering

I have dr hornbys iguana juice for veg stage (i will use this in a week or so at the 3 weeks mark) and then i have dr hornbys bud blood and big bud for the flowering stage ALL ADVANCED NUTRIENTS

im going to upload pictures of my babys ive just taken so these pics are like 10 minutes old ok - please FEEDBACK will be greatly appreciated and i look forward to every ones opinions about my little plants

:bigjoint:thanks for reading and if ur growing urself GOOD LUCK to everyone!:bigjoint:

let them recover from the transplant, p/h water and a few drops of superthrive for the next few feedings only,


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with them ?
they look ok 2 me
any 1 else ?
just relax and let them do there thing lol


Well-Known Member
The leaves are yellow they have dis-colouration - one of the stems has grown sidewards and will end up snapping - the soil mite be too strong for them, nutes ect - lots of questions i need answered jaybee!!!


Active Member
There's nothing really wrong with them. They are in shock from being transplanted. Next time don't transplant this early. They should be fine though.


Well-Known Member
I was told to transplant them straight away last time i put a post up on here? Bout 3.4 days ago so i left them a few days then done it today - the transplant went well but i noticed one of the stems on my plant it growing to the side which cud lead to future problems - there 15 days old and were in 4'' pots from seedling stage


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like slight nute burn!
i would just not give them any nutes
just water and keep an eye on them.
also keep PH within the recommended range
Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
I havnt gave them any so far. No nutes at all. Just council pop aka water. I let my babys have water which I leave for 24 hours for chlorine ect to evaporate and reach a good p.h
I've just put them into bio bizz all mix which has nutes. I'm not sure if it can be nite burn as I've never fed them and then light mix I used as seedlings has no nutes I don't think. Amy other ideas? I'm wondering....2 weeks seedlings. Then 5 weeks veg. That a good plan? There out the seedlings stage so now I guess it's veg stage


Active Member
Because people have already answered your questions :)

What is the pH of your water?
I'm guessing the reason someone told you to transplant right away was so they can for a full root structure. But if you put them in to soon they can show signs of stress for a few days. I transplant when there's evidence of root growth taking off.

And yes you're right they are in veg. state now.


Active Member
don't worry about it. they look fine. as long as the new growth isn't affected, you'll be all right. a handful of my latest 30 sprouts did the same thing.

and its not from transplanting at 2 weeks RanTyr, i transplant my seedlings after one week sprout from dixie cups to 3 gal pots with absolutely NO STALL SIGNS....


Active Member
really ..not much to say at this point ... give 'em time

letting your water stand for two days .. gets rid of chlorine .. but doesn't change the pH .. use pH test paper .. if it's between 6.5 and 7'll be fine ....

I use a soil test kit to determine soil pH

6.5 - 6.8 is ideal for MJ


Well-Known Member
Ok peeps thanks for the help - I'll post some new pics up at the 3 weeks mark

por favor - muchos gracia. :-)