How do breakthroughs happen? Techologies? Cures? Is it purely through competition? Is competition the best solution to increasing the efficiency and decreasing the cost of health care?
The current system has a big gaping hole in it's logic that's been bothering me since I discovered it; it pays to keep people sick. That one problem alone calls for reform. That is unacceptable to me. Profits derived from keeping people sick don't give the company providing the care any encentive to cure anything, and in some cases, actual cures that could be provided that cost a fraction of the price the drugs pushed by the pharm companies do are stopped in their tracks because they threaten profits
absolutely competition is the answer. adn it doesnt pay to keep people sick. it pays to make them better. hospital A has an average stay of 2 days for a baby delivery. hosp B has a 5 day stay. all other comparisons are relatively equal between the 2. you have to pay extra for the extra care for 3 days in hosp B. where are you taking your knocked up wife to get a delivery if you have to pay for it?
hosp A has a 97% success rate for open heart surgury hosp B has 78%. where you want the ambulance to drop you off? if hosp B get sno patients for babies and heart surgury they have 2 solutions. fix whats wrong or close those clinics. if they want to stay in business they fix it as most business would.
problem is, you dont pay for your service in either scenario in the US with few exceptions. reason the govt has these stupid programs, medicaide and medicare, that pays docs X amount for X procedure even if the procedure cost X plus 42%. that other 42% comes out of the insurance of someone elses pockets. it has to be made up somewhere.
so if you dont have insurance the procedure pays $100. if you have insurance the procedure pays 142 bucks plus some extra to cover the money they lost on the other patient so they can break even. if a business gives away services they cease to exist. the govt is the primary reason the system is broke. and that applies to meicare/aid, the lawyers getting rich on lawsuits and just a lot of stupid govt enforced red tape. let the hosp/doctors/etc.
compete on the open market. competition works everytime its tried. with this current bill, all hospitals will become mediocre to horrible because there will be no competition. they will figure a workload per hospital and you will have to be seen at the hospital they tell you to go to. dont be mistaken for one minute you will be able to pick where you go. you WILL be assigned. it works sort of like when you buy a new car and it breaks. you have to return it to the dealer you purchased it from if you live within 500,000 miles of it. it doesnt matter what the fix rate at a particular garage is, what the cost is, that there is a closer dealer, you take it to the only place THEY let you. UNLESS, you want to pay for it out of your pocket. then you take it where you want.
are ya feelin me yet