Perma-fried, Perma-tripping, or just a little crazy???


Well-Known Member
You arent crazy. You just like putting more than the necessary amount of full stops at the end of sentences...

Dude, dont worry, maybe stop doing drugs for a bit?

Make sure you are getting good sleep everynight, take up a really nice peaceful hobby. But remember sleep well, this really means alot.

Anyway, you aint crazy! dont worry!

Thanks for that nature walk and the pat on the back for this rigtheous entheogentic fellow... reasserting is sanity will always make him think bigger, better of himself ;)


Well-Known Member
Slightly misspelling a word is one thing, but an entirely different word is another. ;-)
Implication from my understanding is to set fourth, put fourth into motion, an understanding for a set of rules to be followed.

I just took the verb out of the adjective.... my bad Webster :lol:


Well-Known Member
Right. Infer the main aspects of your web if possible.
My web consist of exploring but with strict caution... to know my boundaries as to keep a safe distance from harms way. I like to feel the things im about to explore, I love the foreign aspects of exploring my psyche and the world around me. Although, I wouldn't want my soul to diverge into multiple traits leaving me confused and broken. I am a strong will individual who likees to question, but question in caution, to avoid pitfalls!


You already know the answer to your question.....In fact, you already know the answer to everything.....Of course, this can be a little hard to accept.....Is it insanity? Maybe insanity is only defined by the ones who haven't graduated to your level of cognizance.....Wrap your arms around your new-found perception and take the plunge.


Well-Known Member
You already know the answer to your question.....In fact, you already know the answer to everything.....Of course, this can be a little hard to accept.....Is it insanity? Maybe insanity is only defined by the ones who haven't graduated to your level of cognizance.....Wrap your arms around your new-found perception and take the plunge.
You just made this thread just a cm more profound ;)