Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

Yea people, Its huge and reflects a lot of light. The right side is different then the left slightly, the light reflection is twice as wide on the left. this meter I have only goes to 2k lumens so I cant measure it but I will see if I can get a couple pics of the difference when it turns on.
Temps 78 res 68°
PPMs 420 Ph 5.6

Changed out the aero res today. This is second week of flower so I gave them full strength today. 900 PPM PH 5.8
As they use the nutes I will add and top off to 600PPM and keep it there. They liked that level on the last grow.

Ok I took some pics of the reflection on a envelope and then a shot of the plants.

The lamp pulses and I got a shot of both high and low. Check this out.


See the hot spot on the right?

I tried flattening out the metal but its still there. I guess I will just keep an eye on it and what happens.
I might have to cut another wing for it.

The trichs have really grown on the TW in the floro cab. Buds have filled out pretty good for floro.
Better then I expected. It looks like out of the three TrainWreck grew the best.

Heres a trich shot of a TW,


PK had trichs first but no size, WW is the largest will few trichs and will take a couple weeks longer to finish but TW Got a good size, developed more trichs then PK did and was done in 8 weeks. So, I think I am going to clean house down there and toss everything. Clone the best performing trainwreck in the aero cab for the floro cab with one or two big ones from the PK. I will veg the PK along with the TW but then harvest them for clones and run a full batch of PK in the aero. That last part depends on the yield of the pk in the aero tub. I could always pick up some new genetics. But I love the smell of the uncut PK buds.

Mmmmmmmm....... I'm drooling right about now, rather like Homer Simpson.:weed: That bud shot is just - pretty.
Mmmmmmmm....... I'm drooling right about now, rather like Homer Simpson.:weed: That bud shot is just - pretty.

No kidding, Its like candy huh?

Most trichs on TW then I seen on any previous strains I grew.
I read a post about making brownies and I am givin it a try tonight using the shake from the TW grow. It is on the stove now. I am cooking oil and shake, smells pretty good. Once it is done I will use the oil in the brownie mix.

Now I bet you are really drooling. ;-)
God I love the high you get from eating it. Lasts soo much longer, or maybe I just think it did because what I ate was equivalent of smoking a ton of bowls or something.
God I love the high you get from eating it. Lasts soo much longer, or maybe I just think it did because what I ate was equivalent of smoking a ton of bowls or something.
I hope they turn out alright. I may have overcooked the oil. I had it on like 2 on the electric stove. Cooked it for an hour. The oil is a dark brown/green color.

The brownies are in the oven now.
I will try them tomorrow though. It got too late.

This is what I started with, 1oz of shake and a couple cups of oil



This is what it look like in an hour.

Looks about normal from what I remember. I think we did it with butter vs oil though. Then strained through cheesecloth before baking.
Looks good man. Yea, I always make brownies with butter. Bring the butter to a low boil in a saucepan with the weed ground up in there, let it all heat up and seap in and then strain alllll the butter into the mix.
wow I bet those brownies will be quite tasty. Last time I made some brownies I put about 7 grams of Afgooey shake and 8 grams of Green Crack shake into them. HOLY SHIT! I ate half a square of the brownie and felt like I was levitating... Needless to say I felt like I had been hit by a train haha!
Looks good man. Yea, I always make brownies with butter. Bring the butter to a low boil in a saucepan with the weed ground up in there, let it all heat up and seap in and then strain alllll the butter into the mix.

I was going to do that. Use butter. I bought the cookie mix and butter but when I started I remembered I am fucking allergic to butter now. Happened about a year ago. Now when I eat butter it feels like I ran naked through a poison oak field. Not pretty. Anyways found the brownie mix and used oil.
wow I bet those brownies will be quite tasty. Last time I made some brownies I put about 7 grams of Afgooey shake and 8 grams of Green Crack shake into them. HOLY SHIT! I ate half a square of the brownie and felt like I was levitating... Needless to say I felt like I had been hit by a train haha!

Oh boy!

Really? I looked for recipies but everyones was different. The only thing that was the same was heat (not burn or boil) and strain it. Nobody agreed on amounts to use. I made enough oil for two batches with the oz so its like dividing the potency isnt it?

OK, i am just gonna eat one.
This is McFunk waiting for Cruiser to trip balls...
I've (well, I haven'd done any real baking but My wife) never tried to make oil. I want to try that and a citrus tincture.

Let us know how they fell, man.
This is McFunk waiting for Cruiser to trip balls...
I've (well, I haven'd done any real baking but My wife) never tried to make oil. I want to try that and a citrus tincture.

Let us know how they fell, man.

Will do, citrus huh? havent heard of that.
Hey Cruizer, I have tip for making canna cooking oil. Use twice the amount of water as oil (oil and water in pot with your trimmings) and keep on low on the stove (covered) for 8 hrs. Strain through metal strainer into another container and then put it in the freezer. The oil will not quite freeze like the water will and you will be able to get it off the top of the ice.

For cleaner (less nasty tasting oil) you can wash the oil several times in water baths (heating, freezing, then separating over and over). Once the water no longer takes on an odd color your oil will be as clean as it can be. You will hardly notice you are eating laced foods this way.

The above methods work equally well with butter, just refrigerate the mix instead of freezing it.

I am sure they still worked great though. :)
Well, Im not sure what I did but They didnt work. I didn't feel a thing, I tried two and nothing.

Oh well, It was fun trying.

Thanks for the tips.
Well, Im not sure what I did but They didnt work. I didn't feel a thing, I tried two and nothing.

Oh well, It was fun trying.

That sucks, Cruiser. Great effort though., man.

I don't know what your tolerance is but I rarely get off on 2 of anyones regular size cookies ('sept mommas and hers are green.)

What I experience is a sort of ceiling to my daily high and other than the initial minute or two of heady buzz I feel pretty much like I do all day. No pain but not "high".
Edibles are the same for me. Different high I guess but I never get lost in a high anymore.

Switching up smoke used to help, but no more.

I really want to make a nice, sweet, bud flavored nonalcoholic drink. Sounds easy huh?
I've looked high(ha!)and low with no go.

But let's do it again!!!

That sucks, Cruiser. Great effort though., man.

I don't know what your tolerance is but I rarely get off on 2 of anyones regular size cookies ('sept mommas and hers are green.)

What I experience is a sort of ceiling to my daily high and other than the initial minute or two of heady buzz I feel pretty much like I do all day. No pain but not "high".
Edibles are the same for me. Different high I guess but I never get lost in a high anymore.

Switching up smoke used to help, but no more.

I really want to make a nice, sweet, bud flavored nonalcoholic drink. Sounds easy huh?
I've looked high(ha!)and low with no go.

But let's do it again!!!


haha, if you ate one of my hash cookies, you'd be lost in the high guaranteed!
as to the nonalcoholic drink, extract it with glycerin to make tincture, then mix that into w/v you want!