How would you like your corpse handled??

survival of the fittest only applies as long as your the fittest haha. once i become disposable i hope to merely make a difference be it alive or dead, if my corpse could be a part of the volley ball corpse exhibit and make my family a lil bit of change thats cool but if ima burden then do what is covered by insurance or whatever is cheapest. i have lived through enough deaths that i would want mine to be enlightening and uplifting compared to the dreary and despotic. its always such a drag to get so wasted without the person you are getting wasted for...
Aaah, money.

"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money."


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to go with the reincarnation into the herb. My soul is eternal, this much I'm convinced. As for my body I'm simply a collection of atoms of different atomic numbers and my soul will no longer reside within such dimensions any longer. I'm fortunate to posess this body at all, for all probability sake, I shouldn't even exist at all. I wish to entrust my last wishes with a most trusted friend to carry on my ideas and legacy. With that being said, I want my physical remains to be either cremated or buried directly in a cardboard box in the most pristine outdoor growing location which said friend will then tend to and plant the most primo bud on the planet. Then, the atoms of my body will then be rearranged to form the most miraculous plant on the face of the earth. We don't own our physical bodies, we only rent them for a certain time period. I guess some people might get grossed out at this idea but its not like they're eating my flesh, it will be a very indirect process and that herb will have the most symbolic meaning. I would rather have a living legacy rather than a piece of rock which will get faded and destroyed over time. I would rather have the people that care about me smoke and remember what I stood for rather than look at a piece of rock and cry. I'm a little drunk, but thats my little rant.


Well-Known Member
either burned to ashes and then use that ash to grow some fine weedplants.

Or buried without a casket and then have a field of weed plants planted above me.

or a idea i just thought of: gettin stuffed out sitting on my knees holding up my middlefingers , then placed next to an illegal outdoor growing field. the cop bustin that field would have a shock xD

this last one isnt serious if you hadnt noticed


Well-Known Member
If at the time of my death I am the owner of a parrot, I want it killed.

I don't really like parrots, so I don't know why I would have one, but I hear they live a fucking long ass time, and I'll be damned if a parrot is gonna outlive me by long.


Well-Known Member
handled with dignity and respect, cremated and put with my family who have already passed in a tomb.
Well I have heard that citric acid is worse your enamel than sulfuric acid but I'm not to sure about that since sulfuric acid completely dissolves steel in a matter of seconds.....

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Night Night Sleep Tight!!!


^^^^^ Believe it or not, real human.

Let's hear how you want your corpse to be handled!!!!!
Man, i remember when they brought those things on tour. Billboards everywhere with plastic coated dead people. Creepy chit. Last way i'd like my body to be handled. i'd rather have my head shrunk and be eaten by cannibals than be displayed like that.:cuss: