Do republicans have class?


Active Member
Noticing republican leaders don't seem to have any class or respect for the house, trying to censor their opponents. Also notice the sheeple themselves with their fear/hate mongering, racism, and mudslinging "ism" insults.

Can't wait to watch some heads explode when healthcare passes!



old crazy white men..
cant wait to be forced to buy insurance and when i refuse be taken to jail


cause thats what a republic is right? do what we say or go to jail? or is that another one of your "isms"


Well-Known Member
a good many republican have a lot of class but these are not the republican that are in the 24-hour news cycle, nor do they attact attention by the media for their lack of shock value
that is the problem with the republican party, IMO
the reasonable republicans have been thrown to the sidelines and the extreme right is attracting all the attention from the media and the lobbyists
after all, public opinion, which garners most positions from the media, is one of the policy drivers; the other is funding by the lobbyists and PAC's
so we end up with the extreme right wing vs the democrats who i envision as a somewhat more homogeneous group except for the lobbyist (corporate) and PAC (a method to bypass political contribution regulations) influences.
it's really fucked-up


New Member
From what all the polls are showing... it is the Democrats whom are perceived as having no class. Ability is in short supply as well.

But I love this attitude.... it brings the Left wing ever closer to irrelevancy.

Keep up the good work!!! Ur doing a lot of it for us (the normal folks)!!


Well-Known Member
agreed jeff and cracker. but its ok. sooner or later we the supposed "sheeple" (when in reality it is you who is blinded from the truth because you choose to follow instead of think for yourself and your liberties) will have the last laugh.
And think what you will but there is no way anything resembling the House's version will be reconciled much less be passed by the senate. so yes you will get your "healthcare" bill but it will be an empty facade that the prsident can masquerade around in front of the ignorant masses and proclaim victory. (just as bush did and was so heavily criticized for)
so that to me shows a true lack of class. all this admin's interested in is making a name for themselves and fooling the american people into following along


Active Member
From what all the polls are showing... it is the Democrats whom are perceived as having no class. Ability is in short supply as well.

But I love this attitude.... it brings the Left wing ever closer to irrelevancy.

Keep up the good work!!! Ur doing a lot of it for us (the normal folks)!!
What polls are showing that dems have no class?

I'm really curious CJ.

Illegal Smile

"when in reality it is you who is blinded from the truth because you choose to follow instead of think for yourself and your liberties"

Can't this be said by anyone at anytime about anyone else? How about, "we're right and they're wrong." That's equally insightful.


Well-Known Member
agreed jeff and cracker. but its ok. sooner or later we the supposed "sheeple" (when in reality it is you who is blinded from the truth because you choose to follow instead of think for yourself and your liberties) will have the last laugh.
And think what you will but there is no way anything resembling the House's version will be reconciled much less be passed by the senate. so yes you will get your "healthcare" bill but it will be an empty facade that the prsident can masquerade around in front of the ignorant masses and proclaim victory. (just as bush did and was so heavily criticized for)
so that to me shows a true lack of class. all this admin's interested in is making a name for themselves and fooling the american people into following along
if that is what happens, then I agree - no class at all. but I will wait to see what develops - it is a very interesting time in American politics

Cloud City

New Member
I'm ashamed to have ever voted Republican. They ought to change their name from Republican to Rethuglicon because all they are is a bunch of thugs and con artists.