4 days flowering 1st grow 250w hps


Hey guys first time growing...i'm growing in a 1x3x3 stealth cabi conversion.

These are just bag seeds from a bag of good popcorn. I topped em the day before i flipped to 12/12.

How they looking so far?

I attached a couple pics of my cabinet and plants...you can see in one of the pics(right most plant) where my damn can chomped on my plant during a transplant lol

Oh yeah...almost forgot the day i flipped to 12/12 i also switched to 1/4 strength veg nutes and 1/2 bloom. I'm just using no name powdered nutes. 33-11-11 and 12-55-6. How long should i keep giving them veg nutes?

I've been giving them nutes every watering and they seem to be doing fine but i thought i read somewhere you should feed every other time.



Something else i just thought of...Is there a limit to the amount of different things you mix up to water your plants? like i said in my last post i fed with 1/4 strength veg and 1/2 bloom but i also gave them their last dose of epson salt... mag defficeincy someone suggested it on here and it cleared it right up. I've read where people use molasses during flowering. Would it be bad to feed them veg bloom and molasses? seems like they would be choking but i dunno so i figured i'd ask :)

din'e medicine

Active Member
Something else i just thought of...Is there a limit to the amount of different things you mix up to water your plants? like i said in my last post i fed with 1/4 strength veg and 1/2 bloom but i also gave them their last dose of epson salt... mag defficeincy someone suggested it on here and it cleared it right up. I've read where people use molasses during flowering. Would it be bad to feed them veg bloom and molasses? seems like they would be choking but i dunno so i figured i'd ask :)
I use 5, and 6 if you include the ph balancer. Im using fox farm and my own soil mix. Your grow is great! I wana see how it turns out.


New Member
wow bro shit looks awesome nice and stealthy!! yea still use nutes then about 2 weeks from harvest youll flush the plant of all its nutes and let it use up all its energy to produce massive buds. great grow bro! forgot also molasses is great for the soil so def add a lil in every other feedin.


hah yeah the cabinet itself is fairly stealth but when you have a 13year old beat up ass dresser next to a 3500 dollar bedroom suit it looks outta place lol. Thanks for the input guys i'll post back in about a week with an update!