First Grow with CFL's using bagseed

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Here's the pics:

in the first pic the front right plant had to be tied down cause it is just growing like a madman.... its also the last plant i am keeping an eye on. tomorrow it will probably be put with the other 2 hermies, and on sunday they will be transplanted from pots into a friends yard who doesnt wanna see them go to waste. as they seem to be female dominant hermies, lots of female flowers and just a few pollen sacs. but i don't want them near my girls.

the third pic is the plant that i topped, its the shortest at about 8" tall. the other 2 girls are about 12".

last pic is of the monster who i think is also gonna be a hermie.

so i guess i had good luck with my seeds, out of 6 germinated seeds i got 3 females, 3 hermies and 0 males. and i even found someone to adopt the 3 hermies so my time has not been wasted completely.


d r0cK

Well-Known Member
yea im super stoked. still have the 1 possible hermie in with the girls but he/she is gettin put in the other room regardless because of space issues right now, and this weekend all 3 will be put in the ground at a friends house.

as for the girls......... YAY!!!!!! I dunno who said it earlier in the thread but they were right about puttin myself a week back in their schedule, slow bloomers i guess. but all is well.


New Member
I use "cleat sockets" (smaller but more expensive), not the "candelabra sockets", you can get them from lowes for about $3.50 each, but you gotta run the wiring to each socket.

if you make a square frame ( 2-3 inches less than your interior perimeter ) using 1x4's on edge, you can then screw the cleat sockets in horizontally on the inside of your frame where you want them, run your wire to your power source and you're set. thats how im gonna redo my upper lights when i get a chance. hope that helps you. i can make you drawings if you need....

heres a link for the socket i use:

i think it was like $130 for 13 sockets, 16 bulbs, 100' wire, 3 switches and 4 electrical boxes.
thanks for the advice... i looked throughout my house and shed and found an old vanity mirror i took off this has 2 unused double sided sockets... i took off one and i cut off the plug of a lamp that doesnt work and soldered and twisted the wires together... so i have 2 26w CFLs in one box thats about 24"high 20" wide and 20" deep... i know this is really small but im going to do one lst plant... as it is my first time i want to start small...

do you think two 26W are big enough??? i ran the lights for 18 hours without a fan and the temp was 80F so im going to install an intake and exhaust in hopes to bring the temp down because i heard 90F was deadly... and with the plant and its own heat it might go up... btw im using bagseed from beasties...

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice... i looked throughout my house and shed and found an old vanity mirror i took off this has 2 unused double sided sockets... i took off one and i cut off the plug of a lamp that doesnt work and soldered and twisted the wires together... so i have 2 26w CFLs in one box thats about 24"high 20" wide and 20" deep... i know this is really small but im going to do one lst plant... as it is my first time i want to start small...

do you think two 26W are big enough??? i ran the lights for 18 hours without a fan and the temp was 80F so im going to install an intake and exhaust in hopes to bring the temp down because i heard 90F was deadly... and with the plant and its own heat it might go up... btw im using bagseed from beasties...
way to use what you got around the house!!! thats awesome. you will be ok with 2 of those bulbs, 50-100 true watts per plant. if i were you i would go to walmart, lowes or whatever hardware store you have and grab 2 " Y " adapter sockets ( like $1.50/ea ) and throw another 2 bulbs in there for a total of 4 26w bulbs. with 80 degrees you should be alright, my high temp for the cabinet is around 82 degrees during the day and about 74 at night. my temps would be lower, but temps outside dont require me to run the a/c in the house. they might be a little bit slower in growth because of the 82 degrees but, everything looks great so far so i don't worry about it. i go in 2-3 times a day ( which always brings the temps down 4-5 degrees ) to move them around and check on them and talk to them and love em and caress em and uh.... you don't need to know anymore!!! hahaha

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Here's some pics of the girls 16 days into flowering. wish i would have at least topped the other two..... oh well.

should have a new veg box set up soon, and some new girls in there as well. :lol: Should have a new camera this weekend as well.

How do they look?


d r0cK

Well-Known Member
i dunno what happened but 2 plants are not looking well. 1 of them I am 90% sure is gonna die and the other is looking at about a 50/50 chance. The plant I topped... is looking fucking great. the entire plant itself is a different green, and the nugs are growing rapidly. Both sick plants have been getting flushed.

This all happened a few days ago, and shit.... uhm.... i don't know why. My guess is the lights were too close and burned them badly. Temps never rise above 84, but I did have the bulbs probably an inch maybe 2 inches away, so now i raised the lights up and i may take a couple bulbs out to possibly lower the temp and to keep the 2 taller ones a little further away from the bulbs.

I'll get pics up tomorrow. Went to Disneyland today and I'm tired. Tower of Terror!!! fun ride.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking good, I'm sorry to hear about the light burn
when did you top? and how many colas did you go for? I going for 6 a plant but I only wanted 4 i fucked up badly

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
so topping was a good thing??
definately in this case cause it kept the bulbs further away from the buds. not to mention i'll probably get more yield from the topped plant than i do if the 2 others survive combined.

Your plants are looking good, I'm sorry to hear about the light burn
when did you top? and how many colas did you go for? I going for 6 a plant but I only wanted 4 i fucked up badly
I topped the plant at day 20 from seed and I am going to end up with 6 colas.

Here's the pics. It's awful and i'm ashamed to even put these up but here they are. any suggestions for me? they have all had the same conditions, feedings etc.... like i said the 2 dieing plants are being flushed with 6.0 ph water, which is ideal for my medium. ive put a 28" box fan in front of my cabinet to bring more air in, even though temps are 79-84. i just keep the doors open slightly.


79-84 is not bad temp wise... are you watering them at the same time? maybe the dying plants need more water, they look pretty dried out from the pics...if they are dried out just keep the water coming, I just posted an update in my journal I am at day 31 flowering

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
i'll try watering the 2 more often. i hope that is all that is wrong with them, the buds under all the droopy are still growing and look good.... hopefully they will recover.


Well-Known Member
In my completely unexpert, knee-jerk opinion, those look way overfed. May also be possible that you have a pH issue causing multiple nutrient lockout, but I think overfed is more likely.

Flush them throuroughly for the next couple waterings you do. Check the runoff pH if you can. Stop feeding them for a while. I'd also behead the worst tops...sacrifice them to the pot gods a pray for intervention on what remains.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
In my completely unexpert, knee-jerk opinion, those look way overfed. May also be possible that you have a pH issue causing multiple nutrient lockout, but I think overfed is more likely.

Flush them throuroughly for the next couple waterings you do. Check the runoff pH if you can. Stop feeding them for a while. I'd also behead the worst tops...sacrifice them to the pot gods a pray for intervention on what remains.
they have all and are all getting the same conditions, feedings and what have yous. i have been flushing the 2 sick ones for the last few feedings. the ph levels while im feeding them with nutes is at 6.1, im flushing with 6.0 and the recommended ph level for my medium is 5.5-6.5 .

The only thing that has been different is that i went 2 feedings 3 days apart as opposed to the regular 2 days apart. which is right before i had issues....


Well-Known Member
they have all and are all getting the same conditions, feedings and what have yous. i have been flushing the 2 sick ones for the last few feedings. the ph levels while im feeding them with nutes is at 6.1, im flushing with 6.0 and the recommended ph level for my medium is 5.5-6.5 .

The only thing that has been different is that i went 2 feedings 3 days apart as opposed to the regular 2 days apart. which is right before i had issues....
They don't look to be the same genetics/strain, so it's little surprise that "one-size-fits-all" doesn't quite fit them all.

IMO, your pH is a bit low, at least for 2 of your plants.

I hope you can recover these.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
They don't look to be the same genetics/strain, so it's little surprise that "one-size-fits-all" doesn't quite fit them all.

IMO, your pH is a bit low, at least for 2 of your plants.

I hope you can recover these.
They SHOULD all be the same strain, since they all came from the same bag, and I know the source, but you never know. I try and keep the PH regulated to the specs of the medium I'm using, which is rootS Organics soilless media. Next cycle I will be using FF Ocean mix. This is the first time I have used a soilless media and i'm not so sure i like it, not very much tolerance.

All in all i do appreciate the feedback!

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
so im @ week 8 now and my only survivor is looking a bit tattered but almost done none the less. she has survived a nasty ph problem and a severe case of nutrient overdose. Here she is...... sad but nugs are really thick, however looks more like leaf than anything, but oh well. smoke is smoke. i'll post pics in a few.

