Anyone Here Closet Atheists?

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
--And HiddenAgenda...Agnostics are atheists
without a pair ;)
I don't believe that. I can't prove there is a god, but i also cannot prove there is not any higher power in the universe. I do not have faith that there is one, but I can't give a 100% answer to it, and I would be nothing more than happy if there was some way that there was some "afterlife"

Therefore I am agnostic.


I don't believe that. I can't prove there is a god, but i also cannot prove there is not any higher power in the universe. I do not have faith that there is one, but I can't give a 100% answer to it, and I would be nothing more than happy if there was some way that there was some "afterlife"

Therefore I am agnostic.

I've given this some thought lately, and it has occured to me that believers say that because they know we cannot disprove God... but here's the kick, you know why we can't disprove it? Because they haven't even defined what their God IS yet. That's why there's over 30,000 different sects of Christianity alone. None of them can even agree among themselves. So instead of actually defining the God they all claim exists, they stick in the shady gray zone, the "safe zone", where they feel no definition is required, their God is above defining.

We can infact pretty easily prove that the information we have gathered that is universally agreed upon by the religious community and religious historians is not correct. Sure some historical dates match up with people that actually existed, but Genesis, and more than 70% of the Bible (as well as similar %'s for other religions and religious texts) is wrong. We can infact prove the claims made are wrong.

That is why I sit here with pretty high confidence when I say that the likelyhood of a creator like the kind defined in the Bible is so low beyond a fraction of a percentage, it's not even worth mentioning, let alone worth worshiping.


Well-Known Member
I am and it sucks. Half of my family is full of bible thumping nutjobs.

All they want to do is talk about the baby jesus and its so goddamn annoying to sit there and pretend I care what they're talking about.

Any good way I can tell them I'm an atheist?
is atheism all you talk about, get a fuckin lyf dude.............:finger:


is atheism all you talk about, get a fuckin lyf dude.............:finger:

Religion affects me every single day of my life.

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what to talk about? Especially in their own thread.