i love bluegrass, well atleast jam bluegrass...i'm all about Yonder mountain string band...what do you think of them? or are you strictly down home on the farm bluegrass, lolanybody fans of bluegrass music? i know it doesn't win many popularity contest, but its a style of music full of talent.
I've played the banjo on and off for a couple of years, and while i love the music, i can't listen to the "hardcore bluegrass" while high. just something about the twang i suppose hahai dont listen to that much of it i just mainly play it on the guitar......pretty cool genre though.
jerry garcia has some pretty sweet bluegrass tunes check them out
ymsb rocks, check out some New Grass Revival they put it on and go to live music archives and check out the Almost Acoustic Band the do a bluegrass reggae thing thats awsomeI'm not a big fan of the whining gospel slow bluegrass but, I love the faster heavy picking style ie. Foggy mountain breakdown et al. Doc Watson, Earl Scruggs, Jimmy Martin to name a few. Old Crow Medicine Show and Yonder MSB fantastic as well. I'm from the mountains in the southeast so its in my blood though I have no musical talent or taste (my other favorite genre is hardcore punk-Crack Rock Steady!)