Please look and help :)


Active Member
no sex yet... clone it and throw the clone in 12/12.. ull find out sooner

I still dont know where to cut it to cloan it :( i dont want to kill my plant lol

Ive got some other threads on here with pics of my full size plant (13" today) could you take a look at help me out on how to do it....ive added a pic of the full size plant :)

Would you be able to mark the picture where i am meant to cut...u can do it in microsoft paint



Active Member
How can you guys say you are unable to differentiate the sex of this pheontype. It is plain and clear in several photos that this woman is indeed female. Now it is impossible to tell if she's a hermi until you begin to flower her. Only time will tell then.


Active Member
i dont see any sign yet ......are you in flowering cycle if so give it 1 week and post up new pick to keep us posted and we can give you the correct view


Well-Known Member
How can you guys say you are unable to differentiate the sex of this pheontype. It is plain and clear in several photos that this woman is indeed female. Now it is impossible to tell if she's a hermi until you begin to flower her. Only time will tell then.

how the hell do you know whether it is a female... the growth that you see in the picture is just vegitative growth at the internodes. all canabis plants have this male or female. so thanks for replying with false information. next time dont.
oh an btw your comment about how its a female and how you can only tell if its a hermi after you start to flower had me ctracking up.


Well-Known Member
There is no sign of sex yet.

Also get rid of that tinfoil, its shit and does more harm than good.

Find some styrofoam or get a small thing of white paint and worst case paint some cardboard white and set that around your plant. Seriously tinfoil is just shit.


Well-Known Member
I have a more intelligent statement to make: that plant will never have sex it is nuter and will only grow leaves and stems better just make butter out of it, but seriously its too early to tell if your in 14/12 or 12/12 it could take 3days to 2 weeks to show


Active Member
I have a more intelligent statement to make: that plant will never have sex it is nuter and will only grow leaves and stems better just make butter out of it, but seriously its too early to tell if your in 14/12 or 12/12 it could take 3days to 2 weeks to show
I havent put it into flower yet ive dropped from 24 hour light to 18 grew an inch last night by doing this.

Im going to take a clone and hope its female can hope eh :) bongsmilie


Active Member
I havent put it into flower yet ive dropped from 24 hour light to 18 grew an inch last night by doing this.

Im going to take a clone and hope its female can hope eh :) bongsmilie
its deffo not showing signs of sex yet , i would clone it and put it on 12/12 deffo , will take 3 weeks tho - nice healthy plants tho good stuff :)


Active Member
I have taken a clone....i think lol heres a pic of what ive done....hope its right and dont kill my plant :(
that clone looks awesome well done , i have 2 tips for you ok .............
1 i dont clone in soil as you cant see the roots forming - use peet pellets- u can get them from most hardware stores- they come in a hockey pukk shape , u soak them in water and it opens up into a little peat sack- when the clone roots you will see little roots poking through :) .................
2 cut off the ends of the bigger leaves, this is very important and will help the clone survive :)

i love growing its awesome ..........
remember , all advice is free wOOp
grow cheese - chat cheese :)


Active Member
Is it normal for the clone to wither???? Its only been planted a couple of hours and the stalks gone all limp and the leaves have gone all droopy. I have put them under the light.....and watered the soil...and added the cloning powder stuff.

Im assuming its just trauma to the plant....and its normal right????


Active Member
Is it normal for the clone to wither???? Its only been planted a couple of hours and the stalks gone all limp and the leaves have gone all droopy. I have put them under the light.....and watered the soil...and added the cloning powder stuff.

Im assuming its just trauma to the plant....and its normal right????

Heres pics of my clone 2-3 hours after cloning :(


Well-Known Member
That is just leaf growth. That is not used to tell the sex, wait about a week after 12/12 then you can tell