Flushing solution or low dose nutrients in between res changes

I was wondering what everyone's opinion on flushing in between res changes is and if you think that using low strength nutrients to leach out the excess salt buildup or is using a flushing product such as Clearex or something of the same nature...



New Member
I put in the recommend dose of Florakleen a couple of hours before I do every res change. I run high nutes and a lot of additives because my strain can handle it and it keeps the nute lock monster at bay.
I put in the recommend dose of Florakleen a couple of hours before I do every res change. I run high nutes and a lot of additives because my strain can handle it and it keeps the nute lock monster at bay.
You just put Florakleen in with your res without putting new water in first? I have just been emptying my res and then filling up with fresh RO water and then adding Florakleen and then cycling it through a few times then dumping the Florakleen solution and adding the fresh solution of nutes... If I didn't have to dump the res and could just add the Florakleen that would save me tons of time...


New Member
Yes sir! A couple of hours before my d&r I slip it some florakleen. Direction say use 1-2 tsp ( 5-10 ml) per gallon, recirculate for 1-2 hours and drain and replenish with fresh nutes. I use 5ml per gallon when they are less that 4 weeks old and then hit them with 10 ml per gallon when they are big enough to take it and had some time to build up the extra salts I want to take out. I also use it as a final flush and add it with water only for the last couple of days per directions. Help with the res clean-up after the grow also. After a couple of days with florakleen in the tank there is a lot of gunk in the bottom of the res but the airstones are as clean as a whistle!