yea its pretty easy. i fill a patron bottle (dont have to be full) with dry chopped trim, stems, bud, whatever u want. minus fan leaves. then fill it with acetone till it covers your trim and shake it around for a while. get a metal strainer and pour it thru that onto glass. u wont be able to pour it all out so dry what u poured and keep mixing it around and repeating. have a hair dryer or heat gun ready to evap it. and if ur doing this u want to have a mask cause theres alot of fumes and open ur windows.
it took me half a can of acetone to make what u saw.
after its all dry get 2 new razor blades to scrape it up and u have actone hash. if its to sticky to handle grind up bud till its powder and add it like flour to dough until it becomes the right consistency.
enjoy... and remember acetone is flammable!