Just harvested *with pics*

it looks nice! how do the trichomes look?
Beautiful they went from skinny clear nothing to fat cloudy behemoths with a few amber scattered about around 30% on tops and 10%amber on most the lil nuggets :bigjoint:.

For some reason it lost a little taste today it was tasting great been curing perfect every 5 hrs opening for about 15-30 min. Smell is getting better each day though hope the awesome taste comes back.
I have smoked quite a bit and gave a little to my buddy but out of 6 plants (2 of them did not yield shit) I got a little shy of a lb. Here they are in jars starting to taste and smell redicules if that is pre-mature I am scared to see what the matured version would have been my whole apt complex would have stunk to high hell :fire:.

Anyway thanks for all the rep and kind words everyone I will have a new grow log set up in the grow log section using a fogger system I made. Should be awesome anyone got any strains from attitude they like especially well. I am going to probably get a good variety of afgan kush, mk-ultra, lemon skunk, powerkush. But not sure not dead set on anything yet.

But the new grow log will be up sometime around December :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
I have smoked quite a bit and gave a little to my buddy but out of 6 plants (2 of them did not yield shit) I got a little shy of a lb. Here they are in jars starting to taste and smell redicules if that is pre-mature I am scared to see what the matured version would have been my whole apt complex would have stunk to high hell :fire:.

Anyway thanks for all the rep and kind words everyone I will have a new grow log set up in the grow log section using a fogger system I made. Should be awesome anyone got any strains from attitude they like especially well. I am going to probably get a good variety of afgan kush, mk-ultra, lemon skunk, powerkush. But not sure not dead set on anything yet.

But the new grow log will be up sometime around December :bigjoint:
hey dude,

i would take all the nugs off those main stems in the curing jars, thats just asking for mold IMO. other than that great job man. looks real nice. enjoy.

hey dude,

i would take all the nugs off those main stems in the curing jars, thats just asking for mold IMO. other than that great job man. looks real nice. enjoy.


Are you sure because they already pretty much snap if i bend em one way then an opposite it will snap so I think I am safe from mold at this point right? In future grows I will def. take that advice I think it might speed the process up a wee bit too :). But I have been ripped all day long it smells very strong and very nice smooth tasty smoke :).

Not to mention I have been opening the jars every 3-5 hrs for 15-30 min for a lil while. If you think it will be a prob at this point i will def. snip em off tho.


Well-Known Member
I agree, take all those stems off. You dont need them and it will make the process take longer.

Now back to the plants....If you were growing that much AK-47, your apt would have stunk to holy hell all throughout flowering. Were talking POWERFUL STINK!! If you didnt have that, it wasn't AK-47.

Nice to have jars fulla stash though huh? Good job :hump:
I agree, take all those stems off. You dont need them and it will make the process take longer.

Now back to the plants....If you were growing that much AK-47, your apt would have stunk to holy hell all throughout flowering. Were talking POWERFUL STINK!! If you didnt have that, it wasn't AK-47.

Nice to have jars fulla stash though huh? Good job :hump:
Lol it is quite nice. And they really didnt have a stink until week 6ish but I kept the room pretty sealed. But when I opened the door it stunk to high hell :bigjoint: and the rest of my apt prob smelled a wee bit but you grow sensitive to the smell over time lol.
just removed all the big stems out of all of it it only came out to 5g of stems like i said they were pretty much dry smells exactly how you described it when i burp those jars the whole place starts to stink even with all the glade plug ins and incense.


Well-Known Member
nice one ganjaguyver!
i also recently harvested some ak, been a staple in my stable for a while now.
hope the drying & curing process goes well, arguably the hardest part of a good grow. everyone has their different techniques, most get the job done. the most variance coming from sheer amount of bud being processed.

personally i homogenize the bud still on stem in turkey bags or contractor grade trash bags. this allows the somewhat crisp on outside bud to reabsorb moisture still in stem. still burp up to 2x/ day but burping one or 2 big bags vs 3 cases wide mouth qt jars is less stress, less chance of catching mold too late. this allows for longer overall drying time leaving your hard earned medicine to taste nutrient and chlorophyll free.

o yea and see if you can't throw some of that well cured herb into a vac seal then into the freezer for 6 months, even a year (if lasts long enough). shit i'm still enjoying well preserved fruits of last years outdoor because i nailed my dry/cure...